Winning Only Bid Packs at DealDash

1000-bid-packThere is an entire culture of players at DealDash that loves to just win bid packs.  If you plan on winning bid packs too, you should try to learn who they are.  The first line of defense is to watch a handful of bid pack auctions. Try watching more that one, it doesn’t help if you are only seeing a couple of players, you want to see who is bidding hard on the bid packs.

Write down a list of names and characteristics, this is a guide to your future bidding.  I am a firm believer in “planning” to win.  That entails shopping, setting alarms and showing up on time for an auction.  Once in the auction you can assess the players, and there are a few different types.

There is the guy who comes in and stays the whole time, they will bid many more than the bid pack price and usually are using free bids they got for Time As High Bidder to win.  They can be avoided by staying away from the auction, they can’t be in every auction, although some try, so you will have a chance.  There is no hurry, if you don’t get in this one, there is one right around the corner.  DealDash releases bid packs constantly throughout a 24 hour period.

Bid during the off hours.  Try winning your bid packs at night, there are usually less players, and you could win for less.  Also, start with small packs and parlay into bigger packs.  Don’t get caught up in a bidding war over a 150 bid pack, use only a few bids, you don’t want to use all the bids you have to get less than you started with.  Bids weigh the same, so whether you go for a 150 pack or a 1500 pack, you can win with a few bids, or it may take more, but why not go for the big pack?

I always bid on the front end of a bid pack, the end is so volatile.  There are some players who like to join in the auction long after others have bid many bids, so to out smart them bid early because the auction often ends long before they come back.  Being a Jumper doesn’t mean you win more, it’s just a strategy.

Stay away from Stompers, those who bid without using a Bid Buddy, if you value your free bids for Time As High Bidder, and you love bids if you’re bidding on bid packs, so you must simply get out of an auction with a stomper.  Stomping back doesn’t pay, it’s a lose-lose situation.

I love bids too, but I refuse to use 1000 bids to win 1000 bids, others don’t, get to know the difference between those two bidding styles.  The fun thing about bids is there are a lot of players who don’t play for them at all, so once you get to know the crowd, it’s just you, them and the Newbies…they love bid packs too!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Ukuleles and Guitars at DealDash

DealDash has a really nice selection of Guitars for the beginner. If you want to learn the guitar or ukulele or you might know someone who does, you can win one at DealDash for just a few bids.  I did and it was a great gift item.  These are considered “special” items and are usually offered “occasionally”.  If you see one posted for sale, be sure to Bookmark it so you don’t miss the auction.

Euk 49The Kona Ukulele retails for $49 and is a fairly easy win at DealDash, I used less than 50 bids to win it and paid about $1. The other guitars they carry at DealDash are designed for beginners.

silvertone essential guitar 100The Silvertone Essential Acoustic Guitar Pack retails for $100 and is a fairly easy win, what I’ve see is all the seasoned pros have won this item or bypassed it, so if you want one I would suggest you rack up the BIN amount of bids and go ahead and win it! If you want to figure out the cost of a BIN this guitar retails for $100 so you would divide the cost of the item by the price of bids and you are left with the number of bids to use for BIN.  $100./.15=667 bids. That is the number of bids you would set into your Bid Buddy, the Bid Buddy will bid for you in your place, it ensures you don’t overbid.

silvertone SD3000 black 89The Silvertone SD3000 Acoustic Guitar Pack in Black is only $89, so the BIN bids would equal 89./.15=593.  This is also a BIN item, you can easily win this, but if you don’t you can buy it after 593 bids, then DealDash will give you all your bids back you used in the auction.

dummies guitar 114The Acoustic for Dummies is also a choice for the real and true beginner.  This guitar is only $114 and it comes with a book to explain all the ins and outs of beginning guitar.

The guitars listed here are easy to win, but you do have to watch the auction, if there are some known overbidders, keep an eye on them.  Don’t get into a bidding war over a guitar, you can win this item with just a few bids, if there is someone who really wants it they may be willing to overbid, don’t let this happen to you.  Just walk away, If your reach the BIN number of bid just buy it and get your bids back.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

Why Bid? Why DealDash?

