It’s All in the Comment at DealDash

Recently, I’ve noticed what I say in my Profile comment really has an impact on what I win.  I’ve said “something nice about myself” and I’ve said something like….well, like I might win. Frankly, the “I might win” has gotten me more wins.

It seems that it just doesn’t pay to simply “say something nice about yourself” I’ve done that over and over and I never really thought my words mattered very much, but my latest comment has reaped many rewards.

I can’t tell you what I said, but what I can tell you is that it is the vain that, I am a winner and I’m going to win this auction too.  It seems a positive comment gets the win.

I have seen many people comment about playing fair, and being kind, but these gentle comments don’t exactly pull in the wins.  I can’t be sure if the wins come from the stern comments, but it sure looks like it.

I’ve given so much thought to what I say in my comments, and over the years I’ve had some good ones and some not so good ones.  I never really thought the comment was winning the auctions because I was so sure that my playing was winning, but what I’ve learned is the comment has a lot to do with it.

You have to think about what you’re going to say. If you are mean, people will stomp you.  If you are weak, people will jump you.  You have to find a comment that will play into your style of bidding.

It’s really special if you can come up with a comment that doesn’t hurt anyone, and yet exemplifies the fact that you will win in spite of the fact you may be a “little guy”.

There are so many players who waste their comments by saying one of the “default” comments that DealDash has put up.  I’ve done it, I’ve done it for months at a time.  Then, I change my comment and win a bunch of auctions.

Think hard about what you want to say to your fellow players, let it be a little aggressive, don’t let it be mean or nasty.  Alway go with your best interest in mind.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Bidding on a Budget at DealDash

You might have noticed that DealDash has a new bid pack size for $7, this is the perfect size if you need to add a quick 50 bids to an item you have in auction.  You can also stick to a strict budget with this size.  I often wished I could just get a quick-50 bids, and now I can.

To have a successful bidding experience, it’s always convenient to have a large number of bids in your account at one time, but when you are bidding on a budget, stick to items that you can also afford to buy.   If you buy an item you’ve been bidding on DealDash will refund you the bids you used.  That’s called “Binning” or “BIN” both short for Buy It Now.  You never have to leave empty-handed at DealDash, so bid within your means and you won’t have to.

That means you really don’t want to bid on items you are just looking to exchange for bids, if you lose that auction, you will end your day with no items.  Look over the items for the next 24 hours, choose items you could use for a gift, if you have a $150 budget on that one person, you could essentially win an item in that price range with the 50 bids, so you got your item and you only spent $7 for a $150 gift, but if you didn’t win, you purchase the item and you get the 50 bids back.  Win-Win

But, if you can purchase an item at $500 buy the 2000 or 3000 bid pack and you will have plenty of bids to win so many single items, stay focused on that one item, that is so important when bidding on a budget.  If you start bidding in too many other auctions you will be out of bids before you know it, and when you purchase an item, you won’t get as many bids back.

Also, you are earning free bids the whole time you are bidding for your Time As High Bidder.  DealDash rewards every player with free bids everyday, this is something we earn by being the “highest bidder”.  Every time you place a bid there is about 9 seconds before Bid Buddy places the next players bid, this time is yours and it earns you time toward your next level.  Once there, you get the bids.  These free bids run into the thousands, just keep bidding, you’ll keep earning.

Another way to waste bids is by not using Bid Buddy.  If you stomp in your bids manually, you will get stomped back thereby canceling any free bids you could be earning with your Free Bid Meter.  Likewise, if someone is in the auction stomping on your bids, it doesn’t make sense to stay involved.  You need those free bids, and there is always another item right around the corner.

Try to conserve bids.  Bid on items you can afford to buy.  Protect your free bids, they are as good as  money in the bank, and try not to overbid, no one gets a bargain that way.  Tip: There is an exception to that rule;  If you reach the next level and just got a whole bunch of free bids, go ahead and use those to bid, you never know, and if the item is during a free sale or a 50% off sale, even better!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!




