DealDash Tips for Stocking Stuffers


Christmas is rapidly approaching, and DealDash Tips would like to help you find the perfect stocking stuffers for your family.

Finding the perfect stocking stuffers for your family can be tricky. DealDash is here to help. I personally love to have a stocking, and to fill other’s stockings. You might be surprised to hear that in some families the stockings are just for decoration! My husband was quite surprised when I told him that he was responsible for filling my stocking – he didn’t realize that they were for anything but decoration. I was shocked, and made sure that his stocking has been filled with great things ever since.

“What are some great things to fill a stocking with?” you might ask. It all depends on age, of course, let me break it down for you.



Babies don’t need anything, really, but I think that it would be very nice to put at least a few things in their stocking so they have something to do while everyone else is opening their stockings. If your baby is old enough to be able to sit, they are probably able to have some of the commercially prepared baby snacks such as yogurt drops, veggie drops, or the Mum-Mum rice husk snacks. Those will keep them busy while the older kids are doing their stockings. If you would like to add a little something extra into the baby’s stocking, how about one of those adorable tiny blankets with the stuffed animal head? DealDash has those, and they tend to go for very reasonable final auction fees.

Barbie Saddle N Ride HorseMulti Car Gift Pack Color & Styles Vary

Little kids:

Little kids are definitely the most fun to shop for to fill their stockings. Coloring books, crayons, small puzzles, candy, and small Lego sets are good for both genders. For little girls I would also include perhaps a Barbie doll, small stuffed animal, and maybe some fun character-branded lip balm. For little boys I would definitely include some Hot Wheels cars, and maybe some small dinosaur, train, or robot figures.

15 Bids + $15 iTunes Gift Card!

Big kids/Teens:

Big kids and teens aren’t quite as fun as little kids to shop for, but there are still lots of nice items that you can include in their stockings. For both genders I would include shampoo/conditioner, razors, perfume/cologne, candy, and maybe an iTunes, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble gift card. Make up and nail polish is usually a hit with bigger girls and teens, and for the boys I would suggest maybe a Swiss Army-style knife, or maybe a watch.



There’s not a whole lot of difference between what you would put in an adult’s stocking and a teen’s stocking, but I would add perhaps some higher valued items such as earrings, a necklace, or other jewelry for a woman, and maybe a nice wallet or tie for a man.

I hope that you have found this stocking stuffer suggestions article helpful. Most of the items that I mentioned above, from toys and ties to gift cards and jewelry can be found up for auction at DealDash. Check DealDash for the best stocking stuffers. Visit DealDash today. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


You’re In It To Win It at DealDash

Well aren’t we all “in it to win it?”.  You would think we were, but t’s not as true as you might think.  There are a lot of players who will play only to win. They are often called “bid horders” they are players who only play to win and they exchange the win for bids, an option that is available to us as players at DealDash.  I love this option and use it often myself, but I have recently realized you can win so much more if you simple focus on the one item you really want.

There is a good handful of players who actually have a quote “in it to win it” and I don’t usually hold much weight in that comment.  I’m in it to win it, but I’m also in it to exchange for bids, and I’m in it to just beat the heck out of you!

There are any number of players who do this, you need to keep a list of the players who will.  Here’s what I do when I plan on winning.  First, I load up on bids, and second, I really plan to BIN  (buy the item for retail)  If I don’t win an item I really want I will buy it. For that reason, you should only bid on items you would actually buy.

I always use my free bids for Time As High Bidder, to add to a prize I really want, I don’t care if I overbid.  Many players will over bid, they have a lot of money, and then there are players like me who have been playing at DealDash for over two years and every time I reach a new level I earn well over 1000 bids, I will use those bids to overbid on an item.  I think you should too.

