7 Best Deals this Week on DealDash!

Wow, look at the deals!
New to DealDash? Have you been to the winner’s page on DealDash? If you click on the link to the “winners” page on the top right of DealDash.com you will see all of the recently ended auctions, who won them and the final end prices.
This past week bidders got really great deals on tons of popular items.
Take a look at these 7 best deals on DealDash for the week!
Today, 12/12 – user pgkoala won this NutriNinja Pro Blender valued at $121 for a final end price of $3.96! Only 396 bids were placed by all bidders, what a great deal!
Yesterday, 12/11 bidder krissy1069 won this unlocked Samsung Galaxy Note 3 for just the cost of bids it took to win as the $137.46 end price was waived.
12/10 – michaelb1203 won a VIZIO 29-inch HD soundbar for $27.31 – also waived.
Then on 12/09 secondtonone won a $100 Macy’s Gift Card for just the cost of bids, the end price was waived -$47.26.
On 12/8 bidder ElGringo55 won a Maganavox 1TB HD/DVD Recorder with Digital tuner! The buy it now price is $367!
Then on 12/07 wardsw1961 won Omaha Steaks 6 (8 oz.) Chicken in Pastry ( valued at $61) for $0.05 – 2 bids!
Then on the 6th thefrogfreak won this amazing Asus Google Nexus 7 Tablet, 32 GB in Brown for $26.49 + bids placed.
How does bidding on DealDash work?
DealDash is a penny auction site, this means all bidders have to purchase bids in “bid packs” to be eligible to place bids on top items that run nearly 24 hrs/day.
If a user does not win an auction they have an option of using the buy it now option to receive the item and get all of the used bids back into their bidding accounts. Win-Win!
Depending on the competition: Who is bidding, what they’re bidding on, how much they will spend before they quit, etc. you may have to plan on spending hours bidding on one item (if you so choose). Auctions can go on for quite some time, but then there are the ones that just end with 5 bids, so you never know!
For tips to win free bids read this posts: Bidding Tips for DealDash Bidders.