DealDash Traits of the “Power Bidder”

So you want to be a Power Bidder, or at least think like one?  Well, did you ever wonder why the same players keep winning big at DealDash?  I have notice some familiar traits that Power Bidders have.

Tenacity! They stay involved with one auction at DealDash, this is the most basic and simple way to win auctions consistently.  It may not be the most exciting way to win, but it is consistent.  Let’s say you purchased 1000 bids, and you want to win a razor worth about $150.  The formula to bid to the Buy It Now price would be the cost of the item divided by the price of bids, for example, $150./.15 cents = 1000 bids to BIN.  So now you have purchased the 1000 bids and set out to win your razor with 100 of them, ugh, mistake number one.

You know you need 1000 to BIN, stick to that plan but in the meantime, if bid in 5 other auctions all while the razor is ticking away the 100.  Suddenly, you realize you need to put more bids on the razor, but you are short on bids now because you spread yourself too thin.  So, I’ve seen many DealDash Power Players play only one auction at a time and play it hard.

Second, I have see confidence in many bids, if you can afford to, buy 1000’s at a time, you are more confident in the auctions and (I) you tend to be more conservative and yet fearless with more bids.  This is not to say your couldn’t win with 200 bids, you most certainly can, I’m saying you will have more confidence, therefore not pull out, second guess you decisions and lose the auction.

Third, they always know when to fold them.  They don’t overBIN, it’s just foolish.  If you want something that takes 1000 bids and you don’t win after 1000 bids, but you then bid on and on and suddenly you did win with 1500 bids, now you’ve paid 50% more for the item, and you don’t have your bids back.  If you purchased it at 1000 bids, you’d own it and have the bids back, another win-win!

There are a lot of subtle nuances when deciding to stay or go in an auction, just listen to that inner voice, try not to overbid, it’s not practical and always keep your eye on the prize, if you spread yourself too thin, you may lose.  We’re all here for one reason and that is to win a great deal and people do it all day every day at DealDash!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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DealDash: Average Selling Price of Small Appliances

There are a few items at DealDash that sell for a low closing price and you can get one or more of these small appliances if you play your bids right.

Here are a few tips when considering an item under $200.  The first thing you want to do is NOT overbid.  If you can avoid it at all don’t overbid, it distracts from winning for a few pennies.  When you are a new player at DealDash you may be tempted to overbid on a small appliance, but I can tell you that they sell often for just a few pennies, so why not let that be you!

Here are  few average selling prices of auctions which I have won, they are simple and require only a few bids, but you can’t get caught up in a bidding war over an item that should take only 50 bids. don’t let yourself get into one of these battles because you simply don’t have to, you can without a doubt win a toaster with just a few bids.  It may take a few tries, and you have to have patience, but it can happen.  If you are willing to purchase the item you can BIN the amount of bids, but this article is about winning with just a few bids.

microwave 113 bids and $20.15

toaster 60 bids and $1.20

electric coffee pot 24 bids and .65 cents

can opener 12 bids and $1.12

These are just a few of the great deals I have found at DealDash, but I’ve won many more.  I love to give the items I win at DealDash to my family and friends and they are alway so surprised at how little the items cost me.  Now when I have a gift or an item I give away, they always want to know, “how little did you pay for this?”  That’s funny, but the truth is you can’t win them all, so for every item I win I may lose up to 9 more. that is about a 10% win rate.  I’m ok with that considering many of my auction I only pop in one bid to come back later, and well, maybe I won’t.

There are many, many items you can win with just a few bids and small appliances are among the greatest of prizes to win easy.  If you get into a battle with someone for a small appliance and they just won’t quit,  I suggest YOU quit, and go for the next one, if there is one on the market in 10 minutes, I’ve seen it go for less than the one I’m “involved” with .  It happens all the time.

Don’t underestimate the power of the “next auction” DealDash has new items on the market every minute of every day, there is always the next one, there is always one that is easier to win.  Don ‘t get hung up on one auction, there is a vast number of auctions waiting for you around the clock.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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DealDash: Why Players Over-Bid

DealDash has a crowd of players who love to overbid.  I will even jump on the band wagon if all the stars align at once.  There are a few reasons why players overbids at DealDash and sometimes, it just makes sense.

