Rationing Bids So They Last Longer

When shopping on DealDash.com there are several different ways we can ration our bids to make them last longer.

Bid Saver 1

Experienced shoppers use BidBuddy, the automated bidder, so our bids are not used until or unless they are needed. New customers often waste bids by placing one bid at a time from the home page because they have not yet found or know how to use BidBuddy. Double click on the auction you want to win and place your bids into BidBuddy.

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Earning Free DealDash Bids

One of the things I love most about DealDash.com is the many ways we can earn free bids.

Daily Free Bids

Get bids back from the Daily Returning Bidder Reward on DealDash.com.

Staying active on DealDash rewards itself. If you keep the bidding streak going for consecutive days, you can get up to 30 bids back daily.

On day 1 you get a maximum of 4 free bids. On day 2 the total rises to 6 bids, day 3 you get 8 bids and so on… On the seventh day it’s already up to 30 free bids daily you get back. All we have to do is make sure we consistently place at least one bid daily to keep the maximum reward in place. Remember, if we miss one day, we must start all over from the beginning before we can get back up to 30 bids daily! The amount of bids you get back is at most how many bids you placed the previous day.

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