Winning Tips

No matter how long we have been shopping on, we can never learn too many winning tips.

Many times, winning auctions might just boil down to bidding in the right auction at the right time. Nonetheless, the more winning tips we know the better. One of the most important tips I could give to other shoppers would be to have patience.


When shopping on DealDash, we might do a lot better if we simply have patience.

When I have a difficult choice to make, I usually draw a line down the middle of a plain sheet of paper and place a header on each side — “Good” and “Bad.” Then I proceed to list the good things versus the bad things that could result from my decision. When I’m done with my list, I look at which side has the most positives or negatives. That usually makes my decision much easier.

We could approach DealDash auctions the same way, by listing the “good” things we know about an auction and the “bad” things we know about the auction. It might look something like this:


  • All of the main power bidders have already won and are now blocked from competing in this auction.
  • On average, one out of every three times, this auction sells for less than $10.00.


  • One of the active bidders is listed on the “Winners’ List” and just won a $2,000 bid pack.
  • Two out of every three winners used more than 600 bids to win this auction.

If I look at this, I would choose to wait until this auction comes up again. To find out when this auction will come up again, all I have to do is put the name of the auction in the search bar at the top of the home page. Then I can check “Alert Me” so I can bid on it again the next time it goes up for auction.

Having a little patience could make a difference if we win an auction for $5.00 or $500.00.

Blog posts are written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company. This sponsored blog post was submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers. Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. 

Celebrating Wins

Do you remember how exciting it was the first time you won an auction on I do, especially when I won a 55-inch TV.

I was celebrating my birthday on Feb. 23, 2012, at my house with friends. They wanted me to cut the cake, but I told them that first I wanted to check my bids on DealDash to see if I won anything yet. Just as I logged in, I saw that I won my first big-screen TV.

My friends started jumping up and down screaming in excitement, “We won!  We won! We won!” I said, “No, wait a minute. I won, not you. It’s my TV!” However, in a way, all my friends won, too. Up until then, we only had small, old-fashioned, big box TVs, so I started having Friday movie nights at my house.

Sharing With Friends

In these days of high-technology, most of us do not spend nearly enough face-to-face, in-person, time with our loved ones. Even when we go out to lunch in restaurants, many customers are ignoring the others at their table while they are busy on their cell phones.  The quality of the latest cells phones is good, but it is not good when our cell phones start taking away quality time with everyone who is near and dear to us.

Therefore, it would be a good idea for us to share some of our biggest DealDash wins with family and friends. The next time we have a big win on DealDash, we could use that as a good reason to get together to have a DealDash celebration party.

DealDash Party Ideas

Here are some party ideas on how we could celebrate:

  • Invite family and friends over for a potluck and to teach them how to play smart, so they could win products on DealDash, too.
  • Set up a display table showing off some of the many products we won on DealDash at bargain prices.
  • Provide snacks and game tables with some good, old-fashioned board games.

Blog posts are written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company. This sponsored blog post was submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers. Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. 

Daily DealDash Habits

Have you established some good daily shopping habits on What do I mean and why is this important?

Free Rewards

It pays in more ways than one to establish good daily shopping habits.

First, by logging on to DealDash every day, we earn from two to 15 free bids per day. However, we must make sure we always log in at about the same time every day so we do not miss the 24-hour window.

When we first start opening DealDash on a daily basis, the number of free bids we earn increases each day until it reaches a maximum of 15 free bids. It will then remain at 15 free bids every day unless we miss logging in within that 24-hour window. Then it will start all over again.

I have such a crazy schedule, I might shop at midnight one day, at 8 a.m. another day or at 6 p.m. another day.  This is not a good idea. By not establishing better DealDash habits, I often miss that 24-hour window and lose the maximum number of daily free bids. The best way to solve this problem is to figure out the best time each day to shop on DealDash and then stick with it.  Perhaps a good time to log on to DealDash every day is while drinking our first cup of coffee every morning. Then if we see an auction that catches our eye, we can purchase our bids and plan a good shopping strategy.

New Auction Products

Second, by logging into DealDash at the same time every day, we will not miss out on our chance to see and bid on the latest new products. It appears to me that the first winner of new auctions often ends up winning it for less money than later auctions. Perhaps that is what happens when a hand full of customers manages to be “first in line.”

Blog posts are written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company. This sponsored blog post was submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers. Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. 

Contacting DealDash

Did you ever contact

When it comes to shopping online, one of my pet peeves has always been companies that hide their contact information and make it extremely difficult to get in touch with them.

This is not true of DealDash. Contacting DealDash is so easy. We can contact DealDash by chat, phone call, Facebook, or email. That is one of the things I love most about DealDash. Customer service is always just a click or two away.

When I shop on DealDash, I feel like they are as close to me as my next-door neighbor. Often times I can get a response to a question within a few minutes.


One of my favorite ways to get in touch with a DealDash representative is through Facebook Messenger. The old ways of handwriting letters to family and friends and waiting a week or two for a response by mail are long gone. Now I open Facebook every day to stay in touch with family and friends throughout the country (and world whenever they are traveling abroad). Since I open Facebook so often, it is very convenient to contact a DealDash representative while I am already there.


It is also very easy to contact DealDash by email, too.  Go to the DealDash home page where the auctions are listed, scroll to the bottom of the page, and look under the header “About.” On the bottom right of the home page you will see a big yellow “Contact Support” header. Click on one of those many options and you can soon be talking to a DealDash representative who can help you and/or answer all of your questions.

You can also find job listings here as well, along with some of the benefits of working for this awesome company.

Blog posts are written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company. This sponsored blog post was submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers. Barbara was compensated by DealDash for this blog post.