Don’t Forget These Important DealDash Tips

DealDash Tips

DealDash Tips is here to give you helpful tips, hints, and tricks about DealDash. Here are some important tips that you won’t want to forget.

Do you find yourself bidding on DealDash at least a few times per week? If so, you’ll want to remember to come back here every day for new DealDash Tips blogs. These blogs are helpful, informative, and can help you learn all about DealDash. There are many different facets and subtle nuances to being the best bidder that you can be. Without further ado, here are some tips that you won’t want to forget when you are bidding on DealDash.

Buy Bids on Sale – Buy a Lot Within Your Budget

DealDash bids are typically on sale for different prices every day. One day they might be .18 per bid, and the next day they might be .12 per bid. You never know how much the bids are going to cost. This is why when you see bids on a super great sale like .12 per bid, then you need to reach deep into your wallet and see how many bids you can buy and stay within your budget. The more bids you buy when they are .12 means fewer bids that you will need to buy when they are .18.

Don’t Sweat the Small Losses

You’re not going to win every DealDash auction that you enter – it’s just a fact. There are millions of registered bidders on DealDash and thousands that bid every day. You can certainly BIN (Buy It Now) every auction that you don’t win. You can get all of the bids that you placed returned to you to use again. If you want to BIN an auction simply hit the button that says “Buy It Now” and pay for the auction. The price of each auction is located on its individual page. After you have paid for your BIN your bids will be returned to you to use again on a different auction.

Use the BidBuddy – Use it Often

The BidBuddy is your automated bidding friend that helps you win auctions. Every person is able to use the BidBuddy, and there is a BidBuddy on every single auction if you open up its individual page from the main auction home page. Once you’ve opened up the individual auction page you can add bids to the BidBuddy located in the middle of the screen, and hit “Book a BidBuddy.” He will bid for you until he runs out of bids or you cancel him. You can cancel the BidBuddy or add bids at any time during the auction.

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on tips to remember on DealDash helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, because you can’t ever learn too much about DealDash. If you would like to read our other blogs, be sure to check out our other blogs, and

Be sure to visit DealDash and see what you can bid on. DealDash has everything you need for your home and family. DealDash is the site where you can have a good time bidding. Have a great time on DealDash and happy bidding everyone!

DealDashThis sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Feel Lonely? Not With DealDash Tips Here!


You never have to feel lonely when you’re bidding because DealDash Tips is here to support you. Let’s read on, together…

There are many things in life that you have to do alone – but learning about DealDash isn’t one of them. When you get a new hobby many times you have to sit alone and read books about your hobby or watch a video about your hobby. However, with DealDash Tips we are always here to give you handy advice, answer questions, and we even take requests on topics that you want to see these articles cover. Read on for more information, from DealDash.

You’re Not the Only Newbie

When you get started with DealDash it’s important to remember that you aren’t alone. You are definitely not the only newbie that started that week or even that day. You might be surprised to know that DealDash has over 8 million registered users. So even though it might feel like you are the only newbie when you see people bidding with bios from 2014 or 2015, there are thousands of people who just started using DealDash this year, so you aren’t alone in not knowing exactly what’s going on.

The Tutorial is Your Guiding Light

The DealDash tutorial will keep you company through your first auction. The tutorial is not a real auction, of course, and the bidders are not real people. However, you will feel like you have company when you see the other pretend bidders bidding. The tutorial is great for newbies because it tells you what to do, and also tells you what the other pretend bidders are doing.

Your BidBuddy is Your Friend ‘Til the End

Using the BidBuddy is the number one way to not feel like you are alone when you are bidding in auctions. He might not be a real person, but he is an excellent companion. If you haven’t met the BidBuddy yet, he is a useful tool that DealDash gives (free of charge) to everyone, in every auction.You can put in as many or as few bids as you like. You can cancel it or add more bids at any time. Your BidBuddy will take turns bidding with the other BidBuddies that are set until there are no more bids placed from BidBuddies or other bidders. After the last bid has been placed, that person (or BidBuddy) is the winner.

Thanks for Reading

So you see, you are never really alone on DealDash. I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on bidding as a newbie was helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, because you can’t ever learn too much about DealDash. If you would like to read our other blogs, check them out at and

Be sure to visit DealDash and see what you can bid on. DealDash has everything you need for your home and family. On DealDash you’re sure to have fun. Have a great time on DealDash and happy bidding everyone!

DealDashThis sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Have You Ever Tried These DealDash Tips?


Every new bidder needs a little help sometimes. Follow these DealDash tips to “up your game” while bidding.

DealDash is extremely fun and entertaining. Great bidders aren’t born overnight, though, and most people could stand to read a few tips every now and then, especially Newbies. Read these DealDash tips and decide if they are right for you to use the next time you visit the website. Read on for more information and tips.

