Tips for DealDash Slump Days

DealDash slump

Finding yourself in a bit of a slump can be a little depressing. Never fear, DealDash is here for some tips to get you out of your slump.

If you’ve been bidding on DealDash for a long time, you’re bound to run into a slump here and there. Don’t worry, slumps on DealDash, as in life, are usually temporary. There are a few things that you can do to get yourself out of the slump and start winning again.

Concentrate on Truly Needed Items

When you concentrate yourself on items that you truly need for your home, then you don’t mind buying them now (BIN) if you don’t win the auction. It’s not really losing if you BIN the item, because when you buy the item for the retail price then you get all of your bids back. When you get your bids back after paying a fair price for an item, and get free shipping, how can you really call that losing?

Build Up Your Bid Supply

When you’re in a bidding slump, maybe you should try to conserve your bids. Instead of bidding here, there, and everywhere, why not hold off on bidding as much? Definitely come to DealDash every day to bid a little, because every consecutive day that you come and bid you’ll receive free bids. Once you have visited for a week straight you’ll get 30 free bids every single day. Why not come by every day and place 20 or 25 bids on something, so you can keep up your bid supply? And hey, I’ve won auctions with WAY less than 20 bids, maybe you’ll win!

It’s Important to Check the Blogs Daily

You need to check back here on DealDash Tips every day for new articles. This is where you’ll find all of the top secret sale and promotion information that can help propel you back into winning again. Also, check and for even more DealDash information, tips, and tricks.

Bid With a Friend

If you’re feeling like you’re in a bit of a DealDash slump, why not invite a friend over to bid with you? They might be able to spot something that you don’t realize, or even give you a bit of “beginner’s luck” when playing with you. And hey, everything is always more fun with a friend, why not get someone else interested in DealDash? Then you can chat, compare strategies, and brag about wins with each other. Please remember, though, you may not bid in the same auction that a friend or family member is also bidding in. DealDash’s algorithm will pick up on that, and your account will be in jeopardy, so don’t risk it!

Thanks for Reading

Now that you have winning on your mind be sure to go check DealDash for house items, gardening supplies, toys, and more. DealDash has all of the items that you need. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash loves you

This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

DealDash Tips and Tricks for Free Bids


DealDash free bids

Free bids, you say? Yes! Totally free bids, courtesy of DealDash, are yours for the taking!

Anyone who bids on DealDash should be taking advantage of the free bids that DealDash offers to all bidders. Why in the world would you want to waste free bids by not taking them and using them? Just think about this the next time you go and buy bids. Today, 55 bids are $7. If you’re smart you’ll read the rest of this article and take advantage of the tips inside!

Free Bids for Bidding? What?!

That’s right, you can get free bids just for bidding daily on DealDash. This is a newer perk that DealDash offers. Every day that you sign in and place a bid on an auction DealDash will give you some free bids. The number of free bids depends on how many days that you have visited and bid consecutively on DealDash. You get a few free bids on the first day, and the number goes up a little each day until it reaches a cap of 30 bids. That’s right, thirty free bids! That’s like DealDash paying you almost $4 per day to bid, as long as you come every single day (consecutively) and bid.

Time as the Highest Bidder

There’s another way that you can earn free bids just for bidding, and it’s called TIME AS THE HIGHEST BIDDER (TATHB). This means that for every second you are the highest bidder in an auction, you earn time on your time clock, which fills up a meter at the bottom of your screen. As you collect more time, it fills up your meter and you get closer to free bids. When the meter is full DealDash will give you the free bids, and the meter will start back at the beginning to fill up again.

The TATHB is the reason that people love to bid on auctions when DealDash is running their 2X and 3X promotions. When DealDash runs these promotions your bid meter will fill up 2x or 3x as fast. This means that you will fill up your bid meter much faster and get free bids sooner.

Thank You for Reading

I hope that you found this new DealDash article on how to get free bids helpful. Reading our blogs DealDash Tips and DealDash Reviews daily is one way to stay “in the loop” when it comes to DealDash happenings.

