Small Appliances Big Gifts at DealDash

laaundry-haier-washer-319One of the best things about DealDash is you will never have to go to a mall again for another gift, as long as they carry what you’re looking for.  Plus, with DealDash you will have fun getting it and have it delivered free, that’s the DealDash way.  Small appliances are a very popular item at DealDash, a lot of players will most likely get involved with every auction, so they are an item you’ll want to consider using the Buy It Now (BIN) option.  What that mean is you will bid in the auction until you reach the retail price in bids….if you do.

dehydrator“Binning”, as it’s called, is a great option for a small appliance because you need the appliance anyway, so if you don’t win it, it makes sense to buy it.  Then when you buy it, DealDash will give you the bids you used back.  That is another reason small appliances make such a good gift to go for, everyone needs a toaster or a microwave oven, but DealDash has some very unique small appliances, like juicers and a variety of coffee makers.

When you BIN there is another magical thing that happens, you earn a lot of free bids for your Time As High Bidder.  This is a DealDash promotion which gives back to the player.  For every second you are the highest bidder during an auction, DealDash tallies it up and keeps track of it.  When you reach your next level, you will be rewarded with a number of bids that corresponds with your level.  You start out getting 50 bids or more and then it goes up to 100 or more and then 1000 or more, and on and on.  You just need to keep bidding, they’ll keep track!

juicerYou could win a lot of small appliances with the free bids, or at least pad up the bids you purchased to win it.  Because they are so popular, and there will most likely be a lot of players in the auction, you could  be bidding for hours and hours.  Small Appliances often go for  cents or a dollar or two, but you have to plan to BIN.  The other thing to keep in mind is that appliances are a special item at DealDash, you have to shop in advance and plan to join the auction.

You can use the “Alert Me” feature DealDash has in place to remind you when your item is coming on the market. Click on the Alert Me tab in the auction and set you alarm the day of.  Wait until your “special” item is on the market and stay involved with just that item.  You never know when a special items will end because so many bidders are in the auction.

When you open the small appliance auction, notice in the list how often the prize was won.  This will give you an idea when they might offer it again.  For example, if one sold on Jan. 15, one sold on Feb 17, one sold on Mar. 14, you can expect to see the same item around April 15.  If you can’t find the auction in the search bar they may be out of it, not offering it at the time, or it’s run its course.

Get your favorite small appliances at DealDash, one for you and one for a gift, shop in advance and use the “Alert Me” tab, shop often and search for your item, use your free bids to help you bid in this auction, and stay involved in just the one auction and always use your Bid Buddy.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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