Are you looking for the perfect bag (purse)? If so, you are shopping in the right place because usually offers a wide variety of bags to meet any need. I’m not sure if bag, purse and tote are interchangeable terms but to me they all mean about the same thing – the bag women take with them to hold their “go everywhere” items like money, keys, makeup and other essentials whenever they leave home.
A new bag always makes a nice gift because many women change purses as often as they change shoes. Perhaps you are shopping for a birthday or Christmas gift for your daughter, daughter-in-law, granddaughter or a friend. I won a bag that I gave to a friend for her birthday about five years ago and she still uses it as her main “go to” bag. Fortunately, I knew what kind of bag my friend would like. She said it’s the most practical and durable purse she has ever had.
One thing I know nearly every woman looks for when shopping for a bag is a shoulder strap that either comes already attached to the bag or one that can be attached (hooked on) to the bag. Why? When we can throw our bag over our shoulder it leaves both of our hands free to shop with more vigor so we can spend more money. Isn’t that a good thing? All kidding aside, most women, especially those who have young children with them, often need to have both hands free. Having a bag with a shoulder strap makes that possible, and many bags on DealDash do come with that option.
Other things women look for when shopping for bags are:
- Style: Many women want their bag to have the right design, look and feel.
- Color: Most of us women want to have a variety of purses in different colors so we can match the color of our purse with whatever we are wearing. However, not all women can afford to have several bags, especially expensive bags. Women who can only afford one bag usually shop for a basic black purse because that works well with nearly anything we are wearing.
- Durability: Most women want to find a bag that is well made and will not easily fall apart, so the materials it’s made out of might be very important to us.
- Size: Most of us want our purse to be a specific size – not too small to hold certain items and not too large or too heavy if we have to carry our bag around for a long time.
- Organization: Many of us want plenty of pockets inside and outside of our purse to make it easy to organize and quickly locate our cell phone, wallet, house keys, ID cards, airline tickets, sunglasses, comb and makeup.
Bags on DealDash
We can find a popular bag on DealDash now that frequently goes up for auction and fits all of the needs I listed above. This soft genuine leather purse comes in two shapes (a medium-sized oval shape and a slightly larger rectangle shape) and five colors (black, brown, navy, red and gray). Sometimes one color is easier to win than another more popular color. Based on the last 10 sales (as of this writing) I did the math for each color of the bags and was very surprised to learn the red, brown and gray bags sold for the most (about $10 each) the Navy was next (about $7 per bag) and the overall average of the black bag sold for the least (about $5 each). I would have guessed that the black bag would be the most in demand instead of the red.
These purses come with a shoulder strap that can be clipped on or off. The other straps are adjustable so we can choose to use these bags as a hand-held purse or fanny pack instead. All hardware comes in gold finish only and these bags have a BIN of $395.00.
If we need a bigger bag or a different style, all we have to do is check into DealDash on a daily basis because they frequently put a wide variety of other bags up for auction as well.
Have a great day and I’ll see you at the auctions!
This sponsored blog post was submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers. Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Blog posts are written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.