Just Don’t Stop on DealDash


“Slow and steady wins the race.” That is a completely true statement if you’re talking about DealDash. Read on…

Have you ever been in a very long auction on DealDash? I have been in a few that have lasted for over 24 hours, but I have seen some that last for days. This often happens when there is a super promotion going on such as Free Auction Wins. Just think, if it’s a highly sought after item with a free win, it could go on for quite some time. Here are some tips on how to deal with longer auctions on DealDash.

Free Auction Wins

As I mentioned above, sometimes DealDash does a wonderful promotion called “Free Auction Wins.” This means that no matter how high the bidding gets the winner will not have to pay a final auction fee at the end of the auction. Well, they pay .01, but that’s just a processing fee. .01 is close enough to free in my book! When DealDash runs this very popular promotion, expect to participate in some very long auctions. This is especially true when you are bidding on gift cards.

Since the BIN (Buy It Now) price of a gift card is just its face value with no other fees added then people love to rack up the TATHB (Time As The Highest Bidder) time on their bid meters to get free bids. This is especially true if it’s a very popular and useful gift card such as Target or Shell Gas because these are places that people go anyway. So if you’re bidding on a popular gift card on a Free Auction Win day, then be prepared to bid for a while.

Be Sure to Use Your Buddy

If you’re bidding in a marathon auction, then be sure that you’re taking advantage of DealDash’s free bidding tool, the BidBuddy. Trust me, after the first couple hours of sitting at the computer bidding you’re going to want to take a bathroom break, get a snack, and stretch your legs a little. So even if you prefer to do single-click bidding, be prepared to use your BidBuddy some of the time so you don’t miss out on any of the action while you take your break.

Don’t Bid the Entire Time

If you’re in a very long auction, then I don’t advise that you spend the entire time bidding. This is especially true if it’s a very high dollar item that many other people are trying to win. After you have put in a few initial bids to see if the auction is going to end quickly, then you need to assess the situation. See how many BidBuddies are taking turns bidding. If there are more than 10 BidBuddies bidding, then this auction is most likely going to last a long time. I would check back every hour or so and count the BidBuddies. Once it’s down to 5 or less, then I would get back into the action.

See how many BidBuddies are taking turns bidding. If there are more than 10 BidBuddies bidding, then this auction is most likely going to last a long time. I would check back every hour or so and count the BidBuddies. Once it’s down to 5 or less, then I would get back into the action. This strategy can fail, of course, if the BidBuddies are all set to a similar number of bids and the auction ends suddenly. However, if you have only placed a few bids, anyway, you are only losing .30 or .40, so it’s not a big commitment.

Also, if you have received your free bids for bidding daily, then it’s no commitment at all, because depending on how many daily free bids you are earning, it could completely cover the cost of throwing a few bids out to “test the waters” of an auction.

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on marathon auctions helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, because you never know when we are going to be posting pricing and promo secrets! If you would like to read our other blogs, be sure to check out our other blogs, DealDashReviewed.com and DealDashblog.com.

Be sure visit DealDash and see what promotions DealDash is offering today. You may find a great promotion such as Free Auction Wins! DealDash has everything you need and more. Have a great time on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash Bids


This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at DealDashTips.comDealDashReviewed.com, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

DealDash Tips: Wonder Why They Do That?

Image result for why do that?

Sometimes people do some strange things on DealDash. Have you ever wondered why they do that?

Bidding on DealDash is a fun and unique experience. One of the great things about DealDash is that there are very few rules, and you can bid pretty much however you want. Want to just bid a single bid on every item? Go ahead! Want to bid once a month but bid until you win, even if it’s double the amount of the price in bids? Sure, you can do that too. Everyone’s DealDash experience is different, and since there are so many different people using DealDash at one time you’re bound to come across some people that you have no idea why they would do certain things. Here are a few examples, from DealDash.

Why Would Someone Bid So Many Times?

One of the most common questions I get asked is “Why do people overbid?” and there are a couple of different answers that make sense. One is that they are overbidding in in hopes that they don’t win, they are just bidding to get extra clock time and plan on doing a BIN (Buy It Now).

This is an especially common thing to happen when DealDash is doing one of their 2x or 3x multipliers and you are getting double or even triple the clock time while you are bidding. People who have bid up to the BIN price will often still stay in the auction if there are more than 3 or 4 people still participating. This way they can earn extra clock time and probably won’t win. However, anything is possible on DealDash, and it’s not completely unheard of for an auction with 5 people to end suddenly. So if you like to do this, beware, because you might actually win the item and end up overpaying due to the number of bids that you spent.

Another reason why you might see someone bidding way too many times on an item is that they have a lot of free bids saved up that they want to use. DealDash offers many ways to get free bids, both by bidding and by sending in pictures. Some people look at these free bids as “expendable”, and will overbid to get something that they are interested in.

Why Doesn’t Everyone Use Their BidBuddy?

