Small Appliances Big Gifts at DealDash

laaundry-haier-washer-319One of the best things about DealDash is you will never have to go to a mall again for another gift, as long as they carry what you’re looking for.  Plus, with DealDash you will have fun getting it and have it delivered free, that’s the DealDash way.  Small appliances are a very popular item at DealDash, a lot of players will most likely get involved with every auction, so they are an item you’ll want to consider using the Buy It Now (BIN) option.  What that mean is you will bid in the auction until you reach the retail price in bids….if you do.

dehydrator“Binning”, as it’s called, is a great option for a small appliance because you need the appliance anyway, so if you don’t win it, it makes sense to buy it.  Then when you buy it, DealDash will give you the bids you used back.  That is another reason small appliances make such a good gift to go for, everyone needs a toaster or a microwave oven, but DealDash has some very unique small appliances, like juicers and a variety of coffee makers.

When you BIN there is another magical thing that happens, you earn a lot of free bids for your Time As High Bidder.  This is a DealDash promotion which gives back to the player.  For every second you are the highest bidder during an auction, DealDash tallies it up and keeps track of it.  When you reach your next level, you will be rewarded with a number of bids that corresponds with your level.  You start out getting 50 bids or more and then it goes up to 100 or more and then 1000 or more, and on and on.  You just need to keep bidding, they’ll keep track!

juicerYou could win a lot of small appliances with the free bids, or at least pad up the bids you purchased to win it.  Because they are so popular, and there will most likely be a lot of players in the auction, you could  be bidding for hours and hours.  Small Appliances often go for  cents or a dollar or two, but you have to plan to BIN.  The other thing to keep in mind is that appliances are a special item at DealDash, you have to shop in advance and plan to join the auction.

You can use the “Alert Me” feature DealDash has in place to remind you when your item is coming on the market. Click on the Alert Me tab in the auction and set you alarm the day of.  Wait until your “special” item is on the market and stay involved with just that item.  You never know when a special items will end because so many bidders are in the auction.

When you open the small appliance auction, notice in the list how often the prize was won.  This will give you an idea when they might offer it again.  For example, if one sold on Jan. 15, one sold on Feb 17, one sold on Mar. 14, you can expect to see the same item around April 15.  If you can’t find the auction in the search bar they may be out of it, not offering it at the time, or it’s run its course.

Get your favorite small appliances at DealDash, one for you and one for a gift, shop in advance and use the “Alert Me” tab, shop often and search for your item, use your free bids to help you bid in this auction, and stay involved in just the one auction and always use your Bid Buddy.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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The Social Scene at DealDash

So you’ve visited the DealDash Penny Auction site, you have a username, you came up with a a classic comment and started bidding.  Now that you’re in love with entertainment shopping, you can share your enthusiasm with other players using social media, and for doing that DealDash will reward you with free bids!

The DealDash Facebook Page is a comprehensive, real-time site where you can enjoy seeing other players wins and fun commentary from the DealDash Community.  There is an outstanding staff at DealDash who lovingly care for their social media pages.  There you will find information about up coming sales and current events.

They think of everyone and comment on holidays and American celebrations.  You can see comments and reviews from other players and place comments yourself.  DealDash loves to hear about your wins! They also love to hear about your experiences.

There are a couple of ways to find DealDash on Facebook, they also have a “Reviews, Tips and Strategies Page &  DealDash Secrets Page, here you will learn about other players experiences, DealDash Sales, DealDash Representative Articles, Current Events, and any one’s experience from DealDash.

Once you “Like” the DealDash Facebook Page, DealDash will “Like” you too. Then you will see many of the DealDash postings, but they don’t bomb your FB site at all.  It’s all within an acceptable level of contact.  When you are connected to DealDash though Social Media and you have an active DealDash Account you become eligible for their Photo of the Week Contest which could show up on any of their social media formats.

DealDash also uses Pinterest and Twitter. But what you need to do to enter the contest is take a photo of you and your prize, keep it simple, a “bust” of yourself with the item by your smiling face.  Tip: That’s DealDash’s favorite photo for wins.

Then email the photo to [email protected], send it as an attachment and include a comment like, “I won this $225 PingPong Ball Table for $8.95 plus 100 bids, I saved 95% and it was shipped free! Thanks DealDash!’  That is a very boiled down comment.  Get creative, make your comment stand out, Deal Dash will notice.

The Pinterest and twitter are also a way to connect with other DealDash players, but there isn’t much action that goes on there.  I like to post my wins to my Pinterest page, but it’s just for me, not really connected to DealDash,  the truth is, I love DealDash and it has brought so many quality items to my home that I would never have gone out to buy, but since I won it, I love it!  Like, my Hot Tub, Metal Detector, , Mountain Bike, Racing Bike, countless Handmade Clocks, over a dozen appliances, and many handbags. That is just a sampling of what I win all the time at DealDash.

What you need to do is get your smiling face out there to DealDash, they want to show it off and give you 1000 bids for doing it.  Just for submitting the photo DealDash will give you up to 350 bids, then you are entered in the contest for Photo of the Week.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Average Auction Lengths at DealDash

Every auction at DealDash has a “mind of its own”, but there are a few thing you can count on when bidding, and how long an auction should last is one you can estimate based on what the item is.  Having some idea how long you should bid in an individual auction is a learned skill, but here are a few tips you can use as a guideline for averaging the length of an auction.

