Tips for Getting to Know DealDash


DealDash is a fairly friendly community, and everyone is welcome. Here are some tips for getting to know DealDash.

Joining a new community can be hard, and sometimes a little bit scary. The unknown can be a little daunting, but don’t worry. DealDash Tips is here to guide you on your journey into getting to know the wonderful community known as DealDash.

Introduce Yourself

After opening an account with DealDash you will be taken to your dashboard. The dashboard is an important part of navigating around DealDash. One of the first things that you will want to do is introduce yourself to the community. How do you accomplish this? You can introduce yourself by posting a short bio on your dashboard. Simply go to Dashboard –> Public Profile –> Edit Bidder Bio. You can add up to 250 characters, which is enough for a few short sentences. Your bio already adds your DealDash start date, along with your home state. You might want to tell the community what your hobbies and interests are, your favorite sports team, or how many grandchildren that you have. It’s up to you, as long as you keep it friendly. No threatening or intimidating bios, please. They will be removed.

Show Yourself to the World

After you have completed your bidder bio, then it’s time to choose or make an avatar. If you are ready to bid and don’t have a real preference what your avatar is, you can simply pick from one of the premade ones. You can do this by navigating yourself to Dashboard –> Public Profile –> Select an Avatar. You can choose from 1 of the 30 premade avatars, or if you scroll a little further down you can upload your own image. Again, please keep it friendly. No threatening or intimidating photos.

dealdash avatar

App Bio

If you are using the DealDash app instead of using your computer at home, you have a different choice! You can design your own avatar right in the app! You can select skin tone, hair color, and facial expression. It’s a lot of fun, and I made an angry blond girl, just like myself! If you haven’t downloaded the DealDash app yet, it’s free! Just go to either of these links and hit the download button.

Here is the Android version on Google Play –

Here is the iOS version in the App store –

Thanks for Reading

Thanks so much for reading this DealDash Tips article on getting to know DealDash. Don’t forget to check back every day for new articles here are well as on our sister blog, DealDash Reviews. If you have any requests for specific articles, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Ready to do some DealDash research? You’ll find that DealDash has all of the items that you need. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

DealDash Tips to Win Outdoor Decor

dealdash decor

Wouldn’t you love to have a beautiful patio like the picture above? Read this article to learn some tips for bidding on outdoor decor on DealDash.

DealDash has such a varied and interesting selection of outdoor decor items up for auction. There are your standard things like outdoor seats and storage, but there are also very unique pieces of sculpture as well as working fountains. These are some of the items that will make your yard look amazing as well as unique. Don’t be like the neighbor next door, win some unique outdoor decor from DealDash with these bidding tips from DealDash.

It’s Chilly, Bid Now

Here it is. March, and there is still snow on the ground and icicles on the roof. Unless you are living somewhere delightfully tropical, you probably aren’t bidding on outdoor items…But you should be! Bidding on outdoor items while it’s still snowy and cold outside will cut down on the competition. If you were to wait until the height of the summer season, well, there would be a lot more bidders vying for that bird bath!

Choose Your Auction Carefully

DealDash sometimes offers the same item up for bid within days of each other, sometimes even on the same day. If you’ve decided on a particular piece of outdoor decor that you would like to win then choose the day and time that is right for you. Typically auctions that start very early in the morning or very late at night on weeknights tend to end at a lower price. However, you never know what’s going to happen in a DealDash auction, that’s the wonderful mystery that is DealDash.

Don’t Win? Just BIN

Sadly, some of these high-quality outdoor decor items can be very highly sought after on DealDash. If you don’t end up winning your ideal outdoor decor item, don’t worry! DealDash offers the BIN option on every single item, no matter how many bids you have placed (as long as you placed 1). You can always BIN (Buy It Now), and pay retail price for the item and receive all of your bids back. Not only will you receive your item, all of your bids back, and get to keep the clock time that you accrued while bidding, you will also receive free shipping. Now that, my DealDash friends, is a DEAL.

Thanks for Reading

Thanks so much for reading this DealDash Tips article on outdoor decor. Want to read more about DealDash tips, tricks, and strategies? Check back here every day for new articles here are well as on our sister blog, DealDash Reviews. If you have any requests for specific articles, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Need outdoor decor? Go check DealDash for benches, fountains, and sculptures. DealDash has all of the outdoor items that you need. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Time to Bid With DealDash Tips

DealDash Tips time bid

Bidding on DealDash can take up a large portion of your time if you do everything correctly. Here are some DealDash time saving tips for bidding.

