Have you ever had an ergonomic pillow? If not, now is a great time to shop for one on DealDash.com. We can shop for one at a time or we could shop for 4 of the most awesome ergonomic pillows in one auction. The two ergonomic pillow auctions available are:
- One-pillow auction with a BIN of $415. On February 6, 2024, this ergonomic pillow auction sold at $1.88 and the winner paid a total of $9.68 including the cost of the 39 bids placed.
- Four-pillow auction with a BIN of $1,760. On February 10, 2024, these ergonomic pillows sold at $17.54 and the winner paid a total of $30.74 including the cost of the 66 bids placed.
Based on the 520 customer reviews these ergonomic pillows received an overall rating of 4.81 out of a possible 5.0 and that says a lot about the high-quality of these pillows.
According to the auction description, the “Ergonomic Curved Pillow has been designed to adapt to the variety of sleeping postures you adopt during your sleep cycle. Its curved design and memory foam filling offers the ideal density, comfortably cradling your head.”These pillows also provides proper head, neck and spinal alignment.

The dimensions of these ergonomic pillows are: 23.62 by 13,38 by inches and each pillow weighs one pound.
A brief history of pillows
According to my research, it is believed the first pillow originated in ancient Mesopotamia (today’s Iraq) around 7,000 B.C., making the pillow about 9,000 years old (not counting ancient civilizations we may not know about). Ancient Egyptians invented the first pillows and later, the Greeks and Romans used cloth stuffed with reeds and soft materials, which was the predecessor of today’s pillows.
Before pillows, people in the stone age actually used stones for pillows, and later people used straw, hay and grass to prop their heads up. It wasn’t until the late 1800s (when textiles became mass produced) that pillows became everyday household items.
The reason we often put several pillows on our beds is to enhance our comfort and address specific needs. As we age, many people sleep with multiple pillows to support various body parts, in addition to our head, such as our neck and legs. I always sleep with a pillow between my knees to promote better alignment and reduce pressure points. Ever since I’ve done that I no longer get lower back aches, but I don’t know it would work for everyone.
The bottom line
Sleeping with a high-quality pillow can make a significant difference to getting a better night’s sleep. Therefore, it might be a good idea for us to shop for some ergonomic pillows to see if we can wake up more rested with no kinks in our neck.
This sponsored blog post was submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers. Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Blog posts are written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.