DealDash Tips: Making Time to Shop

Whenever we are shopping on, it’s important to ensure that we have plenty of time to shop.  Timing could make the difference between winning and losing.

To make sure the timing is right, we should do the following:

  1. Choose a time of night or day when we will not be disturbed or distracted by other interruptions.
  2. Choose a time of night or day when the competition might be lower than normal.
  3. Choose a time of night or day when we are not overly tired and can stay awake and alert.

Do Not Disturb

It might be a good idea to find a quiet place and put a “do not disturb” sign on your door. If you get an unexpected visitor or phone call at the wrong time, you could lose your focus and lose the auction or auctions you are trying to win. I often lost an auction while shopping on DealDash simply because an unexpected visitor showed up at my door or because I took the time to answer the phone.

Less Competition

It’s important to shop on at various times of the night and day so we know when the competition might be low. Of course, the lower the competition, the better chance we will have to win more auctions.

Stay Alert

To win auctions, it is also that we choose a time to shop when we know we can stay awake and alert. If we are serious about winning auctions, the last thing we would want to do is to nod off to sleep or lose focus at the wrong time. I often lost auctions when I lost focus, even for a few minutes.




Blog posts are written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company. This sponsored blog post was submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers. Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post.

DealDash Tips to Keep You on Your Toes


If you’re a regular bidder on DealDash, you probably have your bidding routine down. Use these tips to keep yourself updated and “on your toes”.

DealDash is an ever-changing and ever-evolving shopping entertainment website. If you have been bidding on DealDash since the beginning (or even the middle!) then you have seen so many things grow and change within the site. Since 2009 DealDash has been the best “pay to bid” auction site around, and one of those reasons is that they really take their customer’s suggestions into consideration when they are making improvements to the site. Here are some tips to keep you on your toes when bidding on DealDash.

Subscribe to the Blogs

There are three DealDash sponsored blogs that are available to read – this one, of course, which provides helpful tips and tricks for using DealDash. This blog is published approximately five times per week and will provide lots of helpful information for you.

The next blog that you’ll want to subscribe to is This is a lifestyle blog that is published daily and has many helpful articles about home and garden, kids and parenting, cooking, crafts, and lots of other things. This blog provides an article and then suggests some products that DealDash carries that relates to the blog topic. If you are in need of some ideas on what to bid on next on DealDash, check this one out.

The last blog is the official This blog is not published on a set schedule, it’s for the employees of DealDash to tell their customers about new features, upcoming events, and other official information.

If you have subscribed to all of these blogs, then you are certain to have not missed out on any important information. Make sure that you sign up so you won’t miss out!

Visit DealDash Daily

Another way to make sure that you aren’t missing out on any information is to simply visit the site every day. Even if I don’t plan on bidding that day, personally, I always check in just to see what promotions and sales are going on. Occasionally there is a big promotion that you might not expect, such as a “50 Auctions Starting at Once” or a “3x Time As The Highest Bidder”. Unless you visit the site daily, you won’t know this information. You wouldn’t want to miss out, now would you?

Thanks for Reading

Thanks so much for reading this DD Tips article on things that you should never do while bidding. Follow these helpful suggestions, and enjoy your DealDash experience much more than before. Don’t forget to subscribe to all three DealDash sponsored blogs so you won’t miss out!

Follow these tips to keep you on your toes on DealDash. Then search on DealDash for gift cards, family items, and more. DealDash everything you need. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Have a good time on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!


This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company. Read even more on, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

DealDash Tips Welcomes New Bidders in April


DealDash Tips is happy to welcome new bidders that have joined in April. Read on for some tips that you should know as you get started.

Hello new bidders. I’m glad that you decided to join DealDash. DealDash can be a little tricky at first if you have never participated in online auctions before. This article is all about things that you should keep in mind as you’re getting started and learning more about the site.

Be Sure That You Have Bids

If you have joined and already spent the initial bid pack that you purchased, then you’ll need to get more. DealDash frequently has sales and promotions going, and they tend to be different every day. You can find out what the bid price of the day is just by signing in and looking at the banner at the top of the main homepage. You can also see if there are any special promotions going on as well. For example, today is 2X Time As The Highest Bidder (TATHB). Tomorrow it could be the same – or different! You just don’t know until you sign in and check.

DealDash Time As The Highest Bidder

When you are the highest bidder in an auction, you will see that there is a little meter at the bottom of your screen that starts filling up with green. For every second that you are the highest bidder, the meter will begin to fill up. Once you have completely filled the meter you will be able to claim free bids from DealDash! No catch, just a reward for bidding.

