There are quite a few items you can win to help you spruce up your house this Summer, Deal Dash has so many repair tool items they have a special category for just that! You can also type the title of an item you want directly into the search bar and you will find all they have to offer. They carry tools for many trades, if you are a homemaker or a carpenter, mechanic or artist, they carry great tools for you.

Tools can be a tricky category to bid in, the main reason being, everyone needs tools. They are a popular item for players to bid on; a fan favorite! I would suggest trying for the unusual items in this category to win. For example, if you are getting the tools for a woman, you can select the pink tool set. There will be less people in the auction, because not as many people want pink tools. Also, if something is coming on the market in the middle of the night, you might set an alarm and then load up your Bid Buddy and go back to bed. Your Bid Buddy will do your bidding for you. You can load bids into your Bid Buddy prior to an auction, but at times if all the players are stomping the first $5 of bids, this won’t create a void for your bid to be placed, so it’s best to get into the auction manually. I’ve won a lot of auctions doing this. It’s important to shop ahead 24 hours at a time.

Because tools are an item everyone needs, you will find many players will Buy It Now (BIN), which means you purchase the item if after you try to win it. When you are in an auction with 5 players and they all BIN, you would multiply the BIN amount of bids by the number of players, that is what it will take to compete. “Binning” is the best alternative to winning, if you place enough bids to have purchased an item, but did not win, DealDash will give you all your bids back if you do purchase the item. For example, let’s use this Essentials 53-pc Around the House Tool Kit.

To plan on Binning, divide the price of the item with the cost of the bids, your answer is how many bids to use to BIN. $36./.15=240 bids. This seems like a lot of bids for this item and I believe it will go for a couple of dollars, so chances are good you could win under 240, but if you don’t you can purchase it and get your bids back. That’s the DealDash promise, you never have to go away empty-handed! Once you reach BIN, stop, do not over bid, it defeats the purpose of getting a good deal. Keep in mind every item is delivered free, so you will save even more. Shopping at DealDash is all about entertainment and getting a great deal. When you need some tools, head over to DealDash, get a great deal and have some fun!
Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!