DealDash Tips: YouTube & Facebook

DealDash Facebook Youtube

DealDash has an active Facebook page and a YouTube page as well. Check them out!

Most people like social media and have a Facebook account that they visit regularly, even if it’s just to play games. Did you know that DealDash has a Facebook page as well, and wants to be your friend? You can visit DealDash’s Facebook page at this link right here. While you’re on the DealDash Facebook page you can see some recent wins by real customers just like you, read and write reviews on DealDash’s performance, interact with other DealDash fans, and much more.

The best thing about being DealDash’s friend on Facebook is the free bids, of course. It’s very simple to get free bids from DealDash with Facebook, here are the directions:

1.Win an item on DealDash. Unfortunately gift cards and bid packs don’t apply.

2. Take a bright, clear photo with yourself and the item you won. You will be able to take a much better picture if you are outdoors, and it’s helpful to use a tripod or have someone else take your picture for you.

3. Send the photo as an attachment in the email to and add a description that includes the following information: item name, retail price, how much you paid for the item and a personal comment about the win as well, which can be something such as “I won this $175 stand mixer for 110 bids and $6.76, now I can make Christmas cookies!”

The item value determines the amount of free bids that you will receive:

Item value is $199 or above = 350 Free Bids

Item value is $99 to $198 = 225 Free Bids

Item value is less than $99 = 30 Free Bids

Most people know about the Facebook page, but did you know that DealDash has a YouTube page as well? You can visit DealDash’s Official YouTube page at this link right here. While you’re on DealDash’s YouTube page you can check out some auction wins by real customers, some instructional videos, and a few of the DealDash commercials as well. While you’re there, be sure to hit the “Subscribe” button so you can keep up with the DealDash news via YouTube.

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article about Facebook and YouTube helpful. If you have any requests for specific topics on future DealDash Tips articles please feel free to leave a comment down below. DealDash has everything that you need for your home in categories such as electronics, toys, and beauty. DealDash has hundreds of winners daily. Visit DealDash now to be a winner. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

Shhhhh DealDash Bid Prices Inside


Here is the reason that you should be reading the DealDash Tips blog every day – Top secret bid prices and sales promotion information!

We all love DealDash, but sometimes it can be a little hard on your wallet if you haven’t budgeted properly for your entertainment shopping! Luckily, the DealDash Tips blog is here to help you. The DealDash Tips blog wants to give you knowledge, tips, advice, help, and will even occasionally let you in on a few secrets. Here are some top secret bid prices and sales coming up in the next week.

Who loves cheap bids?! WE DO! WE DO! WE DO! Well, friends here is the deal. Tomorrow, Thursday, December 15, DealDash bids are going to be selling for the ultra discounted price of .13!! When you buy your bids at such a discounted rate, you have much better bidding power than the person who bought their bids at .18, .19, or even .20.

Here’s another top secret fact – on Friday, December 16, DealDash is going to have FREE auction wins!! This means that Friday will be an excellent time to score an amazing Deal on DealDash. Free auction wins are one of the great promotions that DealDash has that you can’t get anywhere else.

Now, this next tip isn’t really a secret, but it is a good thing to keep in mind. This upcoming weekend is going to be the absolute last chance that you have to order something and have it delivered by Christmas. Unfortunately, there are a few items that are already unable to be delivered by Christmas, so please keep this in mind when you are completing your Christmas shopping for this year.

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article helpful. Remember to check to the DealDash Tips blog often, because you never know when we are going to be posting more top secret information like bid prices and DealDash sale promotions. Now that you have this information, go visit DealDash and browse the auctions. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


DealDash Tips: Become a Star Bidder


Do you have what it takes to become a star bidder on DealDash? Star bidders rule the auctions on DealDash!

Star bidders are on the rise on DealDash! What’s a star bidder? A star bidder is someone who knows all the tips and tricks to win the most auctions on DealDash. Power bidders win by bidding until they win – no matter what the cost; Star bidders use the information that they have been given here on DealDash Tips and also over on DealDash Blog and win the auctions by outsmarting the other bidders. Don’t waste your bids by competing with the power bidders, use your knowledge and be a star bidder instead! Here are some guidelines to follow if you want to win more auctions on DealDash.

