Follow These Great DealDash Tips

DealDash Money

What are some of the greatest DealDash tips that you have ever heard or read? If you want to win big, then follow these great tips on DealDash.

Most people who read the DealDash Tips Blog are familiar with DealDash and have probably heard quite a few great tips. Whether it’s from this blog or from one of the other blogs that DealDash sponsors. If you haven’t been to the other blogs, give them a look! You can find the DealDash Blog or the DealDash Reviewed Blog by clicking on their names. For now, follow the tips below for more DealDash wins.

Bid When People are Winning

When is the right time to bid? Tons of people have asked me when the right time to bid is, and my answer is when other people are getting good deals. You can see when people are getting really low prices by checking the Winners List” you can see all the auctions that have closed, including the price and an estimate of how many bids were spent.

If you look at the Winner’s List and see that 5 out of the last 20 auctions have closed for less than a dollar, you know that now is an awesome time to bid! Everyone else is getting a great deal at this time, why not you? Get in there and bid.

Check the Final Prices of Things You Want

A fairly recent piece of information that you can see on DealDash is exactly how much an item ended up costing on DealDash. For example, say you’re interested in a set of sheets. When you visit the sheet set’s individual auction page you can see the previous winners and what the final price was on the sheets. If you see that the set of sheets typically closes for a final price of either $2 or $10, then you might decide to enter the auction when the price is close to $2. If you don’t win after placing 50 bids or so, then you might want to come back later when the auction is closer to $10. Or you might choose to interpret the data in a different way and make your own plan. That’s the great thing about DealDash, you can make your own plan and play your own way. It’s up to you, like at a buffet.

Don’t Forget to BIN

If you don’t end up winning your item, there’s the Buy It Now option(BIN). This option allows you to purchase any item on DealDash for its listed retail value. After paying, you get all the bids you placed for the purchased item back into your bid bank you get the item!

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope this article was helpful for those of you who were interested in reading some great DealDash Tips. Follow my suggestions and you’ll get more enjoyment out of your DealDash experience.

Go ahead and check out the auctions on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has everything you need.  Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!


DealDash Tips Bid FriendlyThis sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Don’t Make This DealDash Mistake Today!


We often give you suggestions on what to DO here on DealDash Tips. Here are some mistakes you will want to avoid on DealDash.

A little DealDash mistake here and there won’t hurt your participation on DealDash. However, if you keep making the same mistakes over and over again it will hurt your success on DealDash. You want to be as successful as possible, right? Of course you do! Every time you get a win on DealDash and you see those fireworks it’s just like Christmas has come early and it’s time to celebrate. You need to minimize your mistakes, read on for more information.

You Have to Have a Plan

Having a plan is a very important part of winning on DealDash. Bidding without a plan is akin to taking a trip without packing! You can certainly minimize any mistakes that you make on DealDash by having a plan along with a backup plan just in case the auction doesn’t go how you have predicted that it will.

Use BIN, it Makes Good Sense

Sometimes we can’t help but make a few mistakes here and there. However, you can completely erase your mistakes by doing a BIN (Buy It Now) on the item that you were bidding on. This is why it’s a smart idea to only bid on things that you’re really interested in owning. This is especially relevant on items that are more expensive such as TVs and other electronics. We all know that these auctions tend to run longer and take more bids to win. Why waste hundreds of bids? Be prepared to Buy It Now if you don’t win, and you’ll never waste your bids because you will get them all back when you buy the item for the retail price.

Bid For Yourself, Don’t Worry About the Other Bidders

It’s a smart idea to try and get to know a bit about the bidding styles of the other bidders that you are competing against. However, when it comes to the actual bidding you shouldn’t be worried about them and what they are doing. They might come in and out of the auction, or they might stay for the long haul and keep feeding their BidBuddies with bid after bid. However, no matter how the other bidders are participating, just worry about yourself. I can’t even tell you how many times I have been too interested in what the other bidders are doing that I ended up getting distracted and losing the auction. Good thing that there’s always BIN as a safety net!

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on avoiding mistakes helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, because you can’t ever learn too much about DealDash. If you would like to read our other blogs, be sure to check out our other blogs, and

Be sure to visit DealDash and see what you can bid on. DealDash has everything you need for your life. Have a great time on DealDash and happy bidding everyone!

dealdash tipsThis sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

DealDash: Bid on THIS not THAT


Don’t bid on just anything on DealDash. Follow this quick DealDash Tips guide to choosing what to bid on.

