Tips to Follow for Big DealDash Wins


If you’re looking for big wins, then DealDash is where it’s at! Follow these tips to get more wins than ever before.

Big wins, small wins, any kind of wins are great. And you know what? When you keep winning the small auctions so much that they start to become easy for you, then it’s time to move on to the big wins on DealDash. Winning the big auctions is more of a marathon than a sprint, you need to play the long game and think ahead rather than trying to be sneaky and steal a win. If it’s a really big auction, then it’s doubtful that you’ll be able to win it without a fight – but you never know, stranger things have happened! Read on for more tips from DealDash regarding big wins.

Playing the Long Game

When you have decided to go after the big wins after being successful at smaller auctions you need to change up your strategy a little bit. Just think, when you are trying to get a smaller win then you try to sneak in with a quick win with just a few bids. When you are going after a bigger prize then you should be sure to get a few bids in before the $5 No Jumper limit, but after that, I would sit back and wait for a bit, if I were you. This could cause you to lose the auction if someone DOES get an amazingly quick win, but in most cases, you have some time to stop bidding for a bit, sit, watch, and strategize.

However, If it’s Really Important

However, if this auction is extremely important to you, then perhaps you can aim to be the first bidder as well as the last bidder. If this big auction that you have your eye on is something that you actually need, then by all means put in enough bids to reach the Buy It Now (BIN) limit. For example, if your iPad just broke, or if you really need a new TV, or maybe you lost your digital camera on vacation – these would be perfect times to go ahead and go “all in” and bid the auction up to the limit. Remember, when you BIN an auction for the retail price you’ll get all of your bid back when you pay for the item. Every single bid will be returned to your account to use again on something else. You will get free shipping as well, and get to keep all of the clock time that you accrued during the auction. Depending on the retail price of the auction, that could be a LOT of clock time!

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article for bidding in bigger auctions helpful. DealDash always has great promotions going. Now go win some great auctions on DealDash! Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has everything you need. Don’t forget to tell your friends and family about DealDash! Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash Round Logo

This sponsored DealDash blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Tips for Dealing With Other DealDash Bidders


Have you had a little bit of trouble with other bidders since you started on DealDash? Not to worry, DealDash can help you with a few tips and tricks to get along with the other bidders.

Bidding on DealDash is fun and exciting, but sometimes you might get into little tiffs here and there with the other bidders. Not that you’ll really know, anyway, since there is not a bidder chat feature. I personally think that is a GOOD thing. I can only imagine some of the things that people might say to each other! Here are some ideas to keep on the other bidder’s good sides. Why not? Keep it friendly!

Don’t Stomp, People. Just Don’t.

If you were to ask other bidders what their pet peeves are, “Stompers” and “Jumpers” would be at the very top of the list on DealDash. What are Stompers and Jumpers, you might wonder? A Stomper picks an auction, and rather than bidding politely and waiting for the timer to go down to 2 or 3 seconds they bid immediately after a person, therefore cheating the person out of their “clock time.”  The Jumper is someone who waits until the auction has practically reached the $5 No Jumper limit and places their first bid, usually between $4.50-$5. This is also true when DealDash runs their “$3 No Jumper Limit, as well. The Jumper will wait until the auction has reached $2.75 or so and then jump right in.

Don’t Over-Bid for Fun

Are you the sort of bidder who stops bidding when you have reached the BIN limit? Great, keep doing what you’re doing! However, if you’re the sort of bidder that keeps bidding on and on and on, even after the auction has reached the BIN price, that’s not a good way to get along with other bidders.

Have you ever been in an auction that ended for twice the amount of the BIN price? This happens fairly often in gift card auctions when it’s a Half-Price or Free Auction Weekend promotion. It’s very aggravating to the other bidders, and no one will thank you for it. It can sometimes backfire on you as well if the auction ends unexpectedly and it’s NOT a Free Auction Weekend. Of course, these are just my personal suggestions, please feel free to bid however you like on DealDash – they are your bids to use as you like. All bidders, rude and polite, love to bid on DealDash.

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article for getting along with other bidders helpful. DealDash always has great promotions going. Now go win some great auctions on DealDash! Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has everything you need. Don’t forget to tell your friends and family about DealDash! Good luck and happy bidding everyone!DealDash

This sponsored DealDash blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Saving Bids the DealDash Way


Loving DealDash means that you want to bid every day. It’s important to think about your budget and conserve bids. Here are some tips from Dealdash

Let’s be real here – sometimes I spend way too much on DealDash, and my husband tells me that it’s time to cut back a little bit. Well, easier said than done, I just have so much fun on DealDash that cutting back isn’t really my plan. My plan is better than not bidding, my plan is to conserve my bids whenever and wherever possible. Here are some of my best tips, tricks, and ideas to save money and bids while still having fun bidding on DealDash.

Bid on Things that You Would Buy Anyway

By bidding on things that you would purchase anyway you can take the guesswork out of bidding. You don’t have to worry if someone is outbidding you, stomping on your bids, or if they are just being ridiculous. You know that you’re safe with your Buy It Now (BIN) safety net. When you are mentally prepared to purchase anything that you are bidding on, then all of your worries can slip away. After all, when you pay for your item you’ll receive all of your bids back that you spent.

Purchase Bids on Sale

You definitely need to keep an eye on the bid prices.  When you see that DealDash is offering a special sale on bids such as .14, .13, or even .12 it’s time to stock up. Typically you only see .12 bids on a holiday, but when you see them, stock up! When you buy bid packs with lower priced bids you get many more bids for your money. This is a great way to get more for your money on DealDash.

Bid Small, Win Big

Search around on DealDash, and see if there are any auctions coming up for items that you think that no one else will be interested in. Maybe it’s an item that has already been up a few times that day. Or perhaps it’s an item that typically goes for a low amount. Throw some bids on there. Give it a try. You might get a big win!

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on saving bids helpful. Check back here and our sister blog DealDash Reviews daily for new articles. Reading our blogs daily will improve your DealDash skills.

Do you have bids to spend? Go check DealDash for items you would buy anyway and don’t be scared to BIN them! DealDash has all of the items that you need. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

400 Bid Pack!

This sponsored DealDash blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

DealDash Tips: One Auction at a Time

As a long-time customer on DealDash, I highly recommend that players focus on only one auction at a time. Why?

Some advantages to focusing on only one auction at a time are:

  • You are more likely to have enough bids to win the auction. If you bid on more than one auction at a time, you are more likely to run out of bids before you win any of them.
  • It is easier to pay attention to only one auction at a time
  • The BIN (Buy-It-Now) option works more to your advantage when you only bid in one auction at a time. For example, if you place 300 bids on a $25 gift card and fail to win the auction, you can buy the gift card for $25 and get all 300 bids back to use in another auction. However, if you place 100 bids on three different $25 gift cards and you do not win any of them, you would have to buy all three cards for a total of $75 to get all your bids back. Which would you rather do—buy only one gift card to get all your bids back or buy three cards to get all your bids back?
  • It is a courteous gesture to other players who would like to have a chance to win an auction, too. It is very discouraging when the same power players I want to avoid are bidding in all of the auctions I open. In fact, I would like to see a limit placed on how many auctions each player could participate in at the same time.

I’ve always had a better chance of winning whenever I focused on only one auction at a time.




Submitted by:  Barbara L. Sellers