Bidding On A Budget on DealDash!

There are a few discoveries that I have found to help me conserve bids.  There is nothing more annoying than an opponent who doesn’t respect you time on the clock.  But what I have found about “stompie”  is they don’t stick around long.  They represent a group of high strung bidders who lack patience. However, often, on high ticket items, it will take them longer than not to bow out.  It’s pretty unlikely they will win, for one reason many players who are being stomped are stomping back. This describes a frenzy between 2 or three players.  This is a very good time to bow out of the auction, don’t leave but continue to pay attention, just pull your bids out.
When you’re bidding on a budget, it doesn’t make sense to 1. get involved with a stomper, or 2. stay involved in the auction.  So you have bowed out and one of the stompers did win, at least you left with your dignity…and your bids for another auction, and you still have the opportunity to earn free bids with your bid meter.
If you must stay in the auction, use the Bid Buddy.  One way to conserve bids using the Bid Buddy is play strictly on the odds.  If there are only two people in the auction, join in the odds are in your favor that you will win the auction.  If there are six people or more in the auction, back out until a few leave.  This activity goes on all the time with the long time players, they come and go.  Where newbies do one of two things, 1. They stay in too long and overbid, unfortunately, no one wins tht way. or, 2. They leave and forget to come back. They probably blew all their bids while they were waiting to bid.
The dollar amount of the prize matters too.  They higher the value, the more bidders, so stay away from those items, remember above everything else, this is about bidding on a budget.  So take action to conserve bids.  This means, jumping out when there is a reckless player, use your Bid Buddy even if you’re only throwing in a dozen bids.  Watch the auction you really want to keep an eye on all the players to learn their playing habits.
When you bid will have a lot of influence on how many people are bidding, if it’s Sat. evening and raining across the country, you can be sure there will be a lot of players, but if it’s dinner time on Thanksgiving, you might get lucky!
And lastly, if there is an item you really want, or perhaps need, don’t jump out of the auction to conserve bids, only to go throw them away in a different one.  Stay focused on the item you want.
It is possible to win plenty of items on a Bidding Budget, you just need to plan and shop smart.  Use patience and perseverance! See how much you can save at!
Happy Bidding!!
Donna, DealDash user since 2014.