Personally, I use my BidBuddy every time. However, there are some people who prefer to do single-click bids instead of using the BidBuddy. A reason that they might do this is that they want to appear mysterious or surprising to the other bidders. If you are watching an auction with 5 different BidBuddies battling it out, there is no surprise. They will take turns bidding until there is only 1 left, and they are the winner. Watching an auction that has people who are placing single-click bids are definitely more exciting!

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on how people bid helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, because you never know when we are going to be posting pricing and promo secrets! If you would like to read our other blogs, be sure to check out our other blogs, DealDashReviewed.com and DealDashblog.com.

Be sure visit DealDash and see what the bid prices are today. You may find a great promotion!  DealDash has everything you need and more. Have a great time on DealDashand happy bidding everyone!

DealDash Future


This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at DealDashTips.comDealDashReviewed.com, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Why Am I Not Winning More on DealDash?


Have you stopped getting as many wins on DealDash? Here are some tips to get you back into the swing of things.

I absolutely love DealDash, but occasionally it seems like I am not winning as many auctions as I used to win. At first, I thought that maybe I just hadn’t been bidding as much, or that items were going for more money. Those two things might be a small part of the problem, but the real issue is that I have gotten to be a bit of a “lazy bidder”, and I haven’t been following my own suggestions! So, to my fellow lazy bidders out there, here are some tips to get you back into winning auctions on DealDash.

Never Stop Exploring

One of the things that I noticed that I haven’t been doing lately is exploring the site. You might say “Dawn, you’ve been on DealDash for many years, what’s there left to explore?” and the answer is “SO MUCH STUFF!” DealDash is a website that changes so much that it’s hard for people to keep up with it all. New bid prices every day, different promotions going on, and new products galore.

If you’re not regularly exploring the sales, promotions, and new products that DealDash has to offer, then you are probably missing out on quite a few wins. You don’t want to miss out, so I suggest that you start exploring DealDash again, just like when you were a newbie and everything was exciting and new.

The Winners on DealDash Never Stop

Another thing that I feel that I haven’t been doing as much lately is really examining the “Winner’s” tab. The Winner’s tab is located on the top of the main DealDash home screen. It’s right between the new “Badges” tab and the “Dashboard” tab. If you click on the Winner’s Tab, you’re going to get a never-ending page of winners on DealDash. The most recent winner is located at the top, and you just scroll down for more winners. You can literally scroll all day long, and you will see winner after winner after winner.

This in itself is proof that DealDash does what it says, and provides auctions that are all won – no matter how low the final bid. You will see items on there that have sold for just one penny, on up. You can see the winner’s bidder name, their avatar, the item, how much the final auction fee was, and now included is how many bids they used, and the math calculations to see how much they ended up spending total. It’s a great wealth of information, all at your fingertips, all you have to do is click.


Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope that this article helped you think about what you can do differently to win auctions. Go ahead check out the amazing items on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has anything and everything you need.  Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!



This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at DealDashTips.comDealDashReviewed.com, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Tips for Being Persistent on DealDash


An important key to winning auctions on DealDash is persistence. Read on for more information.

Are you a person who doesn’t “take no for an answer”? If so, you should have no trouble winning auctions on DealDash. After all, you are in control. If you truly want to win an auction, you just have to keep bidding until the others have dropped out. Persistence is an excellent trait to have in life and is especially helpful when bidding on DealDash. Want to find out more? Keep reading.

You can be the Winner

If there’s an item that you are absolute, 100% sure that you want, you can win it! Simply put in as many as many bids as it will take to reach the BIN (Buy It Now) price of the item. You can figure this out by following a simple formula, which I will outline down below. If you don’t end up being the winner of the auction, you can then do a BIN on the auction. You will then receive the item that you wanted, along with free shipping and you will get all of your bids back. You can use them right then or wait until another day. It’s your choice, totally up to you!

BIN Formulas

There are two different formulas that you need to know when thinking about doing a Buy It Now on a DealDash auction. The first one applies when it’s a “Free Auction Weekend”, and the other one applies when the auctions are regular price. DealDash has Free Auction Weekends so often that it’s worth mentioning the formula to follow to figure out how many bids you need.

Free Auction Weekend – Price of the item divided price per bid that you paid. I/PPB

Regular Priced Auctions – Price of the item minus the price you THINK the auction will end at (Auction Final Value), divided by per bid that you paid. I-AFV/PPB

Using the BidBuddy

So you see, it’s really easy to find out exactly how many bids that you need to place to reach the BIN value of any auction. Luckily, DealDash offers the BidBuddy to use on each and every auction. When using the BidBuddy you are assured that you don’t waste your bids. When you do single-bidding it’s possible to accidentally bid “out of order”, which means that you are placing more bids than you need to place. When you use the BidBuddy, each of the BidBuddies in the auction take turns bidding with each other, in order. The person who has placed the most bids into the BidBuddy will be the final bidder (unless someone single bids), and will be the winner.

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope that this article made you realize how important persistence is on DealDash. Go ahead check out the auctions on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has everything you need.  Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!


DealDash biddingThis sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at DealDashTips.comDealDashReviewed.com, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.