What did you win on DealDash last week? If you are just getting started with penny auctions and haven’t won anything yet, it’s time you get started. If you are wondering what kind of deals DealDash offers bidders check out the Best Deals on DealDash for June 10th-16th.
June 10th: Do you know how rewarding and exciting photography can be? If you are a budding photography who recently bought or won a Nikon dSLR you may be jealous by this sweet deal on a 50mm prime lens – the Nikon Nikkor 50mm f/1.8G AF-S Lens for Nikon DSLR cameras. A prime lens is the choice of many portrait photographers for the crisp clarity and shallow depth of field giving the background a soft glow. This is the same awesome lens that was won by DealDash bidder Bailey1040 on June 10th for just $0.30 – Seriously, 30 cents!?! for a $200 lens? Yup! Even if Bailey1040 were to be the only bidder placing say 30 bids at $0.15 a bid Bailey1040 would have only spent $4.80 total to win this and we know this winner spent way less in bids.
– See more at: https://www.dealdash.com/battle.php?auction_id=2319749#sthash.oiXzljJx.dpuf
June 11th: Speaking of Nikon DSLR cameras. Take a look at this beast of a camera. The Nikon D5300 Digital SLR Camera with 18–140mm VR Lens, Black has a buy it now price of $1,050.. and from the description we will see that this camera combines dazzling image quality with all the modern techy bells and whistles. Plus, 24.2 megapixels ad 100-12,800 expandable up to 25,600 ISO for studio
quality images.
– See more at: https://www.dealdash.com/battle.php?auction_id=2319362#sthash.IvbNGoQD.dpufa
June 12th: Danny916 will be cool this summer thanks in part to this great deal he got on this brand new AC unit – but it’s not so much the price interests me about this auction, take a look at Danny’s bidding status message:

– See more at: https://www.dealdash.com/battle.php?auction_id=2330486#sthash.4Dtdudet.dpuf