Do you ever wonder how some shoppers on are able to consistently win so many great bargains while others do not? Do they have a magic touch or what is their winning secret? Perhaps they have no winning secret. Instead, they might just have developed better winning habits that other shoppers have not.

I read an article about an author, Kop Kopmeyer, who wrote four books about success principles. He interviewed many of the most successful people in the world and asked them to talk about the most important characteristic they felt contributed to their success. Kopmeyer then included 1,000 of their responses in his four books, with 250 in each book.
Kopmeyer’s 1000 principles for success
One of Kopmeyer’s book fans asked Kopmeyer which success principle (out of all 1,000) he considered most important. His response was “self-discipline.” Why? He said without having self-discipline none of the other 999 success principles would matter, but with strong self-discipline most of the other 999 success principles would most likely follow.
Now what does this have to do with DealDash shoppers? Perhaps more than we might think. If we take a look at some of the winning habits of some of the most consistent winners, it becomes apparent that all of them require good “self-discipline.”
What Winners Do
- Frequent winners schedule some time to open and shop on every day. Perhaps we could schedule one hour every morning and one hour at noon or two hours every night. If we don’t have that much time, we might be able to squeeze in at least 15 to 30 minutes per day. The most important thing is to find a way to make it a part of our daily routine so we always collect our daily free bids and never miss out on special features.
- Winners always buy bid packs when they go on sale. If we get in the habit of doing that, we will always get the most bids possible for the least amount of money.
- Winners always use BidBuddy, the automated bidder.
- Winners often bid in several auctions at the same time. This might be a good idea if we have plenty of bids to win more than one auction. If we have limited bids, however, it might be a better idea to focus on one auction at a time.
- Winners develop a reputation of being serious competitors by consistently placing enough bids to go for the win.
- Winners look for auctions where the competition is low. We might find there is less competition at certain times of the day. This could change from month-to-month and might depend on what time of the month most people get paid.
- Winners shop on DealDash when they are wide awake and can stay alert. I lost an auction several times only because I fell asleep at my computer and woke up just in time to see somebody else win.
- Winners practice patience. They often place only a few bids at the beginning of an auction (so they do not get locked out) but save the bulk of their bids to jump back into the auction after it gets down to the last two or three serious bidders later on.
Maybe if we develop enough winning shopping habits of our own, we can become consistent winners, too.
This sponsored blog post was submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers. Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Blog posts are written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.