Eight Wins Under $2 in One Day at DealDash

The title of this article speaks truth for me now more than ever at DealDash, the new No Limits on Wins feature is an outstanding bonus to the player, and I have had so much fun winning as much as I want any day I want.  I treated this new event like I was a “Newbie”, playing the prize field under $200, these are generally shorter and close lower than the big prizes.  I was giving myself a chance to re-learn the field before diving into the big prizes again.

I’m glad I did because I was able to figure out that there are less people in the small prizes now because the players are spread out over the field.  Since you’ve been able to win as many prizes as you like any day, players who used to only stick to a certain price range have branched out.  The only prizes that seem to still be as busy are the very popular items that everyone wants, you have to get involved with the auction and see how many people join.  You can tell how many people are in the auction by looking at the group of Avatars in the auction.  When the auction reaches $5 no one else will be able to join.

Getting to know the competition at DealDash is also helpful but less necessary than ever, you can see who is winning on the Winner’s List, once someone wins an item, they may not win it again for a week, so you can go bid after items on the list.  Open them, see how many people were in the auction and who the winner was.  This is good information to know.  Now go after that same prize.

Let’s get to these prizes I won, I can tell you that I also won several other items between $3-$5 they aren’t on the list but we can add them to my number of wins in one day!

$150 -18K Gold Plated Ring, size 7- won for .86 cent with 55 bids

$245-Heavy Duty Pack Pack-won for .30 cents with 10 bids

$265- Candle Holder-won for .93 cents with 27 bids

$370-Pet Bed- won for $1.34 with 39 bids

$150- 18K Gold Plated Ring, size 8- won for .38 cents and 10 bids

$268- Handmade Purse-won for .53 cents and 22 bids

$339- Handmade Ottoman won for .14 and 4 bids

$229-Power Bank- won for $1.19 with 34 bids

I won $2016 worth of prizes and more in one day at DealDash, that is more than fair!  My total spending was $5.67 and $28 for bids.  A total savings of  $1982.00!

I have so much fun bidding every day, I don’t always win this much in one day, but I do win this much often.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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It’s Easier To Win These Days at DealDash

It’s been well over a month now since DealDash lifted the win limits on auctions, and it been such a joy to have less competition in auctions, yet win so much more.   It’s much easier to win with the one of each item for the week.

What this means is, although you can win as many items as you wish, you may only win one of each item per week.  For example, once you’ve won the white stand mixer, you may only win it again in a week.  However, you may win a stand mixer of  a different color or style.   It’s a double-win with the new sale because there are less players in the individual auctions because you may only win an item once, and you may win as many items as you wish.  This is a real treat.  You could essentially get your holiday shopping done is no time and never leave your home because DealDash delivers every item for free.

There are a few things to keep in mind when bidding with this new style, you can go see what a player has won and know that they are out of the field.  Perhaps there is a special clock you want, you know it comes on the market often, check the list, see who’s already won it this week, there you will know they are out of the field, leaving it wide open for you.   Yes, there is always, “that bidder” who likes to win everything, but they can’t win them all, just like you can’t.  Everyone makes mistakes, even the big spenders.

Also, the unlimited availability of wins is endless, you can bid all day and all night and it’s ok if you won 15 items or more!  I would suggest you set a budget for bidding and stick to that, of course buy your bids on sale and if possible, bid when prizes are 50% off or free.  You may use more bids in that case, but I usually use the free bids that DealDash gives me for my Time As High Bidder to achieve my win, the bids were free, and DealDash is very generous, as long as the item hasn’t reached the retail value, once there it’s time to Buy It Now (BIN). If you BIN an item you’ve been bidding on, DealDash will refund your bids if you purchase the item instead of winning it.

DealDash is open 24 hours a day 365 days a year, and there is usually someone working who can answer any question you might have, just click the “Contact Support” Tab and you will be directed to either email the staff or the live help may be available, if it is, you will get an answer to your question right away.

So, come on over to DealDash and win as many prizes as you like!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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