For me I will overbid if I won the bids I’m using. This is a common phenomenon at DealDash because they let you exchange your wins for bids and this is a practice I love to participate in.  I have won so many auctions at DealDash that I don’t always need the “stuff” I win, but I love playing, so I trade in my wins for bids, it’s a simple “Bid Exchange” offered by DealDash.

When you exchange an item for bids you will not receive the item, you forfiet it, but you will receive an amount of bids which DealDash has deemed fair for that item, as exchanging bids is a popular event.  So let’s say the item you won is worth $1000 dollars, you will get in exchange anywhere from 500 bids to 1000 bids.  It depends on the popularity of the item and how often people exchange it for bids.

Another reason players overbid is they simply can’t lose.  They must have deep pockets and endless buckets of money.  These are the players that I like to stay away from.  You will get to know them, there are not that many on the site and often they come and go.  I’ve seen hard core players come, play hard, and then leave.  Ok, so they left and we don’t have to deal with them “anymore” they sign up daily, just like everyone else.

The other type of overbidder who has deep pockets and never leaves have been playing since the site opened and they have no plans on losing.  But my favorite saying at DealDash is “You can’t win them all!”  Everyone is bound to make a mistake, run out of  bids or underestimate the other guy. You just never know.

Then there is the bidder who only bids for bids, I used to do this, it was quite honestly, a rat race.  The same players all the time trying to win the bids packs, but if you go for prizes instead of bid packs, you’ll have options, you can take the prize OR exchange for bids, I see it as a win-win.

Some of the players who play only for bids are also the type of player who will never lose, they will use 1500 bids to win a 1000 pack, get to know who they are, they are just ‘fun -ruiners”.  It just pays to get to know who these players are and if you want to stay in the bid game, beat them at their own game by outbidding, out witting, and outlasting them!

Another reason players will over bid is to meet their Free Bids Quota.  I will do this too.  If I am near my next reward level and I’m also “involved” I will overbid slightly to see if I can reach my next level, especially if there is a Bid Multiplier Sale going on where I could double, triple or quadruple my winnings.

Seeing over bidding at DealDash can be frustrating, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.  That really is my best advice.  Tip: Eventually, you will have to take on the big guy and overcome his shenanigans. I don’t that, it’s not cheap, but once you take on a big guy they do become more reluctant to take you on.

Once in awhile you may need to consider being an overbidder if you want to win that big prize.  You’ve got to do, what you’ve got to do.  Keep it simple, don’t spend too much, use wins to overbid by exchanging wins for bids, this is my “parlay” system.  I use it all the time and win awesome prizes.

Good Luck and Happy Over-Bidding!!!

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Dealdash Bid Buddy, Bid Buddy, Use It!!

“Bid Buddy, Bid Buddy, Use it People” that is a very common comment on DealDash because any player who has been around for awhile knows the best way to win is to use your Bid Buddy.

The Bid Buddy is a fantastic tool created and provided by DealDash for us to bid fairly.  When you use the Bid Buddy feature it places bids for you in order of entry to the auction.  Some people choose not to use the Bid Buddy, usually beginners, and they waste bids because they are essentially overbidding by placing a bid in between each other player.  The players using Bid Buddy are simply watching you and saving money and increasing their opportunity to win.

What you need to do to set up the Bid Buddy is first, find an auction you are interested in entering and click on it, when you do the site will bring you to the link for that individual auction, here you can set up the Bid Buddy.  Second, in the center of the page there is a tab that says, “Bid Buddy- Your Automatic Bidding Tool” there you place in the desired number of bids you wish to place on the item, be sure you have enough bids to cover your win, and then click on “Book a Bid Buddy”.

Now you can sit back and relax or get up and go about your business, but be sure to check back periodically to make sure you have enough bids, often it will get down to two players and if you’re one of them your bids will get eaten up fast so beware!

The Bid Buddy is the best way to win an auction, I don’t bid manually at all anymore, if I do it’s just until the Bid Buddy page opens.  I use the Bid Buddy even if I’m only going to put in 5 bids, which I do often.  Early in the auction players can, at times, just be placing one bid a a time and if they lose track in only a few bids, it’s crazy but you could win with just a couple of bids if you’re in the Bid Buddy System.

The best thing you can do for yourself and your fellow players is to use the Bid Buddy.  Every player will eventually use only the Bid Buddy feature for bidding because they will win the most auctions that way.  Once you win a few that way, you will surely use it all the time, I never play without it!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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