Know the DealDash Language

DealDash has a language all it’s own, and knowing what the difference between a jumper and a stomper is helpful, especially in understanding your fellow player. Here is a list of the basic lingo of DealDash.

Auctions- An auction is why you come to DealDash, there is a pay to shop/play system where you buy bids and play the auction to win great everyday items for very low prices. The home page at DealDash displays all the auctions available for bidding or purchase.

Auctions, Individual- Each auction has its own page where the stats of the auction are available. For example: how many players, who they are, and their comment.

Banner-The banner at the top of the home page is where you will find the current cost of bids and the details of the latest sale.  Often, 50% Off Final PriceFree Auction Wins, and  a Free Bid Multiplier. Check the banner daily, it changes very early in the morning.

Bidding- The act of placing bids in a auction for real, everyday items, like computers, housewares, clothing, jewelry and art.

Bids- Bids are the currency of the site, you need them to bid and win your prizes.  They range in price between .12 to .16 cents and you can see the cost on the banner.  Purchase bids to join auctions.

Bid Count Meter-This displays your available bids.  When you have bids on your Bid Buddy, the bids are subtracted from this total.  There are two bid count meters one on the top, right hand side of the page and one on the bottom left.

Buy Bid Tabs-There are three, one is on the top of the auctions page right next to your bid count meter, one is at the bottom on the left of the auctions page, it looks like a little credit card, and there is one in your dashboard list of tabs.

Buy It Now (BIN)- Also referred to as “Binning”. At any time during an auction you can opt out and purchase the item at the regular retail price.  When you do, the DealDash promise is to give you all the bids back that you used trying to win it. When you make your purchase from the “Buy It Now” tab, the used bids will be immediately deposited into your Bid Count Meter.

Bid Buddy- The most reliable tool at Deal Dash, it is the best way to set up a pre -determined amount of bids to be placed for you in the order you joined the auction.  If there are 7 players using Bid Buddy, it will place a bid for you every 7th turn, the only thing between you and the other players is the number of bids you place.  The one who places the last bid is the winner.

Dashboard-Your dashboard is essential to keeping track of all your plays, wins and purchases.  There is a comprehensive list of the items you are bidding on currently and how many bids you have placed.  This is where you find all your information, public profile, bids placed, account information. You will find your dashboard on the top and bottom of the page.

Deal Dasher- One who plays, shops and saves at Deal Dash.

Final Price- When an auction ends the number of bids placed by all players determines the final price.  If 4945 total bids are placed the final price is $49.45.

Free Bid Meter-“Time as highest bidder” is determined by the number of bids you place times about 9 seconds for each bid.  The meter ticks up your time and when you’ve reached the appropriate number of bids for your current level you are rewarded with free bids.  Each level increases the number of bids you claim, for example if you are at level 79 you will claim 1000 bids and it goes up with each level of play you achieve.

Jumping-A player who places a bid before the $5 cut off and then leaves the auction only to return later and jump in. Get to know who does this and wait until they jump in.  Jumper- One who jumps

Public Profile- You may have a comment displayed under your Avatar, which you can edit it from your Public Profile tab located on the left hand side of your Dashboard. All comments are approved by Deal Dash staff and have guidelines that include, among other things, not being threatening or misleading with your statement.  It’s meant to give some personality to your Avatar.  Auctions can be won and lost with these comments, pay close attention. Lately, there has been a trend to talk to each other through the comment by creating a continuous story.  Feel free to join in!

Stomping-Stomping  plain and simple is the worst offense of a Deal Dasher. It is a reckless and thoughtless storm of bids being throw into an auction.  This rapid-fire bidding is an attempt to scare everyone away and as a result win the auction. Stomper- One who stomps Stompers become obsolete because in the long run, this activity is unsustainable.

User Name-The name everyone sees when you are playing Deal Dash, you’ll want this to be creative and expressive.  Some people use their actual name or a combination of letters and numbers.

