Share The Wealth at DealDash!

This holiday season I challenge players to  let the other guy win.  I have done it a few times already this season, and it feels good.  As soon as the playing field is down to two people, me and one other guy, I drop out and let them win!  

These random acts of kindness will come back at you because “Karma is a boomerang!”  What I’ve found if I let someone win, they are kind to me in other auctions.  They may be a stomper, but they don’t stomp me.  They may be a jumper and decided to stay out if I was winning.  I’ve done that too.  But if someone jumps me, I’ll jump them back.  I think it’s safe to assume that  everyone has that same sentiment.  “Do unto others…” If you are not sure what a “jumper” is you’ll learn when it happens to you.  It’s when someone poked in one bid and let the auction run for hours, then they jump in later in an effort to take control of the auction and win. 

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If you know there is a Power Bidder in the auction and they’ve decided to stay away for one reason or another.  Most likely to join the auction after everyone has used their bids. You do the same, wait until the Power Bidder comes back and ride back into the game.  If he leaves, you leave.  Keep an eye on the winners list if you do this because you want to know how many bid packs this person has won.  Also pay attention to when they joined the auction.  I’ve noticed people jump in around $5, then they leave and never come back. I see this over and over so I don’t even count those people in my strategy.  For that matter, I don’t count stompers either, they never win fairly and when they poke in one bid after each player it essentially cancels itself out and they lose a ton of bids.  It’s just not a good strategy to stomp players at DealDash.

Do not reward the stompers with a win! This guy doesn’t have a clue how much money he’s waisting with his rapid-fire bidding, but they always learn.  These players most likely came from another auction site where that activity is tolerated.  It doesn’t take long to notice they have stopped this activity.  At DealDash they have done everything to try to eliminate that problem by offering the Free Bid Meter which rewards players for their time as high bidder.  Soon you realize if you stomp you’re going to get stomped and if you do, you don’t earn free bids. 

You may think it’s not why we come to DealDash.  You don’t want to buy bids then let someone else win, but I’m not suggesting you let everyone win, maybe just one or two, come-on you can do it! Especially if you are sitting on a couple of wins, this is your chance to shine. It’s the holidays and someone may be out there who’s going to do it for you.  

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

Donna, DealDasher since 2014.