How Does DealDash Work?

Let’s start by saying that DealDash is the most fun you’ll ever have shopping.  But, what kind of shopping is it?  This is Entertainment Shopping.  You pay to play and your may or may not win the prize you are going after.  Many, many players win items for just pennies, dimes or a couple of dollars.  There are items, like iPads, going to up to 90% off.  You’ll need an account and a username, and you’re off to play!

The way it works is you buy a bid pack, bids are usually between .12 cents and .16 cents on sale everyday at DealDash.  Your first bid pack is $36, but once you have an account, you will have access to the membership price of the day.

You get involved with an auction that you are interested in, by placing a bid, which is worth the .12 cents you paid for it, plus the price of the item goes up by one cent per bid.  So you bid, it’s one cent, the next guy bids, it’s two cents, the next bid three cents, and so on until the last bid is placed.  No one knows exactly when the auction will end, it depends on the number of players, and the tenacity of their game.

In the beginning at DealDash, while you’re trying to get used to the site, try to bid only on small items which are valued less than $200. One reason is the auction will end soon, there are usually only a hundred to 700 bids placed in total for an item.  You won’t have to wait hours to win an auction, and you’ll be able to see how the auctions finish up.  Once you’ve bid in several auctions, you will be more comfortable going for the other items, over $200.  There you will potentially spend many more hours on an auction, especially if the item goes up to $150, that’s 15000 pennies!  You will have to be one of many players to fulfill that closing price.

If  you don’t win the item at DealDash, but you used a bunch of bids trying, you can purchase the item and DealDash will refund you the number of bids you used.  So, you do end up with you item, and now you have the bids to go on to win another item.

When you win an item, DealDash will ship it to you for free.  If you purchase an item, shipping is free then as well.

As you can see it’s easy-peasy to get started playing and shopping at the greatest Entertainment Shopping site.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Best Times To Bid at DealDash

Whenever you show up at the DealDash site is a fun time to bid, there are winners every couple of minutes, but are you bidding at the right time?  There is some question to whether or not there are better times to bid, and I am here to tell you, there certainly are.  The best way to see how crowded the site is would be to go into a popular auction, like a TV or a computer.  Count the number of players who got involved. You will see between 20-120 players, this is a good indicator to the site load.

First, you want to bid when the site isn’t overloaded with players.  There is always a crowd on the weekends.  Many players work all week, they are too busy to come to the site, but on the weekends, it’s a free-for-all!  You can also imagine that if you get paid on Friday, you’re going to join the fun for the weekend.

Second, some sales will have an influence on the number of players, for example, when there is a bid multiplier on the free bids DealDash rewards us, or if the final price of the item is one penny during a Free Event.  A sale where there is a No New Bidder after $3 is a great time to bid, this type of sale happens occasionally, and it reduces the field of players because no one can join the auction after the retail price reaches $3.

Mondays seem to be very busy.  I have noticed the residual players on Monday, they are still battling it out from the weekend.  That’s the beauty of DealDash, it’s a battle, and we love it!  So, those are the day of the weeks that are usually very busy.  But what time of day is best?

The time of day is important because the number of players wains in the wee hours of the night, then the number of players is usually lower, so you do have an advantage after midnight California time.  You can’t really play for the East Coast, it’s all about California because they are hours behind the East, you must factor them in.  One thing I like about the middle of the night is, players fall asleep at the wheel, literally, and their Bid Buddy runs out of bids before morning, that’s a great time to swoop in an win.

I like to bid on a daily basis right around what I call “drive time”  That’s when workers across America are driving to or from work.  That would be around 8AM on either coast. That helps eliminate the workers, but there are a lot of Grandmas and Grandpas on DealDash, they bid day and night and never sleep.  It helps to get to know them and actually avoid getting in a battle with them.

Who you are bidding against is just as important as what time it is, it’s all part of the strategy you need to develop to play DealDash.  Your wins may feel random, but it you plan to win, you will do better.  It’s not practical to just join the site and start randomly bidding.  Do yourself a favor and do some planning.

I’ve found mid week and mid day to be a great time to bid.  There seems to be the least amount of players, however, you will find those grandparents bidding during those hours.

A bit of advice, when you are trying to figure out which time of day suits you best, get some sleep. I stayed up for days at a time in the beginning, it’s such a learning curve, I didn’t want to stop.  What I can share with you is, you can use your Bid Buddy, and be generous.  There is always another one tomorrow or even later today, the popular items are usually offered in cycles, check the auction to see when the last offer was.