Winner’s list-A real-time list of all the wins, a picture of the item with a description, who won it and what they paid for it.  It also displays the winners Avatar. The winners list is a great place to do research.  You can see what final prices are trending to estimate where the next auction may end.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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DealDash Best Bidding Times

There are a few great times of the day to bid at DealDash.  No one time can be a “shoe-in” to better winning because you do have to factor in so many situations.  However, DealDash is open to players across the United States and that’s it!  So that narrows down the pool of players from some other sites which are open in other countries.

That means the DealDash advantage starts before you even get started, but there are some other factors to consider.  For example, the time of day you bid can have an influence on your winnings.   When the site is busy, there are more people, but there is also more prizes, so anytime could be a real opportunity, but what I’ve noticed is during certain times of the day, there really are less people.

Well, if we didn’t have people there would be no competition, and after all, it is the thrill of the chase at DealDash, but when there are less people it can be your lucky day!  The site seems to be less busy when people are driving to and from work.  I live on the East Coast, so for me what I’ve seen over the past two years of bidding is between 5AM East Cost time to 9AM West Coast time is a good time to bid. Likewise, the evening drive time, between 3PM East Coast to about 5PM West Coast.

During the middle of the day the site is busy with people who play at work, you know who you are!  Then there is the stay at home crowd, when everyone is off to school and work and now is “my time”.  This little secret could help you win if you can get to the site during what I call “drive time”.  Luckily, there are a lot of items to bid on during drive times which you can and will win.

The ratio of players to prizes is less in the middle of the night too.  There are less people, but also less prizes.  The site is open 24 hours a day, and you can get some great deals in the middle of the night, but it is a sleepier place during the “wee hours” of the night, yet there are opportunity and advantage too!

What really shocked me was the number of players who play 24 hours a day.  You can be sure they are using their Bid Buddy to bid for them and they leave the site to “go about life” I do a little bit of both.  I enjoy the prowl, but I also have a life and go off the do other things.  Just about everyone does this and the beauty of this is the opportunity to gain when someone else is “asleep at the wheel”.  What I mean is people make mistakes, they don’t put enough bids into Bid Buddy and what happens?  Well, about 4 AM they run out of bids and if you are there, you could be the winner!

DealDash is a very popular site and it’s always busy, that is one of the things that actually makes it more fun, but just knowing these few tips could help you win more.  Get out there during “drive times” and keep in mind the middle of the day and the evenings are busy.  Why not, it’s a national pastime! It’s a great place to play and shop for everyday items!

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!!!

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The Art of Buy It Now at DealDash

There really is an art to the Buy In Now process, when I first started at DealDash I didn’t put any weight on the process and therefore lost a lot of opportunity.  I would bid and bid on the same item over and over until I won it.  All those bids…gone and I could have owned it.

First, let’s talk about what “Buy It Now” is. Deal Dash has a policy in place so no player has to go away empty-handed, and it’s the Buy It Now option. It’s also know as “binning” and BIN, but they all mean the same thing, you can get your bids back if you don’t win.

If you are bidding on an item at DealDash and you just can’t win it, you can purchase the item and DealDash will give you all the bids you used to win it back.  There is a tab in the auction which you can select and it will take you to the checkout, when your transaction is complete you own the item and you got all your bids back to go for another item.  You will no longer be able to win in this auction.

You have a full week after someone else wins the auction you’ve bid in to purchase it for your bids back, you can find the “Buy Now” tab on the first page of your Dashboard.  Simply find the item you wish to purchase in the list an click on the “Buy Now” tab and at the time your purchase is complete your bids are deposited into your account.

