DealDash Has The Goods!

ninja blenderNot only can you have a lot of fun shopping at DealDash, you can find just about anything you can imagine for your home, family or friends.  There are things you wouldn’t even think of buying if you went to the store, but when you win it at DealDash, it’s the best gift you could give.

juicerThey carry everything for your kitchen, from a blender to a juicer and a toaster to a microwave.  These are great gifts and you can always find someone on your shopping list to treat with these convenient items.   All of these items are on the DealDash occasional list.  They aren’t things you will find every single day, you have to do some planning.

furnitureWhen you find an item that you think you can use and it’s not on the market yet, be sure to “bookmark” it.  If the item is scheduled it will have a countdown clock on the auctions main page.  What you do to bookmark is click the little white star on the upper right hand corner of your item, it will turn yellow, and you’ll know you have it bookmarked.

solar lightsIf the item is planned for a future auction, you can choose the “Alert Me” tab and DealDash will let you know when it becomes a scheduled item. They will send you a few email notifications, all you have to do is show up and bid!

I like to have a nice selection of gifts in my present closest, and one of my favorites to give is the handsome selection of clocks at DealDash, many of the clocks are handmade and very clever in design.  There is a clock for everyone.

dd microwaveThere are many other homewares too, they have a nice selection of ottoman, wall art, lighting, and small furniture.  You will find these items on the site daily, they are always featuring a new design, but they  always have “clocks”.  Trust me when I tell you it’s not too early to start your holiday shopping at DealDash.  You don’t want to wait until the last moment to try to “win” all your gifts, smart winning takes time.  If you plan on Binning your items, you will be alright, just remember to shop for items you can afford to purchase if you don’t win it.

pink tools 87There is a great variety of outdoor items, like tents and patio supplies.  You can find items for your pool and yard, or games for outdoors.  They offer many of these items as “special” offers.  That means you may not find a tent every day on the site, but if you search “tents” you can bookmark and Alert the item.

Anything you can think of, any person on your gift list, any thing that could make you happy can be found at DealDash.  This is the best place to find great quality, everyday items for a fraction of the cost.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Entertainment Shopping at DealDash

Entertainment Shopping by definition is a “pay to play” system of shopping, specifically on a site such as DealDash where you will be served the best entertainment on the web.

It’s shopping that has an element of interest through chance and timing resulting in deals at 50%, 60% and higher off your everyday items. DealDash adds a lot of features to make their site the most entertaining of all.  There are standard auction bells and whistles, like the blinking timers and shopping pages with fantastic merchandise to choose from.

There is the BidBuddy that bids for you, you’ll never have to miss a single bid because all you have to do is load up your bids and BidBuddy does the rest.  You can shop all over the site while still bidding on your favorite items.

When you win an auction, the fireworks are the best!  Where else can you have a prize and be entertained with the winning fireworks? No where else! It never gets old to see the explosion on your winning page with a huge “Congratulations!”

There is a risk involved when you’re playing a game of chance, but with the risk comes a few rewards at DealDash, they don’t ever want a player to go away empty-handed, so they offer a Buy It Now policy, if you bid on any item and don’t win, you can purchase the item and get all your bids back to try for another item!  No one else gives you your bids back, so the risk in reduced and the chance of getting a great deal is 100% because if you win it for a discount, fantastic….if you buy it and get your bids back, wow!

You will also get free bids for every bid you place.  That entertains me all the time.  I especially love it when I get to click my bid meter and Dealdash deposits free bids into my account.  The longer you bid at DealDash, the more bids you are rewarded.  The last time I clicked my free bid meter, it was for 1140 bids!

Another way to get bids back from DealDash is to “Exchange For Bids” this feature allows you to take a win and exchange it for bids.  Again, you don’t have to go away empty-handed, and you get to play longer.

DealDash is so engaging, I’ve found it to make me more alert, more aware of numbers and happier because I win something just about every day.  I used to really dislike shopping, especially at a mall, now I don’t have to got there. Whenever I need something, I just check the DealDash site to see if they carry it. Usually there is something that will fit the bill and then I set out to win it for a bargain.