Now, as a big fan of DealDash, you might think that I would advise you to bid on just any random thing on DealDash. However, that’s not the case at all. There are many wonderful things to bid on, but there are some things that are probably just not right for your life that you should avoid. Let’s take a quick look at my “choosing auctions” guide.

Do You Really Need That?

When you’re browsing through the auctions it might be tempting to bid on anything and everything that you find appealing. However, this can be very expensive, and if you are hopping from auction to auction, not very successful. If you are looking for something to bid on, why bother bidding on something that you’ve won 3 times before, such as a phone case or the same pair of earrings? If you have some bids burning a hole in your pocket, why not bid on something that you know that you will use, like a gift card?

You Can Never Go Wrong With a Gift Card

As I mentioned above, you can never go wrong with a gift card! If you have bids saved up and nothing to do with them, why not try for a gift card? You might not win, but you can always pay the face value of the card and get all of your bids back. That’s the great thing about DealDash, they only charge face value for gift cards, and you get free shipping. That makes them an even better deal than purchasing them online from the store that they’re from – because the other stores charge shipping.

Skip the In-Season Stuff

If it’s winter, I don’t suggest that you bid on a snow shovel, snow blower, or other cold-weather items. Seasonal items are in top demand, and it will be quite a battle to end up with them. It makes a lot more sense to bid on out of season items because there is less competition. If you think ahead to the next season, then you will be able to get much better deals. Think about it, how many people want to bid on a swimming pool in November?

Make Sure it Fits

Bidding on clothing can get you a super deal. However, you need to look closely at what sizes you are bidding on before you give it a shot. I mistakenly bid on (and won!) a size small sweater. I am definitely not a size small! I thought perhaps I would be able to exchange it for a large, but when I contacted customer service they said it wasn’t possible. They only have a certain number of each size, and the larges were already spoken for. It was my mistake, though, so I will just save it for Christmas and give it to my sister-in-law, who can wear a size small. If you aren’t sure of the sizing, I would suggest not bidding on the item. Wait until an item that you are sure will fit comes up for auction.

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on bidding (or not bidding!) helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, because you can never learn too much about bidding. If you would like to read our other blogs, be sure to check out our other blogs, and

Be sure visit DealDash and see what you can win today. DealDash has everything you need for your family and home. Have a great time on DealDash and happy bidding everyone!

dealdash tipsThis sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

DealDash Tips to Think About This Week


Here we are at the start of a new week. Boost your DealDash success by reading these tips for this week.

How are your DealDash wins going so far this month? We are coming to the close of September, how many items have you won? If you feel like you should have won more than you actually did, maybe you need to brush up on your DealDash skills. Keep yourself in tip-top bidding form by reading this article and taking advantage of the tips inside. Read on for more information.

Watch a Power Bidder

Everyone who has been bidding on DealDash a while can probably think of the names of a few Power Bidders. If you’re not familiar with the term Power Bidder, it basically means someone who will stay in the auction indefinitely until they win. That isn’t an option for most people, but you can still learn many things by watching a Power Bidder in action. You might learn when the best time to enter an auction is, when to use your BidBuddy and when to do single-bids, and when to do a little stomping on your opponents. Power Bidders don’t just have a huge number of bids to spend, they also have a wealth of knowledge that you can try to soak up by watching them bid.

 Keep an Eye on the Winner’s Tab

Checking out the Winner’s Tab can help make you a winner as well. You can learn a lot about what’s going on around DealDash on any certain day by looking at the Winner’s Tab. In case you aren’t familiar with this section on DealDash, I’ll tell you about it. If you want to find it, just go to the home screen and look at the navigation bar at the top of the screen. You will see different categories such as Auctions, Help, How It Works, Badges, Winners, and My Dashboard. Simply click on the one that says “Winners”, and you’re in! If you’d rather follow a link, just click this one, and it will take you directly to the Winner’s Tab.

Once you are in the Winner’s Tab, you can see a huge wealth of information on each and every auction that was won on DealDash. The Winner’s Tab constantly updates, so you can see what’s going on in real time, with just a slight lag. Here is the information that you can see about each and every completed auction:

  • The item with a picture and a link to the auction
  • Who won and where they are from
  • How many times they bid
  • An estimated bid cost
  • When they won the item
  • What the final auction fee was
  • What the BIN (Buy It Now) price of the item was

So you see, you can learn a lot of things from the Winner’s Tab. Check it out!

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on bidding helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, because you can’t ever learn too much about DealDash. If you would like to read our other blogs, be sure to check out our other blogs, and

Be sure visit DealDash and see what you can win today on your favorite bidding site. DealDash has everything you need for your home. Have a great time on DealDash and happy bidding everyone!


dealdash tipsThis sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.