Bid Buddy Has What You Need at DealDash

DealDash offers a special feature designed to help us win more auctions and it also has the power to give us free bids!  It the wonderful Bid Buddy!  The Bid Buddy is an automatic system of bidding created and provided by DealDash.

It’s a clever way to add the “fair” to their slogan “Fair and Honest Bidding Site”.  By using a Bid Buddy you will only use the number of bids required in order of when you entered the auction.  For example.  Let’s say there are 5 players, and you are using a Bid Buddy, you will only use one bid per round, and Bid Buddy is there to place a bid if someone backs out.  If you don’t use Bid Buddy and instead bid manually, you are placing a bid between each player and this wastes bids because for the same round you will use 6 or 7 bids and everyone else’s one bid.  So you will essentially pay more for the item by using too many bids.  That constant manual bidding also drives up the price, so Bid Buddy helps keep the final price low.

Perhaps the most glorious of this feature is the free bids!  You don’t have to use Bid Buddy to get free bids, you only have to bid, you’ll get them, but if you use Bid Buddy you are assured the full 10 seconds between each players bid.  That time is what clocks up your free bids.  The Free Bid Meter is engaged every time you place a bid and if you are bidding manually chances are there will be another player who will “stomp” on you time.  This is a sad waste of free bids, but some players just can’t resist. It’s usually “Newbies” who do it, they just don’t know how valuable the Bid Buddy is yet, and they may not even know about it.

I didn’t use the Bid Buddy the first few days, but that was so long ago.  Today, I won’t even place one bid without using it….well, I do once in awhile just until I open the auction to place the bids in Bid Buddy.  Even if I’m only using 10 bids, I use it.

So, how do you use it?  You find the auction you wish to join on the main page.  Click the item and the auction will open.  When you get inside, directly in the center of the page there is a space where you place your cursor and click.   Then add the appropriate number of bids and hit “Book Bid Buddy”  This will engage your bids in the auction and all you need to do is keep an eye on it while the auction runs.  Then you hope yours is the last bid.  You can add more bids anytime using the same method and you can also cancel the Bid Buddy at any time.

Use your Bid Buddy all the time, it saves money and helps keep the final price down.  It’s easy to use, saves bids, and defiantly helps you win more auctions.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Bid, Shop, Bid- Planning your Wins

You’ve come to DealDash because you’ve heard about all the good deals players are winning everyday. These wins don’t always just fall in your lap, you have to plan to win.  This is so true, DealDash is the most fun you’ll have shopping ever, but many every day items are limited, so it’s a real treat when they come on the market.

There are many items that are on the site everyday, and the most popular of these is the large selection of home decorations, like art and furniture.  You will always see a Stand Mixer, a massage chair and lately, a lot of TVs.  Ahhh, but the toaster is a treat.  Winning your Microwave will take some planning as well.  These types of everyday items are also popular, so always plan to BIN, that makes the win so much more sweet.

The best thing to do to get started planning is to actually shop.  Type the name of an item in the search bar, for example, “toaster” you will see any toasters that might be on the market now plus all of the toasters scheduled, and any planned scheduled toasters for the future.

DealDash offers an “Alert Me” option in every auction, this is so convenient because you’ve done your shopping, you’ve selected your “Alert Me” tab and now you wait for DealDash to send you an email.   The first notice will come about three days before the auction starts.  This is a perfect time to check and see when bids are priced lowest this week.  Then you buy your lowest priced bids, and wait for your auction to start.

DealDash will get another notice the day of the auction and when the auction is about to start, all you have to do is show up.  Now, load up those low priced bids and hope for the win.  The fireworks are the best!

Always plan on using the BIN amount of bids, even though most auctions end far below the retail value.  To figure the BIN price divide the retail value of the item by the cost of bids and you will have the maximum number of bids to use before you purchase the item.  When you bid on items you want or need, you will have more success in the auctions, and then buying the item also makes sense.

So, always do your shopping in advance.  If you come to DealDash and bid on items randomly, you will end up with a bunch of things you don’t know what to do with.  If you keep your holiday list in mind that will maximize the number of items that “makes sense”.  A lot of players, myself included, have their holiday shopping done by the end of September every year.  This could be you.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Buy It Now, BIN & Binning at DealDash

So you love to bid, bid, bid!  It’s fun and exciting especially when you win! The fireworks are awesome! But if you don’t win at DealDash you can Buy It Now (BIN) and DealDash will give you all the bids you used trying back to try and win another item.

You can purchase an item you’ve bid on for up to one week after you don’t win it.  If you go to your Dashboard, you will find a list of all your items right on the front page.  You can also find the item in your bidding history, both places will tell you how many bids will be returned to your account if your BIN.  It’s simple, make the purchase and the bids are automatically loaded into your account.

The way to figure out how many bids to use before you BIN is to take the retail value of the item listed on the DealDash site and divide it by the cost of the bids when you purchase it.  That will result in the number of bids to use before you back out and buy it.

For example, you love this toaster, it’s a popular item, but it will still go for a fraction of the retail price, but you want to be sure you give the auction all the benefit of the doubt and load up on the BIN amount of bids. Let’s say the toaster retails for $89.00 and bids are .15 cents each.  Your calculation will look like this 89./.15=593 bids.

You don’t want to exceed that number of bids because you would then be paying more than retail.  Chances are very good that no one else will place 593 bids on the auction and you will win it for much less, but if you don’t, you have Binning to fall back on.

This is a wonderful gift from DealDash, they really care about the bidding experience on their site, and they really want their players to win.  It doesn’t please them to have you go away empty-handed, you have to win or BIN.  Either way, you have your item!  If you bought it you have your bids back too!  Win-Win!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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It’s All in the Comment at DealDash

Recently, I’ve noticed what I say in my Profile comment really has an impact on what I win.  I’ve said “something nice about myself” and I’ve said something like….well, like I might win. Frankly, the “I might win” has gotten me more wins.

It seems that it just doesn’t pay to simply “say something nice about yourself” I’ve done that over and over and I never really thought my words mattered very much, but my latest comment has reaped many rewards.

I can’t tell you what I said, but what I can tell you is that it is the vain that, I am a winner and I’m going to win this auction too.  It seems a positive comment gets the win.

I have seen many people comment about playing fair, and being kind, but these gentle comments don’t exactly pull in the wins.  I can’t be sure if the wins come from the stern comments, but it sure looks like it.

I’ve given so much thought to what I say in my comments, and over the years I’ve had some good ones and some not so good ones.  I never really thought the comment was winning the auctions because I was so sure that my playing was winning, but what I’ve learned is the comment has a lot to do with it.

You have to think about what you’re going to say. If you are mean, people will stomp you.  If you are weak, people will jump you.  You have to find a comment that will play into your style of bidding.

It’s really special if you can come up with a comment that doesn’t hurt anyone, and yet exemplifies the fact that you will win in spite of the fact you may be a “little guy”.

There are so many players who waste their comments by saying one of the “default” comments that DealDash has put up.  I’ve done it, I’ve done it for months at a time.  Then, I change my comment and win a bunch of auctions.

Think hard about what you want to say to your fellow players, let it be a little aggressive, don’t let it be mean or nasty.  Alway go with your best interest in mind.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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