If you are in it to win it, go ahead and win it!  There are ways you can and you must just stay true to that one item, I can say it again, but I hope you heard me the first time!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Bid, Shop, Bid- Planning your Wins

You’ve come to DealDash because you’ve heard about all the good deals players are winning everyday. These wins don’t always just fall in your lap, you have to plan to win.  This is so true, DealDash is the most fun you’ll have shopping ever, but many every day items are limited, so it’s a real treat when they come on the market.

There are many items that are on the site everyday, and the most popular of these is the large selection of home decorations, like art and furniture.  You will always see a Stand Mixer, a massage chair and lately, a lot of TVs.  Ahhh, but the toaster is a treat.  Winning your Microwave will take some planning as well.  These types of everyday items are also popular, so always plan to BIN, that makes the win so much more sweet.

The best thing to do to get started planning is to actually shop.  Type the name of an item in the search bar, for example, “toaster” you will see any toasters that might be on the market now plus all of the toasters scheduled, and any planned scheduled toasters for the future.

DealDash offers an “Alert Me” option in every auction, this is so convenient because you’ve done your shopping, you’ve selected your “Alert Me” tab and now you wait for DealDash to send you an email.   The first notice will come about three days before the auction starts.  This is a perfect time to check and see when bids are priced lowest this week.  Then you buy your lowest priced bids, and wait for your auction to start.

DealDash will get another notice the day of the auction and when the auction is about to start, all you have to do is show up.  Now, load up those low priced bids and hope for the win.  The fireworks are the best!

Always plan on using the BIN amount of bids, even though most auctions end far below the retail value.  To figure the BIN price divide the retail value of the item by the cost of bids and you will have the maximum number of bids to use before you purchase the item.  When you bid on items you want or need, you will have more success in the auctions, and then buying the item also makes sense.

So, always do your shopping in advance.  If you come to DealDash and bid on items randomly, you will end up with a bunch of things you don’t know what to do with.  If you keep your holiday list in mind that will maximize the number of items that “makes sense”.  A lot of players, myself included, have their holiday shopping done by the end of September every year.  This could be you.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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DealDash: Average Selling Price of Small Appliances

There are a few items at DealDash that sell for a low closing price and you can get one or more of these small appliances if you play your bids right.

Here are a few tips when considering an item under $200.  The first thing you want to do is NOT overbid.  If you can avoid it at all don’t overbid, it distracts from winning for a few pennies.  When you are a new player at DealDash you may be tempted to overbid on a small appliance, but I can tell you that they sell often for just a few pennies, so why not let that be you!

Here are  few average selling prices of auctions which I have won, they are simple and require only a few bids, but you can’t get caught up in a bidding war over an item that should take only 50 bids. don’t let yourself get into one of these battles because you simply don’t have to, you can without a doubt win a toaster with just a few bids.  It may take a few tries, and you have to have patience, but it can happen.  If you are willing to purchase the item you can BIN the amount of bids, but this article is about winning with just a few bids.

microwave 113 bids and $20.15

toaster 60 bids and $1.20

electric coffee pot 24 bids and .65 cents

can opener 12 bids and $1.12

These are just a few of the great deals I have found at DealDash, but I’ve won many more.  I love to give the items I win at DealDash to my family and friends and they are alway so surprised at how little the items cost me.  Now when I have a gift or an item I give away, they always want to know, “how little did you pay for this?”  That’s funny, but the truth is you can’t win them all, so for every item I win I may lose up to 9 more. that is about a 10% win rate.  I’m ok with that considering many of my auction I only pop in one bid to come back later, and well, maybe I won’t.

There are many, many items you can win with just a few bids and small appliances are among the greatest of prizes to win easy.  If you get into a battle with someone for a small appliance and they just won’t quit,  I suggest YOU quit, and go for the next one, if there is one on the market in 10 minutes, I’ve seen it go for less than the one I’m “involved” with .  It happens all the time.

Don’t underestimate the power of the “next auction” DealDash has new items on the market every minute of every day, there is always the next one, there is always one that is easier to win.  Don ‘t get hung up on one auction, there is a vast number of auctions waiting for you around the clock.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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