Have you bid yet today? Go bid on DealDash and get free bids. Visit DealDash now. DealDash wants to make you happy. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!visit-site12-13

This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Who’s Ready for Great DealDash Deals?

DealDash MoneyToday is a great day to hear about bargains. St. Patrick’s Day is coming up and there are some sales and promotions coming up that you’ll want to read about.

You love good deals, right? Everyone loves to buy things on sale or with coupons. DealDash doesn’t do coupons, but they are preparing some great bid prices and promotions that are coming up this week. Why not stock up on bids this week when they are on sale? If you’re looking for a deal, today, tomorrow, and Friday are the best times to buy DealDash bids for an excellent price. Read the full article to learn about the special sales and promotions going on in the next few days. You’re not going to want to miss this!

 DealDash Upcoming Promotions

It’s a wonderful week for DealDash promotions. DealDash always puts up great promotions when it’s a holiday week. Tomorrow’s promotion will make you smile, look forward to the 3Time As The Highest Bidder (TATHB) promotion! This is always a great day to bid, it makes it so simple and easy to earn free bids with this bidder favorite.  This promotion continues on until Friday, which is St. Patrick’s Day.

In addition to the 3Time As The Highest Bidder (TATHB) promo, there will also be 50 Auctions starting at the same time! It’s a secret starting time, you’ll just have to visit DealDash at this link right here, and check it out!

Special Bid Prices

DealDash is offering bids tomorrow, March 15th, for .13! This .13 bid sale continues on through the next day, Thursday, March 16th. However, if you can wait, the time to really stock up on DealDash bids is Friday! This is when the best bid sale will be happening! Be sure to visit DealDash on Friday, when the bids will be just .12.

Thank You for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article helpful. Remember to check out the Tips blog often, because you never know when we are going to be posting more top secret information like bid prices and sale promotions. If you would like to read even more from DealDash, be sure to check out our other blogs, and Now that you have this information, go visit DealDash and browse the auctions. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash Bid Prices Promos

This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Tips From DealDash – How Many Bids?

DealDash Bids

Today we are going to take a moment to talk about DealDash bids. How many bids should you be buying and spending? Read on to find out.

Today’s topic is all about bids. How many bids should you be buying? How many bids should you spend in an auction? How many bids are needed to reach the BIN (Buy It Now) price? All of these questions and more will be answered in today’s DealDash Tips article.

How Many Should I buy?

The answer to this is easy! If the price of bids is high you should only buy the bare minimum needed to bid that particular day. You might think “What does it matter if the bid price is .14 or .18? Well, it matters a lot! If you have $100 to spend on bids today, and the price of bids is .18, then you can buy around 555 bids. That’s a nice chunk of bids, however, if you had bought them the previous day when the price was .14, you would have gotten 714 for the same amount of money! The per-bid price really does make a huge difference. So, in short, when bid prices are low, stock up!

For some people spending $100 on bids is a lot of money, their whole “fun” budget for the month. For other people, that’s just a couple of lunches at a restaurant, no biggie.  Most people probably fall somewhere in-between these two extremes, so figure out your budget and buy as many bids as you can when they are on a good sale.


How Many Should I Spend?

When thinking about how many bids you should spend, you need to keep your own personal bidding budget in mind. If you have tons of bids in your bid bank then you can afford to throw them around a little, whereas if you only have the bare minimum, maybe you should save them until you can buy/win/earn some more.

How Many Bids to the BIN Price?

Figuring out how many bids to reach the BIN price is easy in theory. If it happens to be a free auction weekend then things are easy! Just take the retail price that’s listed on the auction and divide it by the price that you paid for each bid. For example, $25 divided by .14 equals 178. However, if it’s not a free auction weekend then you are going to have to get a little more creative and estimate the price that the auction will end, and do the math from there.

Thanks for Reading

Thanks so much for reading this DealDash Tips article on bids and bidding. Don’t forget to check back every day for new articles here are well as on our sister blog, DealDash Reviews. If you have any requests for specific articles, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Need to buy some bids? Go check DealDash and see what kind of bid sale they are offering today. VisitDealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.