Parlay Your Lot At DealDash!

DealDash has a generous exchange policy. You can win an item at DealDash and exchange it for an amount of bids which you can use for another auction.   Sometimes that can be very rewarding.  I have won some of my favorite prizes that way. You can parlay a small win into that one item you have been trying for.

You want to go for the big prize, but you just don’t have enough bids, the best thing to do right now is bid on the small items and trade them in for more bids.  This is not always the best strategy, but if you are trying to win that one big item on a budget, this could be the best way.

There are a wide variety of items for sale on the DealDash site that sell for a low final price, and you can find them in every category.  Research the final selling price of a item listed on the auction page,  not every item has the final selling price listed, but the items with the most value and the widest range on winning price do.   Additionally, items with a value less than 200 tend to have less players.

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Once you win the small auction you can trade in the prize for bids, then save your bids and go for the big one.   This is really similar to going after bid packs.  Except bid Packs are very popular, so going after them can be challenging.   At times, going after small prizes may be the best option simply because there are less people in the auction.

Before you start this stategy, do your homework!  Calculate the average selling price, see what other items are going for on the Winners Review Page, get to know the field of players when you are ready to begin, see who’s out of the field by utilizing the “Who’s at their limit?” tab on your Dashboard.

You’ve done your homework, now it’s time to buy the bids you plan on using to parlay to a larger prize, and most importantly, use your Bid Buddy!  There is no sense in trying to parlay into more bids if you are going rogue at the same time.  This is also a good time to stay focused on one auction.  You may be tempted to get into several small auctions, but this will spread you too thin to pay attention to the task at hand, winning!

Tip: Stick with a category you are familiar with, although it doesn’t matter what the item is you’re going after because you are trading it in, it helps to know the category.

DealDash has worked hard to build a site where you don’t have to go away empty-handed, so with some planning and wise bidding, you can get the prize of your dreams with a parlay!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!

Donna, DealDasher since 2014.


Make your bids count at DealDash!

The first step to making your bids count is to examine your budget.  Decide the amount you are comfortable using for bids then add the ending price of the auction.  Set limits for yourself to stay within your budget.  Then, go shopping!  DealDash has every day items for you, your family and your home available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!  

This time of year you may be thinking of a New Year’s Eve party or a hostess gift.  Whenever you have a need for a small appliance for the kitchen, or you are in the market for some home decor, a gift basket or a door prize always think of DealDash too, you will be pleasantly surprised how wide a variety of merchandise they carry.  

The quality and quantity of items to choose from are endless, there is always something new and there is always the classic original.  Choose your favorite items and make a list.  Select the item and have DealDash alert you when it becomes available.  When you open an individual auction, you will see the Bid Buddy, just below that there is an “Alert Me” tab, click on that and DealDash will send you an email letting you know a few hours prior to the auction beginning, and in the case of future auctions it will let you know when it’s planned and then again when it due to start, they really want you to win the item!  

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Many items are staples of the site and don’t require as much planning, you can always count on easily finding an item in categories like hobbies, home and garden, and sometimes it’s just fun to bid on a bid pack!  DealDash is so much more than just shopping, and with a little planning, a bit of knowledge about other players and a pinch of time, you can find some amazing deals. 

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!

Donna, DealDasher since 2014.

Getting to Know All About DealDash!

Getting to Know You, Getting to Know All About DealDash!

It takes some time to get to know the DealDash site in detail, but it’s well worth it. Getting to know the competition should be paramount in your strategy.  Every player has a personality, and what I’ve seen, people don’t change.  Once you learn your competitions bidding style, you’ll know how to adjust your bidding to win. 

For example, you have been waiting for an item to come on the market, it’s a rare item and DealDash has these special items all the time, but often they are days apart.  My point is, you feel you have to bid in this auction, and this guy who you know to be a jumper has poked in a bid before $5.  You know he’s going to come back, but you bid anyway, run out of bids and he comes back and wins.  You knew he would come back, so a better idea would be to wait until he does come back and consider how long this person spends in an auction, are they the type who sticks it out? or do they come and go? I keep a DealDash journal, I am serious about winning!