Not Every Auction is the Same

If you haven’t been bidding on DealDash very long you might think that every auction is played in the same way. That would be incorrect! If you bid in every auction the exact same way then you aren’t going to win as many auctions as you could. There are a variety of reasons why one particular auction isn’t like the other, even if it’s for the same item. Some of these reasons can include:

  • It depends on who is bidding in the auction
  • It depends on what day the auction is
  • It depends on what time the auction is taking place
  • It depends on what other things are up for bid at the same time

So you see, you really can’t treat every auction the same way. You have to approach them differently and you will have more success.

Use Your BidBuddy for the Best Success

Not using your BidBuddy in each and every auction is a huge mistake.  The BidBuddy is like a gift! He’s given to every single bidder on every single auction. He’s the gift that just keeps winning! He’s very easy to use as well. It doesn’t take more than a couple of clicks, and you’ll be good to go. Here are very simple instructions on how to use your buddy, the BidBuddy.

  1. Find an auction that you would like to bid on
  2. Click on the auction’s picture to open up its individual page
  3. See the large black rectangle? The BidBuddy is in the middle
  4. Click in the blank box and put in the number of bids you want to use in the auction
  5. Click “Book a BidBuddy”
  6. Sit back and watch the BidBuddy bid for you

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope this article was helpful for those of you Newbies who love learning more about DealDash. Follow my tips and you will have a greater understanding of DealDash.

Go ahead and check out the new auctions on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see what’s new. DealDash has it all.  Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash Tips

This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

10 Tips for DealDash Success


Are you ready for 10 tips for DealDash success? Follow these tips and win on DealDash!

There are probably hundreds of tips that I could give you for participating on DealDash auctions. However, here are 10 tips that you can use on DealDash, and some can apply to other areas of your life as well. If you’re serious about winning more DealDash auctions you won’t miss reading this article.

1 – Focus on Participating Daily

If you can focus on participating on DealDash daily it will do a few different things for you. Firstly, just like the old adage says, “Practice makes perfect.” The fact is no one will ever win every auction that they participate in (unless you WAY overbid in some of them), but the more you play the better you’ll get. Also, you’ll get free bids from DealDash for bidding daily.

2- Commit Yourself to Putting in the Time

Don’t just come to DealDash, toss in a bid on a random auction, and leave. Commit yourself to spending a little time daily watching the auctions. Watch, and learn. It will save you bids and money in the long run. Even just committing 30 minutes per day will make a big difference in your wins.

3- Seek knowledge

Every time you sign-in to DealDash should be a learning experience. Check out the Winner’s Tab to see what’s going for the most and the least money that day. Do a little product research. Watch the bidders and see who you should stick on your “Don’t bid against this person” list.

4- Make the Bidding fun

If the bidding becomes less fun and more like a chore, then you need to bid differently. DealDash is supposed to be a fun and rewarding experience, not drudgery. Maybe you need to find a new strategy.

5- Get rid of stagnating Strategies

Speaking of strategies, get rid of your old and tired ones that don’t work for you anymore. For example, I used to bid very, very late at night. I was winning like crazy. But eventually, I stopped getting those great wins. I decided to stop bidding late at night and moved my bidding to other times of day. If you’re doing something that’s not working anymore, try something else.

6- Get Imaginative

Sometimes winning takes a little imagination and innovation. Try to think of different items to bid on, different bidding patterns, or different categories. DealDash has very few rules, if you want to win, try to use your imagination.

7 – Get rid of distractions

If you’re bidding in a loud area where people keep interrupting you, then you might be missing out on some wins. It only takes a moment to get distracted and lose an auction. If you are bidding somewhere that you don’t have privacy or quiet, then you might just want to use the BidBuddy instead. He never gets distracted.

8 – Buy at a Good Price

DealDash has different sales and promotions going on practically every day. If you need bids and they are a higher price (like .18 or .19 instead of .14 or .15) then you might want to wait for another day or two. The cheaper the bids that you purchase the more bidding power you’ll have.

9 – Follow the Rules

I mentioned before that DealDash doesn’t have many rules, and it’s true. However, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with all of the rules so you don’t get in trouble and endanger your account. Just click right here for a list of the DealDash House Rules.

10 – Know When to Admit Defeat

You also need to know when to stop bidding. You won’t win every time, but the good news is that you can stop bidding at any time, buy the item for the retail price, and get all of your bids back. That’s called doing a “Buy It Now” or “BIN.” It’s available on every auction, give it a try!

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope this article was helpful for those of you learning about DealDash. Follow my Top 10 Tips and enjoy your wins.

Go ahead and check out the auctions on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has everything you need.  Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash Tips


This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.