If you just started bidding at DealDash, or you’ve been bidding for awhile, and you hear and see all these phrases in the comments section of the auctions where each player has a section they can make a statement to essentially talk to the other players. Some people just write something short and sweet, others try to intimidate, some talk about giving away their items, we get all that and it’s entertaining, but a lot of players talk about the features of the game and that can be confusing.
Here are a few of the phrases you will encounter and a brief description of what it means.
Auction- A scheduled event to market a single item where each participant places bids until the last bid is placed.
Bids- The currency of the site, you place one bid which raises the price of the item by one penny, and the last player who bids wins. Bids are generally between .12 cents and .60 cents each, depending on the sale at the moment.
Bid Pack- DealDash sell bids for players to use as currency in the auctions, you decided how much to spend on the bid packs that are sold in packs of 50, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000. You decide how many bids to use in an auction.
Bid Buddy- The Bid Buddy is a feature provided by DealDash where you can place a set number of bid in the system and the Bid Buddy will bid for you in your turn. For example, if there are four players, Bid Buddy will automatically bid for your every fourth penny. If everyone is using the BidBuddy, the auction goes very smoothly until everyone runs out of bids, and the last bid placed is the winner.
Buy It Now- Also known as “Binning” or “BIN”, is when a players bids on an item and doesn’t win, or decides to buy it for any reason, and DealDash will give you the bids back you used trying. Once you BIN an item you will no longer be able to bid on it. Most players wait until the auction ends, but it’s not necessary. DealDash have fair retail prices comparable to the big box store, and every item is shipped free wether you win it or BIN it. You have 7 days from the end of the auction to purchase the item, after that it does expire.
Dashboard- The Dashboard has vital information to your account, like, your profile, helpful information about your wins, orders and bidding history. The dashboard is where you will find your open Buy It Now offers with a timer showing the end of the offer.
Profile- Your profile is the face you present at DealDash, be it an avatar or an actual photo of yourself, the profile includes your user name and a comment to other players. It define you as a player be careful when setting up your profile, it’s going to be out there for a long time. You can change your photo and comment, but your username is yours forever.
Winner’s List- This is an active, real-time list of players and what they won, it includes the item, the closing price and your profile photo. It’s a useful tool, especially to see what’s trending on the site.
It’s very helpful to know these few things when you go to the DealDash site to bid, it takes out the wonder if you’re doing it right, and gives you the “know” to go!
Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!