Some people might think that you can just toss a few bids into the BidBuddy and walk away a winner. That does happen sometimes, but it would be more of a fluke than a rule of thumb. To win skillfully you need to take some time to put into research and auction watching. Here are some ideas and tips from DealDash on how to maximize your DealDash time.


Most people probably don’t think that spreadsheets are very fun, however, they can save you significant time and effort when you use them for DealDash. Instead of having to keep a notebook and pen next to your computer to do research on other bidders you can just quickly pop their name into a spreadsheet. The pen and notebook

The pen and notebook will work of course, but spreadsheets are better. The number one reason why I find spreadsheets better than the good ole’ pen and notebook is because you can quickly and easily alphabetize the bidder names. You can also use spreadsheets to sort the bidders in other ways such as by how many bids you estimate that they have spent, or by the final price of auctions. Spreadsheets will save you a lot of time on DealDash.


If you’re not using the “bookmark” feature on DealDash then you are wasting time. The bookmark feature can save you lots of time on DealDash because it allows you to quickly find the auctions that you are interested in bidding on. If you have some spare time when you’re waiting for dinner to cook, or on your commute (as long as you’re not the driver!) then quickly scroll through the auctions on DealDash and bookmark the ones that you like. Then, when you have some spare time later on you can check them out in depth.


BidBuddy, of course, is the number one time saver on DealDash. You heard me say earlier that you shouldn’t just toss bids into him and walk away. That’s true, but if you have done your prior research on the bidders and items, then feel confident in filling up the BidBuddy. Put in the amount of bids that are equal to the BIN (Buy It Now) price, and hit the “Book a BidBuddy” button. There you go, time saved.

Thanks for Reading

Thanks so much for reading this DealDash Tips article on bidding. Don’t forget to check back every day for new articles here are well as on our sister blog, DealDash Reviews. If you have any requests for specific articles, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Ready to do some DealDash research? You’ll find that DealDash has all of the items that you need. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Tips for the Best DealDash Wins


Anyone can win on DealDash. Don’t you want to get the best wins for your bids? Read on to find out how to maximize your wins.

Everyone love to win, winning is awesome! Even winning a small auction is a lot of fun, but of course winning a bigger and better auction is always what everyone wants. Even small wins can really brighten your day, but an even bigger win might brighten your whole week. Here are some ideas, tips, and tricks from DealDash to get the best auction wins.

Don’t Bid on the First One

We all know that DealDash often has the same product up a few times in one day, especially with jewelry. The jewelry might be small in stature, but they are fairly expensive to purchase. They also make excellent gifts for any lady in your life from your wife to your mom to your child’s teacher. I consider these to be very nice wins, especially because I have seen them go for literally PENNIES. The trick to winning these items are to not bid on the first one of the day. When you see that beautiful necklace come up

The trick to winning these items are to not bid on the first one of the day. When you see that beautiful necklace come up at 7AM when you check in for the day, don’t bid on it! Do a search first and see if there is another one coming up later on in the day. If you see another one coming up at noon, skip the 7AM necklace, and go for the noon one instead.

Put Your Best Effort in First

If a big win is on your mind, then put your best effort in to win. Don’t throw in a few bids here and there, go away, come back and throw in more bids. That’s not the way to get big wins. Go big or go home, right?! Decide exactly how many bids that you want to spend in that auction, put them in your BidBuddy, and OWN that auction! I think that other bidders respect people that are willing to “go the distance” and bid, bid, bid. Don’t be a wishy-washy bidder, put those bids in and win that big auction that you’ve had your eye on for a while.

If Winning Doesn’t Work…

If you just can’t seem to snag that big win, then you’re going to have to BIN. When you BIN (Buy It Now) you will end up paying the retail price for the item, but you will get all of your bids back to use in a different auction. When you get your bids back to use in a different auction, well, that’s a whole new chance to get a big win! Now go out there and get that big win, you can do it!

Thanks for Reading

Thanks so much for reading the DealDash Tips Blog. Be sure to also check out our sister blog DealDash Reviews. I hope that you found this new DealDash Tips article on winning helpful. If you are shopping for a home item, kid’s toy, garden implement, or other, check DealDash first. DealDash has it all! Visit DealDash now. DealDash wants you to get big wins! Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

 dealdash tips helping you win
This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.