If you have not been shopping on DealDash.com for a while, you might be missing out on some new and different features.

Buy-It-Now Discount (Runner-up)
One of the new features on DealDash that I really like is the “Buy-It-Now discount for the runner-up in select auctions.”
That special is running now as I am writing this blog. This means that even if we do not win an auction, but we come in second as the first runner-up, we might be able to BIN (Buy-It-Now) at a reduced price, and still get our bids back free. The discount in the selected auctions is usually 50 percent off the full BIN price, but sometimes it might be even more than that. Isn’t that awesome?
Multiple Auction blasts
Sometimes DealDash schedules multiple auctions to go up for auction all at the same time.
At the time of writing, 50 gift cards will all go up for auction all at the same time. I don’t know if that makes it easier to win a gift card or not, but we have the opportunity to find out.
I wanted to see what would happen if I placed three bids on all 50 gift cards. That’s not easy to do, so I only placed bids on about half of them. Too bad I was not on my computer to watch when these auctions went active. I checked a few hours later and found that I came close to winning three of them. I probably only would have had to place a few more bids. But that’s what makes shopping on DealDash so much fun — simply trying new and different strategies. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t, but we never know what will or will not work until we try.
New Arrivals
Some new auction items include:
- An arcade machine that BINs for $608.00. Actually, I’m surprised that it does not BIN for much more considering it has 300 arcade-quality games built in. Most likely that will be a very popular item.
- Another special brand new vehicle. I know of no other shopping site that gives shoppers an opportunity to bid on a brand new vehicle like this. One previous DealDash customer actually won a brand new car using 663 bids and paid a grand total, counting the cost of bids, of only $803.48. What an awesome deal!
- A piano starter for kids, which has a BIN price of $150.00. It includes everything a child needs to learn how to play. This is a new one, but DealDash had a similar one years ago that I won for my granddaughter and she loves it.
- Several new high-dollar watches for men. The most valuable one has a BIN of $1,115.00 and has a 316L surgical-quality stainless steel case and comes with a genuine leather crocodile-embossed strap. It also has several other special features.
To see all of the newest products on DealDash, go to the home page, click on “Browse Categories” in the upper left-hand corner of the header, and click on “New Items.”
Happy shopping everyone!
This sponsored blog post was submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers. Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Blog posts are written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.