Why Bid? Why DealDash?

If you are wondering why you might want to sign up for DealDash, stop wondering, bidding is so much fun and if you have shop for yourself or family and friends, you need DealDash.  Why not have a lot of fun when you shop?  There is no reason, and to top it off, you could walk away with your item for pennies or a few dollars.

This is Entertainment Shopping and DealDash is the best at it.  I used to bounce around, but I’m exclusive to DealDash now because the other sites all have some kind of “catch” like the bids aren’t the same value if you win them, or they charge half cents for bids, for example 5.5 cents, what?!

DealDash wants you to win so much they actually give you so many opportunities to get free bids to add to your winning power.  There is the Time As High Bidder, which you get for every second you are the highest bidder in an auction.  The time tallies, and when you reach your next level, you get the free bids.

DealDash will also give you bids back if you don’t win.  All you have to do to get a bid refund if buy the item you were bidding on. When you decided to buy it, they will refund the bids you used trying.  Who does that? No one but DealDash!

DealDash has the amazing Bid Buddy an automatic bidding system exclusive to DealDash and it will bid in your place, the purpose of using the Bid Buddy is, mainly, to get your Time As High Bidder, but also, you won’t over bid that way.

There is a lot of reasons to bid at DealDash, they make it fun and fair, if you are wondering if Entertainment Shopping is for you, try it, if you don’t like it, DealDash will refund your entire first bid pack cost.  No questions asked, just an email.  They never want anyone to feel taken, they are very generous and kind.

You can try the other sites where bids are only one penny, but those auctions go on for weeks, your kids will graduate from college before you win it! DealDash is the most fun and best value.

You will win, and you will get great deals!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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It’s All in the Comment at DealDash

Recently, I’ve noticed what I say in my Profile comment really has an impact on what I win.  I’ve said “something nice about myself” and I’ve said something like….well, like I might win. Frankly, the “I might win” has gotten me more wins.

It seems that it just doesn’t pay to simply “say something nice about yourself” I’ve done that over and over and I never really thought my words mattered very much, but my latest comment has reaped many rewards.

I can’t tell you what I said, but what I can tell you is that it is the vain that, I am a winner and I’m going to win this auction too.  It seems a positive comment gets the win.

I have seen many people comment about playing fair, and being kind, but these gentle comments don’t exactly pull in the wins.  I can’t be sure if the wins come from the stern comments, but it sure looks like it.

I’ve given so much thought to what I say in my comments, and over the years I’ve had some good ones and some not so good ones.  I never really thought the comment was winning the auctions because I was so sure that my playing was winning, but what I’ve learned is the comment has a lot to do with it.

You have to think about what you’re going to say. If you are mean, people will stomp you.  If you are weak, people will jump you.  You have to find a comment that will play into your style of bidding.

It’s really special if you can come up with a comment that doesn’t hurt anyone, and yet exemplifies the fact that you will win in spite of the fact you may be a “little guy”.

There are so many players who waste their comments by saying one of the “default” comments that DealDash has put up.  I’ve done it, I’ve done it for months at a time.  Then, I change my comment and win a bunch of auctions.

Think hard about what you want to say to your fellow players, let it be a little aggressive, don’t let it be mean or nasty.  Alway go with your best interest in mind.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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Your DealDash Dashboard – A Helpful Tool

Don’t underestimate the power of your Dashboard.  It’s there and holds certain keys to the questions you have.  It’s much more fun to have all your stats in one place than to have nothing at all.  Your Dashboard has the numbers to help you win.

For example, how many bids did you use on a certain item? You can find that information in your “Bidding History”.  Then you can use this information to help you decide what to do in your next auction.  Perhaps you don’t want to use as many bids, or you think you could have used more bids.  You can also see who you did battle with in the list of Avatars in the auction, find out what the final price was, what sale was available at the time, it’s all good information to help you make an educated guess on your next auction.

Your “Won Auction” is a particularly interesting list.  You can see what you’ve won, and if it’s paid for or shipped, and  whether you exchanged it for bids.  Exchanging for bids is an option DealDash offers if you win an item, and based on its popularity, you will get an exchange, they keep the item and give you X amount of bids.  On average it’s about half, but it can be more or less if the items is very popular, it could be 100% bids, so if the item is $1920 dollars you will receive 1920 bids.  If that same item is not as popular, you may get 960 bids.  That’s not the only factor, others are availability and frequency of offer.

Your “Public Profile” is a useful tool, use it to define your game, encourage others, or perhaps send someone way off target from your bidding style.  There are so many clever profile comments, read a bunch and the right one for you will come.  I like to change my comment often, others have had the same comment as long as I’ve been bidding.  Some use only a dot ( . ) or ( / ).  There are quotes by famous people and snarky comments made up by the players.  Make it fun, you will read it over and over as the auction goes on.

Your “Buy It Now” Tab will let you know if you’ve purchased an item and how many bids you received for your purchase.  You can use this information to see previous thresholds for buying the item.  Hopefully, you didn’t over BIN!

Once you’ve won an auction you can find it directly on the top of your open Dashboard, there you can see all the prizes you have open for purchase, this is also where you can do the exchange for bids if you choose. Just click on the “Pay Now” tab and both options are there to, 1. pay for it or 2. exchange it.

Watch your own stats on your Dashboard and learn from your wins and losses.  This is a convenient tool and DealDash wants you to win, so check your Dashboard often, once in awhile you might open it and see you’ve won a prize and didn’t even know it!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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It’s Easier To Win These Days at DealDash

It’s been well over a month now since DealDash lifted the win limits on auctions, and it been such a joy to have less competition in auctions, yet win so much more.   It’s much easier to win with the one of each item for the week.

What this means is, although you can win as many items as you wish, you may only win one of each item per week.  For example, once you’ve won the white stand mixer, you may only win it again in a week.  However, you may win a stand mixer of  a different color or style.   It’s a double-win with the new sale because there are less players in the individual auctions because you may only win an item once, and you may win as many items as you wish.  This is a real treat.  You could essentially get your holiday shopping done is no time and never leave your home because DealDash delivers every item for free.

There are a few things to keep in mind when bidding with this new style, you can go see what a player has won and know that they are out of the field.  Perhaps there is a special clock you want, you know it comes on the market often, check the list, see who’s already won it this week, there you will know they are out of the field, leaving it wide open for you.   Yes, there is always, “that bidder” who likes to win everything, but they can’t win them all, just like you can’t.  Everyone makes mistakes, even the big spenders.

Also, the unlimited availability of wins is endless, you can bid all day and all night and it’s ok if you won 15 items or more!  I would suggest you set a budget for bidding and stick to that, of course buy your bids on sale and if possible, bid when prizes are 50% off or free.  You may use more bids in that case, but I usually use the free bids that DealDash gives me for my Time As High Bidder to achieve my win, the bids were free, and DealDash is very generous, as long as the item hasn’t reached the retail value, once there it’s time to Buy It Now (BIN). If you BIN an item you’ve been bidding on, DealDash will refund your bids if you purchase the item instead of winning it.

DealDash is open 24 hours a day 365 days a year, and there is usually someone working who can answer any question you might have, just click the “Contact Support” Tab and you will be directed to either email the staff or the live help may be available, if it is, you will get an answer to your question right away.

So, come on over to DealDash and win as many prizes as you like!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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