People shop on DealDash.com for all kinds of reasons. Some customers are simply looking for something fun and exciting to do. During the COVID-19 lockdowns these people might not care if they win or lose. This blog is not for them. This blog is for DealDash customers who want to know how to choose winning auctions. I will share my strategy to winning online auctions in 2020.
As a DealDash customer since February 2012, I want to share the importance of knowing the best days and times to bid, how to ensure you have plenty of bids on hand and how I choose winning auctions.
Best Days & Times to Shop – The Strategy to Winning Online Auctions
Before COVID-19, it appeared to be easier to win online auctions during the week days when more people were at work. Back then it appeared more customers were shopping online on weekends. However, that no longer appears to be true. Many DealDash customers are home during the week days now, too. Therefore, we might have just as much competition on week days as we have on weekends. I believe this is the case until everyone gets back to work and school starts.
If we prefer to shop when fewer customers are online, it appears the best times to shop are late-night or early morning hours. We must remember to take into consideration the various time zones. When it is 3 a.m. Pacific Time, it is already 6 a.m. Eastern Time. While many customers are still in bed sleeping on the West Coast, the people on the East Coast might already be getting out of bed and getting online again. I find a fairly good time for me to shop is between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m. Pacific Time when many shoppers throughout the United States are still in bed sleeping.
Another good time to shop is when a special national event is taking place. For example a major football game during which many other customers are busy watching the game. DealDash also usually has the most exciting promotions during national holidays.
The most important thing is to choose a time to shop when we don’t have some quiet time to ourselves and have no other distractions. If we can focus on our shopping, we will win more auctions.
Stock Up on Bids
Before shopping on DealDash, we should stock up on bids to ensure we have plenty of bids. This ensures we can seriously compete for the particular auction items we have our hearts set on winning.
The last thing we want to do is be running out of bids when the auction gets down to the last two or three shoppers.
We should collect and save as many free bids as we can from promotions. In addition, purchase all of our bid packs whenever they go on sale.
How I Am Winning Online Auctions
First I place 1-3 bids on auctions I am interested in to ensure I don’t get locked out later on. If most customers place only one bid at the beginning, I might have an opportunity to win the auction by booking more than one bid at the start of the auction. Later I go back and count how many bidders are qualified to compete in the auction. I try to focus on competing in auctions that have 30 or fewer customers who placed bids in the auction.
Some In-Detail DealDash Strategy
For example, I might see two 600 bid packs and place bids in both. Even though I will be limited to winning only one. Next, I will check my three lists of screen names I want to avoid competing with in the same auction. The list contains overbidders, power bidders and recent bid pack winners. Once all new bidders are locked out, I will check to see if any of these screen names I want to avoid are competing in either one of the 600 bid pack auctions. If I see one or more of those screen names in one auction but none of those screen names in the other auction, I will place the rest of my bids in the auction that does not have one of those screen names.
I once noticed that a recent 900 bid pack winner was competing in the same auction as a recent 700 bid pack winner. Most likely, they both assumed they could outbid everyone else, but I also knew those two screen names would knock heads and that auction would not close for a very long time. It would have been a waste of bids for anyone else to compete in that auction. I also noticed that one frequent bid pack winner places most of their winning bids on trying to win a vehicle.
If we pay close attention to how much other shoppers are winning and what they are doing, we can and will win more auctions. Happy shopping everyone and hope you succeed in winning online auctions!
This sponsored blog post was submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers. Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Blog posts are written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.