It’s also pretty entertaining when the delivery person shows up at your home nearly everyday with items that you WON or BINNED at DealDash and every items is delivered FREE!  DealDash never charges for shipping and you’re item is usually on its way to you in a matter of days.

So, if you’re tired of going to the mall for everyday items check out DealDash, it’s the most fun you’ll have shopping ever! It’s a fair and fun way to get great deals.  It really is so much fun, the prizes are just a bonus added to the excitment!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Bid, Shop, Bid- Planning your Wins

You’ve come to DealDash because you’ve heard about all the good deals players are winning everyday. These wins don’t always just fall in your lap, you have to plan to win.  This is so true, DealDash is the most fun you’ll have shopping ever, but many every day items are limited, so it’s a real treat when they come on the market.

There are many items that are on the site everyday, and the most popular of these is the large selection of home decorations, like art and furniture.  You will always see a Stand Mixer, a massage chair and lately, a lot of TVs.  Ahhh, but the toaster is a treat.  Winning your Microwave will take some planning as well.  These types of everyday items are also popular, so always plan to BIN, that makes the win so much more sweet.

The best thing to do to get started planning is to actually shop.  Type the name of an item in the search bar, for example, “toaster” you will see any toasters that might be on the market now plus all of the toasters scheduled, and any planned scheduled toasters for the future.

DealDash offers an “Alert Me” option in every auction, this is so convenient because you’ve done your shopping, you’ve selected your “Alert Me” tab and now you wait for DealDash to send you an email.   The first notice will come about three days before the auction starts.  This is a perfect time to check and see when bids are priced lowest this week.  Then you buy your lowest priced bids, and wait for your auction to start.

DealDash will get another notice the day of the auction and when the auction is about to start, all you have to do is show up.  Now, load up those low priced bids and hope for the win.  The fireworks are the best!

Always plan on using the BIN amount of bids, even though most auctions end far below the retail value.  To figure the BIN price divide the retail value of the item by the cost of bids and you will have the maximum number of bids to use before you purchase the item.  When you bid on items you want or need, you will have more success in the auctions, and then buying the item also makes sense.

So, always do your shopping in advance.  If you come to DealDash and bid on items randomly, you will end up with a bunch of things you don’t know what to do with.  If you keep your holiday list in mind that will maximize the number of items that “makes sense”.  A lot of players, myself included, have their holiday shopping done by the end of September every year.  This could be you.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Buy It Now, BIN & Binning at DealDash

So you love to bid, bid, bid!  It’s fun and exciting especially when you win! The fireworks are awesome! But if you don’t win at DealDash you can Buy It Now (BIN) and DealDash will give you all the bids you used trying back to try and win another item.

You can purchase an item you’ve bid on for up to one week after you don’t win it.  If you go to your Dashboard, you will find a list of all your items right on the front page.  You can also find the item in your bidding history, both places will tell you how many bids will be returned to your account if your BIN.  It’s simple, make the purchase and the bids are automatically loaded into your account.

The way to figure out how many bids to use before you BIN is to take the retail value of the item listed on the DealDash site and divide it by the cost of the bids when you purchase it.  That will result in the number of bids to use before you back out and buy it.

For example, you love this toaster, it’s a popular item, but it will still go for a fraction of the retail price, but you want to be sure you give the auction all the benefit of the doubt and load up on the BIN amount of bids. Let’s say the toaster retails for $89.00 and bids are .15 cents each.  Your calculation will look like this 89./.15=593 bids.

You don’t want to exceed that number of bids because you would then be paying more than retail.  Chances are very good that no one else will place 593 bids on the auction and you will win it for much less, but if you don’t, you have Binning to fall back on.

This is a wonderful gift from DealDash, they really care about the bidding experience on their site, and they really want their players to win.  It doesn’t please them to have you go away empty-handed, you have to win or BIN.  Either way, you have your item!  If you bought it you have your bids back too!  Win-Win!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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