So, you don’t have to keep trying and trying to win an item you really need, this can be as simple as shopping!  Look through the DealDash merchandise.  Plan on binning because you need the item.  When you plan on binning there is a simple formula to determine when to stop bidding.  It is likely you will win the item before the BIN, if fact that is the plan, right? But if you don’t you have the BIN to fall back on.  To determine the BIN amount of bids take the value of the item and divide it by the cost of bids, then you will have the number of bids to BIN.  You don’t want to exceed that number because you would be paying more than retail price.  So, if your item is valued at $50 and bids are .15 cents you  would calculate 50/.15=333.  333 is the magic number, don’t exceed this, back out and buy.  Get your bids back and move on.  You now have your item and 333 bids to go!

This is a great way to purchase gifts, you can select a gift, possibly win it right away and get a great deal, or plan on binning.  You can shop on a budget and find great deals at DealDash, always keep in mind you can purchase it and get your bids back.  Stay focused on items you really want, this way purchasing it makes sense.

Good Luck and Happy Bidding!

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Don't Take Bidding on Penny Auctions TOO Seriously!

5285266670_ed920ccedd_zEveryone wants to bid on DealDash because they want to win, right? But will you always win? Of course not, but you must approach it, just as you must approach everything you do as if you are a winner. You will not always win on DealDash, or on any penny auction site. It’s not always about being the highest bidder, or having the most money to win the auction. To win penny auctions and in life you must be prepared to succeed!

Know the game and play it better than everyone else. 

1. There are unspoken rules, at least some people think there are. There are bidders who will “bully” other bidders, and it’s not really bullying, they just want to win as much as you do. But they will update their status messages with intimidating words like, I will never stop bidding, and I bid until I buy it now! Don’t be discouraged, just get wise to what they do. If you can’t beat them join them! BUT do note, DealDash states not to post your bid amounts or be intimidating. This won’t stop some people from intimidating with their usernames. And does it scare people? Sometimes! Sometimes it doesn’t and other times it just makes other people bid more!
Does intimidation work? Sometimes. 
If your name is INEVEREVERSTOPEVERUNTILYOUAREALLBROKE-EVER!, will you ever stop or do you really bid thousands of bids until you actually win (Or miss the bid button!?) So is it worth it? That’s for you to decide, BUT remember DealDash offers buy it now on all of their items. So,  if you don’t win (and note: if you do stop bidding to buy it – the bidding history isn’t even displayed that far so maybe no one will even realize that you dropped out and used buy it now. You have to be smart. Some bidders will become powerbidders, but it can be hard to do on a highly populated site like DealDash, so be wise!
Intimidation, with names and words in your status message may work sometimes, but it all comes down to two things: 1. How many bidders are bidding. 2. How much money you are willing to spend before you win…. or hopefully don’t miss the bid button and lose!
2. Don’t take bidding TOO seriously!
Of course there are some bidders who will bid on every penny auction site they can get their computer to open, this doesn’t mean they will win everything but some win alot and some take the penny auction game VERY seriously.
Some serious bidders have turned penny auctions into a side job!
Because they sell their items on Craigslist and eBay and recoup any losses they are aiming to get and stay ahead. Of course, who isn’t?!
3. Bid Costs Add Up! Keep track. 
Bids across different penny auctions cost different. DealDash offers bids at a pretty low price point compared to other penny auctions – there are often bid pack sales with bids right now discounted to $0.16 – but your initial bid pack will cost $0.60 per bid.’s bids start at $0.90,  and bids are  $0.60.
Be sure to keep track of what you are spending. It’s easier to click bid than it is to make money, so keep track and be wise about your bidding behavior.
4. Be sure you know every feature a site offers and be sure to use them!
DealDash offers bid buddy – read how to use it and why you should!
DealDash also offers a buy-it-now where you buy the item for the price it’s worth and posted in the auction page, and get the bids you placed back into you account.
DealDash also offers bid promos! There are ways to earn free bids. Find out more!
What is your favorite feature on DealDash?
Have you been successful at winning on DealDash or any other penny auction site? Tell us about your experiences, we’d love to feature you here.
Photo Source: lanuiop – Flickr