On New Year 2020 DealDash.com offered a special promotion where the price of won auctions was 90 percent off the final auction price. That was combined with 4X multiplier on the clock, so it was an awesome day to shop.

The only downside to that exciting double special is that it attracted a large number of shoppers. Therefore, the competition was rather stiff. When the competition gets tough we can still win … if we get smart and play smart. Therefore, I’m going to write about various “steps to winning.”
Did you know there are more “steps to winning” on DealDash than simply clicking a bid button and/or placing bids into the automated bidder, BidBuddy?
Any DealDash shopper who is serious about winning auctions usually has to know more about taking the proper “steps to winning” to really be competitive enough to win during heavy competition.
Step 1 – What we know (and don’t know)
Before placing our bids, we should consider what we don’t know from what we do know.
What we don’t know:
- We don’t know how many total bids other shoppers bought and have in their accounts; and
- We don’t know how many high-dollar auctions other shoppers exchanged for bids.
What we do know (or can find out by looking at the data included in the auctions):
- We know what screen names recently won a large bid pack (or two or three) by checking the “Winners” list and writing down those screen names;
- We know the screen names of shoppers who recently won several high-dollar auctions (that they could have exchanged for a large number of bids);
- We know the number of bids previous winners used to win the auctions;
- We know the screen names of shoppers who consistently over-bid the value of the auction (and, therefore, we would not want to compete in the same auctions); and
- We know how many bids we have in our own account.
Step 2 – Book more than 1 bid in an auction
If we choose an auction that has not yet gone live, place three to seven bids into BidBuddy. Why not one bid? The majority of the shoppers will only place one bid, but if we place three to seven bids at the beginning, we could win with just a few bids.

If the auction never sold before it reaches the $5.00 mark when all other players get locked out, we can save the rest of our bids until then. Before placing the rest of our bids into BidBuddy, however, we should check the screen names to see who else is in the same auction.
First look at the screen names that are actively bidding and going for the win. If we see any screen names of players who recently won a large bid pack or the screen names of power bidders we want to avoid, it might be a good idea to stay out of that auction and place our bids in another one.
If we do not see a screen name that recently won a large bid pack or the screen name of an over-bidder that we prefer to avoid, we might want to continue bidding in that auction. But wait! First, we need to check something else, too.
Step 3 – Know your competition
We also need to check all of the other shoppers who qualified to participate in that auction. Even if they are not actively participating at the moment they might be just “waiting in the wings.” In other words, they might have plans to save bids now but join the auction later.
When I checked the active players in an auction I was going to compete in, I did not see a screen name that won a large bid pack or a screen name of an over-bidder. Before I placed more bids, however, I decided to check all of the other qualified players who might be “waiting in the wings.”
As I ran my mouse over all of the icons that were qualified to participate in the auction, the various screen names popped up. Wow! I was really glad I decided to check because one of those icons had recently won 5,000 bids. If that shopper were to jump in later on, no way could I compete with that one.
Step 4 – Winning limits
If an auction usually sells before it reaches the $5.00 mark when all other bidders are locked out and we have no way of knowing whether any of the screen names we want to avoid will or will not join the auction, there is one other thing we can check.
We can look at the list of all previous winners in the last 30 days who are no longer allowed to participate in that auction. Often times we will see the screen names we want to avoid have already won the auction and are now prevented from competing in that auction again.
If we learn how to use the data that is already available to us on the DealDash shopping site, we can win more auctions.
This sponsored blog post was submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers. Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Blog posts are written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.