Brag About Your Wins from DealDash

So, you’ve been bidding at DealDash for a while now.  There you’ve been able to win items for a fraction of the cost, possibly 99% off or even more.  Many, many players win auctions for only pennies every day.  You can too.

When you win at DealDash, if you “brag” about your wins on the DealDash Facebook Page, you will be rewarded for your wins.  If you brag on your own Facebook Page, you’re friends will thank you.

I have a few friend who have joined DealDash and they are so happy.  They win all the time.  There is no way of knowing if you will win an item, but at Dealdash, you can buy the item and get all the bids you used trying.

Your friends will let you know what  a great deal you got when you tell them you won the iPad for about $50.  I see that happen all the time.  To tell the truth, I’m still trying to win an iPad, but I know I will.   I have won most of the major prizes at DealDash.  I won the coveted Massage Chair with only 78 bids!

I have won the 4K TV for $8, I’ve won a hot tub, a clothes washer, and many other great appliances.  I’m still trying to win a few of the coveted prizes.  There is always something new at DealDash and I know tomorrow there will be a prize I can’t wait to win.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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DealDash and Facebook

DealDash is so much fun, you’ll want to add the Facebook element to your experience.  You already know Facebook is a fun place to talk to friends, find out what’s going on in the world or just look at pictures of cute kittens, so when you add DealDash to the picture, it’s more fun because you can earn free bids, and here is how.

DealDash has a wonderful Facebook page where you can share your experiences with other players, make comments about your wins, and share or read reviews.  There is anyone from the “Newbie” to the “Seasoned Pro” visiting the Facebook page.  I like to go there at least once a day, this way I catch up on the latest sales posted and …..well, see cute pictures of kittens!  DealDash does that too.

Each week DealDash has a contest for 1000 bids to see who takes the best photo of themselves for their Facebook page and other Social Media.  All you have to do is take a photo of yourself or a friend holding your win,  and send the picture to [email protected] via an attachment.  Be sure to include a comment about the value of the items and what you paid for it.

Also include, a brief comment about you’re experience.  If you’re creative, DealDash notices!  You will receive 350 bids for items valued over $199 just for posting and a handful of bids for the lower valued prizes.  There are complete instructions on the DealDash Facebook Page.   There you can find any information about DealDash, you just have to poke around.

I’ve found some of my best tips on the Facebook Page, especially the value of items, sometimes you just don’t realize what fantastic prizes they have at DealDash until you read about them on the Facebook page.  They do a nice job of bringing to the platform some of the most creative and ingenious gifts I’ve ever seen.

I’m sure you will love visiting the DealDash Facebook Page, don’t miss out on the fun, don’t miss out on getting a few tips and certainly don’t miss seeing all the smiles from the hundreds of people who win everyday at DealDash!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Why Bid? Why DealDash?

If you are wondering why you might want to sign up for DealDash, stop wondering, bidding is so much fun and if you have shop for yourself or family and friends, you need DealDash.  Why not have a lot of fun when you shop?  There is no reason, and to top it off, you could walk away with your item for pennies or a few dollars.

This is Entertainment Shopping and DealDash is the best at it.  I used to bounce around, but I’m exclusive to DealDash now because the other sites all have some kind of “catch” like the bids aren’t the same value if you win them, or they charge half cents for bids, for example 5.5 cents, what?!

DealDash wants you to win so much they actually give you so many opportunities to get free bids to add to your winning power.  There is the Time As High Bidder, which you get for every second you are the highest bidder in an auction.  The time tallies, and when you reach your next level, you get the free bids.

DealDash will also give you bids back if you don’t win.  All you have to do to get a bid refund if buy the item you were bidding on. When you decided to buy it, they will refund the bids you used trying.  Who does that? No one but DealDash!

DealDash has the amazing Bid Buddy an automatic bidding system exclusive to DealDash and it will bid in your place, the purpose of using the Bid Buddy is, mainly, to get your Time As High Bidder, but also, you won’t over bid that way.

There is a lot of reasons to bid at DealDash, they make it fun and fair, if you are wondering if Entertainment Shopping is for you, try it, if you don’t like it, DealDash will refund your entire first bid pack cost.  No questions asked, just an email.  They never want anyone to feel taken, they are very generous and kind.

You can try the other sites where bids are only one penny, but those auctions go on for weeks, your kids will graduate from college before you win it! DealDash is the most fun and best value.

You will win, and you will get great deals!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Play Fair, It Helps You Win at DealDash

There are plenty of bidding styles at DealDash, but the game players despise the most is when someone  doesn’t play fair.  It takes some time to get to know who does it, and new players join everyday, but you can figure out which players to simply stay away from.  They win a lot, but they spend a lot too.

You don’t wan to get into a boxing match with someone, by that I mean a stomper festival.  You stomp, the other guy stomps, and then you stomp again, he stomps again, and no one else is getting in any bids through Bid Buddy because of the stomper fest going on.  You and that other guy suddenly have over 50 bids used, and every one who wasn’t stomping only has 5 used.  It’s a waste of bids and just not fair.  The biggest travesty with Stomping is you are losing the opportunity to earn free bids for your Time As High Bidder.  Plus, you most likely won’t win, the player using the Bid Buddy will come out victorious.  So, this one is simple, if you don’t stomp, the other players probably won’t either.

Your Time As High Bidder (TAHB) is a huge gift from DealDash and it basically rewards good behavior with free bids, for example, if you use the Bid Buddy, you bid when it’s your turn, and if everyone else does it too, everyone gets 10 seconds toward the next level.  When you reach your next level you will receive the free bids, if you stomp, you don’t get the time and therefore, no free bids.  You also stomp other peoples free bids and that really hurts other players.  So, if you are known as a Stomper, you are winning less bids and losing more auctions,  If you let everyone have their free bids, they might let you win this time.

I let people who play fair win all the time, you have to.  It comes back to you.  You have to get to know the players to know who might back down eventually.  Then there is “backing down”,  if you do this for players, they will do it for you.  I’ve been able to win more auctions by letting others win.  You can’t do this with all players, but there are a good number of givers.

Some of the best players are the Seasoned Pros, they have been playing a long time, they have accumulated hundreds of prizes and thousands of free bids, they’ve been around, and they come in two forms, one is a never give up, a start from the beginning strategy that uses a lot of bids.  Others have the Jumper gene.  The Jumper will come in very late and use few bids to try to win.  This activity is not rewarded.  If you are a jumper, it’s plain and simple you will be jumped, and that won’t help you win any auctions.  If you don’t want to be jumped, don’t jump.  That’s fair!

These are a few suggestions to help you win more auctions, good behavior at DealDash is often rewarded, if you play the game too hard, you may not win as many auctions.  So, play fair, win more!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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