Stretching Your Bids on DealDash

Do you want to stretch your bids when shopping on

Let’s say that you are bidding in an auction that is down to the last three players. You are one of them. It looks like the auction might close shortly. However, the other two bidders are not going away and you are getting down to your last 100 bids. You cannot afford to purchase any more bids, but you are concerned that the other two players will out-bid you.

In such a case, what could you do to stretch your bids and still have a chance to win the auction? You could cancel your bids and save them for later. However, if you do that, one of two things will happen: You will leave the last two players to fight it out for a while or, after you drop out, another player will soon join the competition.

If a third player jumps in as soon as you drop out, you could still have a good chance to win because your competition will continue to use more bids while you save yours until the auction gets down to the last two players again. By that time, at least one of those players might be running low on bids.

If nobody else joins the competition, you will run the risk that one of the other two players will win the auction before you decide to get back into the game. How long you can afford to stay out of the game will most likely depend mostly on the experience level of the last two players. If one is experienced and the other one is a new DealDash shopper, chances are more likely that the experienced player might out-bid the new shopper very quickly.

If the auction usually closes at $15.00 and it is now at $13.00 you might be able to let the last two players go head-to-head until it reaches $14.00. Then they will have each used up 50 more bids than you, and that could make a winning difference.


Sponsored blog post submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers                                                         

Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post.