These are a few of the tips I can share with you to help you win.  You win more, I win more, we all win!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Jumpers and Stompers at DealDash

So, you’ve been bidding at DealDash for awhile and you’ve noticed two different bidding styles that may annoy you somewhat, Jumping and Stomping.  What I can tell you is, even though it may not be nice, it’s not illegal. There are a dozen or so players at DealDash who jump and more that stomp, but they can be beat!

First let’s define these acts, Jumping is pretty common, especially on the higher retail items.  As you may have noticed DealDash has a “No Jumper” limit of $5, this means that no new players can join the auction after the $5 mark.  A jumper will place one to a dozen bids very early in the auction and then disappear for the next 1000 bids or so.  Now the auction is at $10.00 and they come back and try to out bid you because you’ve used 300 bids or more and now they feel you’ve exhausted your quota for the item, so they’ve come in to steal the item.  This back fires so often it’s hilarious when a “jumper” gets his just rewards (losing) for jumping.

The first thing that goes wrong for the jumper is the auction ends under $5, this happens more than not, but the average jumper will continue to take that chance.  I’ve jumped the jumper, that’s how I handle it. By jumping the jumper, I too, run the risk of losing because I dropped out.  This activity is common among the seasoned pro or when price doesn’t matter and sometimes both.  Some players just have buckets of money, you have to outsmart them, and believe me, they make mistakes, I’ve beaten them all and you will too. The other problem for the jumper is they actually don’t have very many bids so they wait and wait and hope no one wins.  Then they come back and use only 50-100 bids, not the 1000 like others do. They can be beat as well.

The Stomper is another breed of player, usually a new player who doesn’t understand the value of the Bid Buddy.  Your Bid Buddy is the best way to win an auction, it’s an automatic bidding system provided by DealDash.  When you stomp, you generally don’t plan when the bids are being placed, many will bid after every single other bid, this uses bids up exponentially and doesn’t win more auctions.  Often, the problems the stomper will encounter is other players who will stomp them back.  I don’t like to waste bids doing it, but others will just to “teach them a lesson”.  Hey, it is a competition, and as I said, it’s not illegal. It’s just not nice.

The Stomper is easily beat, they usually run out of bids very early in an auction, they use them up so quickly that when their bids are gone….they are gone.  Stomping is not a sustainable system of bidding and most people will finally give in to use the Bid Buddy.  There are however, several players who have been around for a long time who stomp.  Their strategy is to frighten players away from the auction, because if they stomp, you may lose the free bids DealDash gives you for your Time As High Bidder (TAHB). Your  TAHB is time rewarded in the form of free buds by DealDash for bidding.  For every second you are the highest bidder of the auction, you earn free bids, these bids are given when you reach your next level.

So, now you know about Jumpers and Stompers, not illegal, but not nice. In turn, I hope I’ve encouraged you to use your Bid Buddy, it’s really the best way to win auctions and earn free bids.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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DealDash: Staying Involved vs. Bid Buddy

When you first get started at DealDash you may be overly involved, just stomping in your bids at random times and quite frankly, losing bids like crazy.  Then you discover Bid Buddy!  The Bid Buddy places bids for you in your place and in your turn.  So, if there are 7 people in the auction and they are all using Bid Buddy, you will have a bid placed for you automatically every 7th bid (or penny cost of item).  For each bid the cost of the item goes up one cent. You hope you put in the largest number of bids to be the last bidder.

Staying active is very important in the beginning, you are learning how many bids you need to use to win certain auctions, but I do recommend you use the Bid Buddy.  So, now you want to branch out, play in more than one auction, this is a fun and exciting time, you are spreading your wings!  This isn’t the time to go rogue.  Use Bid Buddy in every auction you are in.  You can get involved in several auctions, but stay involved my managing all the auctions.  Tip: If you load 10 auctions at once all with 10 bids, they are all bound to end at once before you have a chance to reload them.  Perhaps a better plan would be to put 20 bids on each of 5 auctions.  By that time the field will have thinned out in a couple and managing is easier.

The juggling act is half the fun, so don’t get caught up in the fear of bidding.  Stay involved, especially with the items you really want.  I find I bid on items I don’t want all the time, usually to exchange for bids, but this is a sure way to lose your bids and walk away with nothing.  You have to be willing to lose a lot if you do this.  I’ve gotten used to losing, it wracks you with fear in the beginning, now I just say, “Oh well, you can’t win them all!”.  Don’t get me wrong, I win a lot, in fact, with the new rules, I win more than ever!

The main point here is that it’s best to use Bid Buddy, but it’s also important, especially in the beginning, to stay actively involved in the auction too.  You can do one or the other, but both is best. If you do stay involved and use Bid Buddy you can, as I call it, “micro manage” your auctions.  I will jump in and out of auctions depending on who is in it, how many bidders and the final price.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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