The following strategies  are not rules to live by but a few things I do to “keep it real”.   Ok, so it depends on what you are bidding on. If your item is under $199, it should go very quickly.  These items generally can go for a few pennies and a handful of bids, no more than 12.  You can Buy It Now (BIN) the item easily and get your bids back, so for that reason sticking to these items when you are learning will help you get used to using the site.  Binning is a way of bidding full price for an items, then buying it and getting those bids back, it’s a great way to get your item and keep bidding.

The convenience of the under $199 is that the auction is short.  These auctions end in three or four minutes and the products come up for sale quite often, you could essentially stay in this price range for a week or more and get a real grip on, 1. how to use the site, 2. how to set up Bid Buddy, 3. learn who the power bidders are, and more.  These auctions help you learn how to pay attention to multiple auctions at once and you can really conserve bids with this style of bidding.

Now you go on to the items that are in the $200-500 range, some everyday items in this range are very popular and go on forever, but your average items that generates moderate interest will go quickly.  Knowing what those items are will come with bidding, the best advice I can give it to remain in these price ranges to get used to the site, you’ll know how popular it is by the number of bidders who join in.  These auctions will go on for about 20 minutes to an hour and 20 minutes.  You will use 60 to 200 bids. Again, don’t underestimate the BIN if the item is right and all the stars align, remember, there is an element of luck too.

So, let’s talk about the really popular items in the $200-500 range.  Here is a good rule of thumb, if it’s “unusual” everyone wants it, for example when DealDash first got juicers, they were so popular, I didn’t bid on them until the frenzy stopped, and now I have won several.

The items over $500 get tricky, it’s tough to come in on the first day and win that $5000 piece of furniture, those items go on and on and on, often for a day or more.  You don’t have to stay involved with an auction that is going on for a couple of days, use your BidBuddy to bid for you throughout the night while you sleep.  Be sure to put enough bids in there if it came down to you and one other person for a long period of time.  I usually put in a lot more than I would if I were awake.  It’s so much fun to wake up in the morning and see that you won.  You will use any where from 500-3000 bids on these items. Items over $4000 could take 3000 bids or more.  You do get free bids all the while with your Time As High Bidder, so you could apply those to the auction.

I would place anything over $500 in this long-term auction.  The higher the value the longer the auction,  I have seen the massage chair go on for a week.  I’ve seen the furniture and art go on for days, as well as bikes and computers.  Caveat; these items go for just a few pennies once in a while, I can even say often, at least a few times a day for the art.  Watch and learn and you will have more success winning. Be prepared to bid long on the higher retail prizes, and be grateful when you win it for $1.50!

You will win a lot at DealDash, they go above and beyond to help us win, I’ve had well over 700 successful wins in 2 years and you can too.  If you only have a few minutes bid on the lower retail, if you have a couple of days, bid on the higher retail! If you only have a few bids bid on the lower retail, and if you have a lot of bids go for the higher retail.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!


There is Only One DealDash

There are many penny auction sites on the internet, but there is only one DealDash!  DealDash has the best site going, and everyone who’s tried them all knows.  They stay with DealDash and it’s a no brainer!

Here’s a few reasons why DealDash is the best.  First, they have the best price for bids, and they always offer a sale.  One day bid prices could be .16 cents each, and the next day only .11 cents.  You have to check the blogs, the DealDash Facebook Page and your email inbox for updates on the going sale.  You can also see the current sale on the DealDash Main Page where you can pick up your bids to play.

There is the Bid Buddy.  It’s an automatic bidding system that will place a bid in your turn and no time is wasted.  Time is a very important factor at DealDash.  The longer you are “high bidder” the more free bids you will earn.  You have 9 seconds every time you bid to earn time toward your free bids meter.  The free bids are connected to the level you are at on DealDash. Each level rewards you with an increasing number of free bids. My next level will reward me 1080 bids!  That is a lot of potential free prizes.

Did I mention the Free Bids?  Yes, not only can you get free bids for time as high bidder, you can get free bids for positing a photo of you and your prize to the DealDash Community, they reward any where between 30 bids and 350 bids for your win and any qualifying photo is also entered in the “photo of the week contest” where one lucky poster wins 1000 bids for the best photo of the week.

The Dashboard at DealDash is your guide to the future and a look at the past, you can find any information you need from bidding history to your orders.  There is the profile, account info and won auctions.

Lot’s of auctions, I have never been bored looking at the numerous auctions at DealDash, they will put many auctions on the market every day, in fact, every minute at Deal Dash.

Outstanding Customer Service, I have never been disappointed with the outcome of a transaction with DealDash Customer Service, they are caring, understanding and kind.  They listen and they fix any issue you may have, no matter how trivial or how large.

DealDash has so many reason to love them and all you have to do is show up, buy some bids and join the fun.  They are the most fair and honest site online and you will win many prizes playing here, and you’ll win them for a great price.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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