When you see a promotion that says 2X, 3X, 4X, or sometimes even 5X, that is a special day! That means that for every second that you are the highest bidder you won’t just get 1 second on your meter, you will get 2, 3, 4, or even 5(!) seconds towards your free bids. Hurray for promotions!! You’ll want to bid on things when DealDash has this special promotion, but watch out, there can be some tough competition on these days as well.

Thanks for Reading the Blog

Bidding on DealDash is fun, and it’s so exciting to learn how everything works. Try these tips from DealDash and you’ll be winning and getting free bids before you know it!

Thanks so much for reading this DealDash Tips article on bidding on DealDash. Don’t forget to check back every day for new articles here are well as on our sister blog, DealDash Reviews. Want to read about a particular item or certain category? Just comment down below on what you would like to read.

Are you ready to use these tips on DealDash? Being a newbie on DealDash is fun. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Have a good time on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!

dealdash tips helping you win
This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company. Read even more on, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

DealDash Top Tips Round-Up 4/13


Welcome to the latest April edition of DealDash Weekly Top Tips Round-Up! As we do weekly, we will round-up the top tips for you from the week before. Read on for many helpful tricks from DealDash Tips. You never know, you might learn something.

Welcome to the newest edition in the DealDash Top Tip Round-Up series for the month of April. In this helpful and fun weekly series, we highlight the most helpful tips from the week before. This series is all about DealDash knowledge for all bidders on DealDash. Read on for a recap of the best tips from last week, from the DealDash Tips Blog.

How Should I Bid? From the April 7th Blog

The theme of April 7th’s blog was all about ways that you might be bidding on DealDash. The top tip of that blog was to be sure that you are placing enough bids in the auctions you participate in on DealDash. There are many auctions that end with just a few bids being placed, but far more common are auctions that have more competition. Here is a great tip on placing bids from that blog:

“You’re not placing enough bids. If you are only placing a few bids in an auction and then moving on to the next one, that could be a big reason. If you see an auction that you really want to win, you should place more than a couple bids on it if you want to be triumphant.”

If you’d like to read that blog in its entirety, just click this link right here and you can check it out. There are lots of tips that you might find interesting in that article. Be sure to give it a read before you participate in any more auctions.

Check Out the New Electronics from the April 9th Blog

The blog on April 9th was a quick highlight of some of the new items available for auction on DealDash. If you haven’t checked out the Electronics & Computers category lately, you should! From the blog:

  • “Multi-region adaptor including cord. If you travel for business or plan on going on an overseas vacation this summer, then you’ll need a travel adaptor that can be used in multiple regions.

  • Twin USB Lightning cables. These cables are great for the newest Apple products and come with their own carrying case.

  • Phone cases for the new iPhone 8 and iPhone X. If you recently replaced your iPhone with one of the newer models, then you’ll want to get it a case. DealDash has you covered!”

If you’d like to see some of the other new items, just check out the whole article right here. 

Never Get Discouraged from the April 11th Blog

The blog on April 11th was a warning of a few different things that you should never do on DealDash. One of these things is getting discouraged. DealDash was made to be a fun experience. That’s why they call it “shopping entertainment”. Relax, think positively, and don’t get discouraged.

“Some days just aren’t the best for bidding, and if you feel yourself starting to get discouraged, then you should just stop for the day. Bidding on DealDash should be a fun experience, not a frustrating one. ”

Want to read the whole article? Just click here. There are a few more things that you might be doing that you don’t even realize you shouldn’t. It’s much better to be informed and be able to correct your mistakes. Read the article and be informed.


Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article with some top tips for April 13th helpful. Winning isn’t always easy, but by paying attention to these tips and getting some practice, you’ll be winning in no time! And remember, if you find yourself getting a little discouraged, just stop for the day. Take a break. You can come back the next day with a refreshed and positive attitude.

Remember to check the DD Tips blog daily, because you can never learn too much about DealDash or bidding. If you would like to read our other blog for helpful information, be sure to check out our other blog written by DealDash customers called Come back weekly to get the recap of each week’s top tips.

If you’re done reading the 04/13 top tips round-up, visit DealDash and check out the promotions and bid sale prices. DealDash has everything! DealDash is the best auction site ever. Have a great time on DealDash and happy bidding everyone!


This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company. Read even more at or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.