If you are wondering why you might want to sign up for DealDash, stop wondering, bidding is so much fun and if you have shop for yourself or family and friends, you need DealDash.  Why not have a lot of fun when you shop?  There is no reason, and to top it off, you could walk away with your item for pennies or a few dollars.

This is Entertainment Shopping and DealDash is the best at it.  I used to bounce around, but I’m exclusive to DealDash now because the other sites all have some kind of “catch” like the bids aren’t the same value if you win them, or they charge half cents for bids, for example 5.5 cents, what?!

DealDash wants you to win so much they actually give you so many opportunities to get free bids to add to your winning power.  There is the Time As High Bidder, which you get for every second you are the highest bidder in an auction.  The time tallies, and when you reach your next level, you get the free bids.

DealDash will also give you bids back if you don’t win.  All you have to do to get a bid refund if buy the item you were bidding on. When you decided to buy it, they will refund the bids you used trying.  Who does that? No one but DealDash!

DealDash has the amazing Bid Buddy an automatic bidding system exclusive to DealDash and it will bid in your place, the purpose of using the Bid Buddy is, mainly, to get your Time As High Bidder, but also, you won’t over bid that way.

There is a lot of reasons to bid at DealDash, they make it fun and fair, if you are wondering if Entertainment Shopping is for you, try it, if you don’t like it, DealDash will refund your entire first bid pack cost.  No questions asked, just an email.  They never want anyone to feel taken, they are very generous and kind.

You can try the other sites where bids are only one penny, but those auctions go on for weeks, your kids will graduate from college before you win it! DealDash is the most fun and best value.

You will win, and you will get great deals!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Play Fair, It Helps You Win at DealDash

There are plenty of bidding styles at DealDash, but the game players despise the most is when someone  doesn’t play fair.  It takes some time to get to know who does it, and new players join everyday, but you can figure out which players to simply stay away from.  They win a lot, but they spend a lot too.

You don’t wan to get into a boxing match with someone, by that I mean a stomper festival.  You stomp, the other guy stomps, and then you stomp again, he stomps again, and no one else is getting in any bids through Bid Buddy because of the stomper fest going on.  You and that other guy suddenly have over 50 bids used, and every one who wasn’t stomping only has 5 used.  It’s a waste of bids and just not fair.  The biggest travesty with Stomping is you are losing the opportunity to earn free bids for your Time As High Bidder.  Plus, you most likely won’t win, the player using the Bid Buddy will come out victorious.  So, this one is simple, if you don’t stomp, the other players probably won’t either.

Your Time As High Bidder (TAHB) is a huge gift from DealDash and it basically rewards good behavior with free bids, for example, if you use the Bid Buddy, you bid when it’s your turn, and if everyone else does it too, everyone gets 10 seconds toward the next level.  When you reach your next level you will receive the free bids, if you stomp, you don’t get the time and therefore, no free bids.  You also stomp other peoples free bids and that really hurts other players.  So, if you are known as a Stomper, you are winning less bids and losing more auctions,  If you let everyone have their free bids, they might let you win this time.

I let people who play fair win all the time, you have to.  It comes back to you.  You have to get to know the players to know who might back down eventually.  Then there is “backing down”,  if you do this for players, they will do it for you.  I’ve been able to win more auctions by letting others win.  You can’t do this with all players, but there are a good number of givers.

Some of the best players are the Seasoned Pros, they have been playing a long time, they have accumulated hundreds of prizes and thousands of free bids, they’ve been around, and they come in two forms, one is a never give up, a start from the beginning strategy that uses a lot of bids.  Others have the Jumper gene.  The Jumper will come in very late and use few bids to try to win.  This activity is not rewarded.  If you are a jumper, it’s plain and simple you will be jumped, and that won’t help you win any auctions.  If you don’t want to be jumped, don’t jump.  That’s fair!

These are a few suggestions to help you win more auctions, good behavior at DealDash is often rewarded, if you play the game too hard, you may not win as many auctions.  So, play fair, win more!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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