Take a DealDash Tour!

By Barbara

Did you take the DealDash tour?  To get off to a winning start, that’s probably one of the first things you should do. Lots of important information is there, but it will never do you any good until you click on it and check it out.

At the top of the DealDash home page, you will see six headers. If you click on them, this is what you will find:

  1. Auctions–All of the live auctions available
  2. Help–How DealDash works, how to bid in an auction, Tips & Tricks, What a bid pack is, what is meant by time as highest bidder, all about promotions, orders and shipping, payments and House rules.
  3. How it works–Shows the same information as “Help.”
  4. Badges(New)–Fun, new badges customers can win
  5. Winners–A list of all of the recent winners, what they won, how many bids they used and how much they paid in closing costs and bids.
  6. Dashboard–This is where you can see which badges you won, your public profile, where you can buy bids, see your buy-it-now history, transaction history, bidding history, the auctions you won, your orders and account details. Your account details will show what credit card or cards are listed, when you first became a customer and how many auctions you won. If you have any questions, you can also click on “contact support.”


Under this banner information, you will also see “Browse categories.” If you click on that, you can select the specific kind of auctions you are looking for.  To the right of that, you will see “Search Auctions.”  If you are bidding in an auction and see some power bidders, you might want to use “Search Auctions” to see when the same auction is scheduled to come up again. Sometimes you can save a lot of bids and money by waiting for the next auction.

If you have not yet taken the DealDash tour, you might find it worthwhile to do so now. It contains a gold mine of information.

Sponsored blog post submitted by Barbara L. Sellers. Barbara is a retired newspaper editor from Tacoma, Washington. She is a mother and grandmother, who grew up on a Minnesota farm in a family of 14 children. Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post.