Watching Other Shoppers

Some of the best lessons I’ve learned on how to successfully shop and win more bargains on came from watching other shoppers.

The first two questions you might have are: First, How do I know which shoppers I should watch? Second, what should I watch for?

Who to watch

Winners watch winners. Therefore, one of the best ways to figure out what shoppers to watch is by finding out who wins the most auctions.

By watching other successful players to see what they do and how they do it, we can often soon identify some good shopping strategies that might also work for us.

The best place to find out what screen names win the most auctions, all we have to do is go to the “Winners” list and look for screen names of shoppers who win two or more auctions in a day. Make a list by writing down those screen names.

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Exciting New Promotion is offering an exciting new promotion running from Dec. 13th to the 23rd. Something you will not want to miss!

Each day shoppers play on DealDash and click the banner on the front page they will receive a special gift. The gifts change daily so we will never know what the gift will be unless we stop by every day and always remember to click the banner. One day it might give us free bids. Another day, it might give us a discount to the price of bid packs or give us extra time as the highest bidder multiplier for one hour.

Follow DealDash Twitter account to hear about the daily promotions and other news related to the best auction site around!

Other special offers

By shopping on DealDash every day, we can expect to see other bidder specials as well. For example:

  1. On Dec. 29 DealDash will auction off all of the world trivia bid packs they have launched so far.
  2. For one week, from Dec. 28 to Jan. 3, DealDash will donate one meal to children and families in need for every purchase made on DealDash, such as auction wins, BINs or bid packs.
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Multiple Specials often offers special features that make shopping on this site all the more exciting.  What’s even better is when DealDash offers more than one special feature at the same time, like they are doing at the time of this writing.

Besides offering winners to get 50 percent off from the sale price of the auction, all shoppers also receive 2X time on the clock for each and every bid placed and the first runner-up will be offered a discount on various auctions if he or she takes advantage of doing a BIN (Buy-It-Now). 

With all of these multiple specials happening at the same time during the holiday season, this is one of the best times all year to shop.

Time on the Clock

Whenever DealDash features 2X on the clock, they often follow it up with 3X or even 4X on the clock. If our green line (located at the bottom right of our screen) is getting close to moving all the way to the end at the far right, now is the time to make our green line move even faster so we can collect the bundle of free bids that much sooner.

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Stuck In a Rut – Bidding strategies

One definition of “insanity” is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” How can we apply this to

The reason DealDash is a fun and exciting way to shop is because it does not do the same thing over and over again. To keep the site interesting it changes the special features and often introduces new auction products.

If we did not win anything for a long time, however, we might feel like we are stuck. Virus quarantine policy might mandate we can no longer go out to dinner or even visit friends. Therefore, we might be stuck at home but we do not have to be stuck on

We do not have to continue to do the same thing over and over again. If we feel stuck we can change our bidding strategy, the days and times of the day that we shop or choose to bid in different auctions.

Bidding Strategies

Many DealDash shoppers place only one bid in an auction at the beginning just so ensure that we do not get locked out if we decide to come back to place more bids later on. Some shoppers check to see how much an auction sold for the last five or ten times. If an auction seldom sells for less than $25.00 one strategy would be to place the bulk of our bids when the selling price gets close to the average selling price in the past. The problem with this strategy is that it might close a lot sooner than that. If everyone else places only one bid at the beginning and we end up being the only one who places more than one bid, we could end up winning a great bargain.

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