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One exception to this strategy is if the field gets down to you and one or two other players, don’t leave, the jumper may not get lucky after all, but certainly if there are 7 or eight people in the auction wait until the jumper has jumped in. 

Just as there are people who jump in late, there are people who stay in from the beginning.  They are ones to watch too, they either, want to win for few bids or really, really want this item and have no plans of going anywhere.  Use the public profile comment to evaluate their intentions, and read between the lines, people often give away more information than they should! 

Another great resource is the Dashboard, don’t underestimate the information you can get here.  It is equally as important as knowing the other players.  You can use this information to your advantage to find out how many bids you’ve used on an item in the past.  The final price of the items and so much more information.  

Check the stats of the site when you want to get started.  Check the winner’s list so you know who won the big bid pack recently.  When using the winners list to examine the field, the lower the final sale price, the shorter the auction. This is important because if it was a long auction the winner may not be present, and that’s great if you want to get away from them.  Also, on the winners list you’ll see who is winning, you can click on a closed auction and see how many wins the player has, this give you an idea too, how long they may stick around.  

Planning is vital to success on DealDash.  You can’t play like a newbie forever, that is wasteful of your bids and your money.  Keep in mind, some people have deep pockets, I don’t think they care at all how much they spend on bids, as long as they win.  However, from what I can see most people are on some kind of a budget and one thing is for sure, you can’t win them all, it is statistically impossible. 

Know the competition so you can plan how to play in this particular auction.  And, get to know and use your Dashboard to your advantage. Stay up to the moment on the Winner’s list.  I have forgotten to do this one simple thing and didn’t notice someone won a 5000 bid pack and I spent hundreds of bids before I figured it out!  

These simple but important tasks make you a better player and a better player is a bigger winner.  You can’t come in stomp your way to a bunch of wins and then expect to maintain that kind of play, it was beginners luck.  It takes thought and planning to be successful.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

Share The Wealth at DealDash!

This holiday season I challenge players to  let the other guy win.  I have done it a few times already this season, and it feels good.  As soon as the playing field is down to two people, me and one other guy, I drop out and let them win!  

These random acts of kindness will come back at you because “Karma is a boomerang!”  What I’ve found if I let someone win, they are kind to me in other auctions.  They may be a stomper, but they don’t stomp me.  They may be a jumper and decided to stay out if I was winning.  I’ve done that too.  But if someone jumps me, I’ll jump them back.  I think it’s safe to assume that  everyone has that same sentiment.  “Do unto others…” If you are not sure what a “jumper” is you’ll learn when it happens to you.  It’s when someone poked in one bid and let the auction run for hours, then they jump in later in an effort to take control of the auction and win. 

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If you know there is a Power Bidder in the auction and they’ve decided to stay away for one reason or another.  Most likely to join the auction after everyone has used their bids. You do the same, wait until the Power Bidder comes back and ride back into the game.  If he leaves, you leave.  Keep an eye on the winners list if you do this because you want to know how many bid packs this person has won.  Also pay attention to when they joined the auction.  I’ve noticed people jump in around $5, then they leave and never come back. I see this over and over so I don’t even count those people in my strategy.  For that matter, I don’t count stompers either, they never win fairly and when they poke in one bid after each player it essentially cancels itself out and they lose a ton of bids.  It’s just not a good strategy to stomp players at DealDash.

Do not reward the stompers with a win! This guy doesn’t have a clue how much money he’s waisting with his rapid-fire bidding, but they always learn.  These players most likely came from another auction site where that activity is tolerated.  It doesn’t take long to notice they have stopped this activity.  At DealDash they have done everything to try to eliminate that problem by offering the Free Bid Meter which rewards players for their time as high bidder.  Soon you realize if you stomp you’re going to get stomped and if you do, you don’t earn free bids. 

You may think it’s not why we come to DealDash.  You don’t want to buy bids then let someone else win, but I’m not suggesting you let everyone win, maybe just one or two, come-on you can do it! Especially if you are sitting on a couple of wins, this is your chance to shine. It’s the holidays and someone may be out there who’s going to do it for you.  

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

Donna, DealDasher since 2014.