  • Do your research. When you see something on the front page of DealDash are you just randomly throwing bids at it? That’s not a smart idea – it’s much better to do your research on an item when you see it on the front page of DealDash, it’s very likely that the same item will come around again in the next few days or weeks.


  • Use the “Alert Me” feature that DealDash provides. If you took my advice and did your research on an item before bidding, but don’t see it coming up in the next day or so, then be sure to hit the “Alert Me” button. The “Alert Me” button should be right in front of you when you open up an auction’s page- it’s blue and in a black box that says “Coming soon.”


  • Only bid on items that you really want or need. Are you really going to buy that $14,000 massage chair if you don’t win? Probably not! However, if you bid on things that you actually need or were planning on buying anyway such as kitchen items, kid’s items, or maybe a new computer then you can feel safe and secure in “going all in” and bidding up to the BIN (Buy It Now) price. If you have bid up to the BIN price and haven’t won you can hit the “Buy It Now” button, and when you purchase the item you will receive all of your bids back as well as get free shipping on the item.


  • Make a DealDash budget for yourself. Speaking of “Buying It Now,” be sure that you have set up a budget for that particular item, or DealDash in general. Write down how much money per week, month, or paycheck that you can comfortably spend bidding on items at DealDash without hurting your wallet. When you stay within the budget that you have set for yourself, you will be much more confident and be able to BIN without fear of breaking your budget.


  • Keep an eye on your competition. Do you see the same few screen names over and over in the auctions that you enter? Try to keep track of their screen names, when they enter the auction, and when they leave the auction. That way you will be better prepared for future auctions when you see them again.

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on how to win more auctions on DealDash. Use the information that is given here on  DealDash Tips and win! Make sure that you come back to DealDash Tips tomorrow, because some top secret information is going to be released!

Dealdash has hundreds of auctions per day, there’s a good chance you can be a winner. Go visit DealDash now. Be sure to check back here on DealDash Tips – I’ll be giving away some top secret information in the next couple of days. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!




DealDash Tips for Balanced Bidding


Today DealDash is going to give you some tips today on balanced bidding. Read on to become a better bidder.

What do I mean by “balanced bidding?” Balanced bidding is a technique I like to use to ensure that I am not wasting too many bids at once on the same auction. Balanced bidding is important because even though you can get bids on DealDash at a very low price they still add up pretty quickly and you can bust your budget quickly if you aren’t thrifty and frugal with your bidding. Here are some ideas to keep your bidding balanced and your budget in check.

If you’re bidding in more than 2 or 3 auctions at one time I would advise you to stop. If you’re letting your attention go in 6 different directions and aren’t paying attention to the auctions that you are the most interested in, then you’re not practicing balanced bidding. The BidBuddy is there to help you every step of the way, of course, but if you’re participating in a few hot auctions at once you’ll want to try and monitor your BidBuddies that you have set up. You’ll want to monitor them to ensure that they have enough bids, that you aren’t coming too close to the BIN (Buy It Now) price, and once the auction has gotten down to just a couple of bidders it’s smart to keep an eye on the auction.

Part of balanced bidding also includes not “stomping” on other people’s bids – it’s not only a waste of bids but also makes people upset at you and more likely to bid against you out of spite when they might have otherwise moved on to another auction.

Balanced bidding is an important part of enjoying your time on DealDash, and making sure that you are using your bids wisely. When you use your bids wisely, use your friend the BidBuddy, use the awesome BIN feature, and are a polite bidder you will have the maximum amount of fun on DealDash. And isn’t fun what auctions and entertainment shopping is all about?

I hope that you have found this DealDash Tips article on balanced bidding helpful. DealDash Tips is here every day to try to make your DealDash experience more rewarding. If you have any questions or requests for future article topics please leave a comment down below. Now go visit DealDash and see how much can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!
