This is the time of year that we could sum up with one word: preparation.
Thanksgiving in 2020

We usually prepare for a traditional Thanksgiving feast that usually consists of turkey, stuffing, cranberries, baked sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie, pecan pie and mincemeat pie.
Soon after that everyone would prepare for Christmas by shopping for gifts at local malls and by attending annual holiday events. I always used to attend the Victorian Country Christmas at the local fairgrounds and always bought tickets to attend my favorite live stage production of A Christmas Carol. It was so much fun to see Scrooge and the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future flying
Ever since the COVID-19 virus began to spread throughout the world in early 2020, however, this year has not been “business as usual.” To stop the spread of the virus, many of us have been ordered to stay home and are still required to remain in quarantine. All of my favorite traditional holiday celebrations have been canceled. Some states will not even allow families to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner together unless they live in the same house.
But let’s look at the bright side. One good thing about these challenging times is that even people who never before shopped online are now learning how to use the Internet and many of them have now discovered — a fair and honest penny-auction site where we have the opportunity to win great bargains and have fun at the same time.
Exciting New Specials
DealDash often rotates various specials but to prepare for the holidays this year, they have come up with some real doozies that you won’t want to miss. Some of the exciting, brand new specials coming up for Black Friday and Cyber Monday!

- 90 percent off the final auction price, where DealDash will pay 90 percent of the final winning price and the winner only has to pay 10 percent of the final winning price. What a deal!
- Runner-up promotion, where DealDash will offer the runner-up to the winners 50 percent off the Buy-It-Now price, plus they will still get all of their bids back that they used in the auction if they choose to use BIN.
- Black Friday Auction Blast, where DealDash will auction off 20 iPads throughout the day.
- A brand new Tesla Model S electric car will also go up for auction.
- The 1X to 3X time on the clock to make the green line move that much faster to the right to win free bids at the end, might go as high as 5X instead. Instead of 9 seconds on the clock, each bid placed would use 45 seconds on the clock.
- The $5 or $3 lockout, where all new bidders are blocked from participating in the auction once the auction reaches that amount will be lowered to only $1. That means after the auction reaches $1 all new bidders will be locked out so the competition would be much lower.
As you can see, DealDash is prepared to bring an exciting end to 2020 with all of these above specials. That should really help lift our spirits because it gives us Deal Dashers some exciting auctions to look forward to. All we have to do is make sure we don’t miss it. I’ll see you there!
This sponsored blog post was submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers. Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Blog posts are written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.