DealDash.com tracks everything and has the best record-keeping system I ever saw on any online shopping site. I especially like being able to see who my competition is when bidding and how many other shoppers are bidding in the same auction.
If I want to look up any information on my past wins, orders, monthly expenditures or anything else I can easily find it by just opening up the site and looking it up. I really like that. Let’s take a closer look at some of the many places we can access important information:
Home Page
By double-clicking on any of the auction products we can scroll down to the bottom of the auction item and read reviews and feedback that other customers provide. Customer reviews are very important.
If we go to the bottom of the DealDash Home page we can read all about the house rules and terms of use. We can also read information on how to play, including some tips and tricks.
If we go to the top right of the home page, we will see “My Dashboard.” This is one of my most frequently used headers. If we click on “My Dashboard” the main thing we see when we open that window are all of the items we placed bids on, the Buy-It-Now (BIN) price and how many bids we placed on each item.
This is the page I always go to if I’m running low on bids. I overlook auctions that I only placed a few bids on. However, if I see an auction I placed several hundred bids on, I might do a BIN to get all my bids back free to use in other auctions. Some other features I use most often on Dashboard from the list of headers on the far left side are:
Earning various DealDash badges is fun. If I click on badges, I can remind myself what the free bid challenge is for the day. Sometimes I try to meet the challenge and sometimes I don’t. Regardless, this is one of the easiest ways to earn free bids.
Public Profile:
This is where we can find our bio and icon or photo. The bidder bio can be changed or updated but we must not attempt to intimidate other players by bragging about how many bids we have. This should be a friendly one-or-two liner about who we are. We could say we love to shop, ride bike or love travel. We are allowed to update and/or change our bidder bio as often as we like, but it usually takes up to 24-hours for each new bio to be approved.
Buy-It-Now history:
This shows a list of how many BINs we did, how much it cost and how many bids we got back for free.
Transaction history:
This shows the date of transaction, how many free bids we were awarded and for what, and how many bids we purchased.
Bidding history:
This keeps a record of all of the auctions we bid on, how many bids we used, the day and time we placed our first bid and whether or not we won.
Won auctions:
This keeps track of all of the auctions we won, how much we paid at closing and whether it shipped or not.
Account details:
This keeps a record of our stored credit cards, our name on the card and when it expires. It also allows us to view DealDash using the old design or the new design, password information if we want to change it, our screen name, email, the day and time we officially registered (signed up) on DealDash, how many bids we have in our account and the total number of auctions we won to date.
Bookmarked auctions:
This keeps track of all of the auctions we bookmarked.
Contact support:
This provides a quick and easy way to contact the support team on DealDash with any issues or questions we might have. It also includes a list of frequently asked questions and a quick briefing of how the DealDash shopping site works.
The dashboard includes a few other records I did not include, but the above are the ones I use most often.
Bottom line: DealDash has an awesome record-keeping system.
This sponsored blog post was submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers. Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Blog posts are written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.