DealDash Tips for Losing Gracefully

dealdash tipsEveryone loses sometimes on DealDash, but there are always more auctions to win. Here are some tips for losing gracefully from DealDash.

There are hundreds and hundreds of auctions every day on DealDash, however, DealDash is the most popular pay-to-bid auction site, so there is some stiff competition. Everyone wants to win, of course!  You have to remember that there is always another bidder waiting in the wings for when you make a mistake, too. Everyone wants to win the auction as much as you do, and there is only one winner per auction. Losing gracefully is a good skill to have, here are some tips from DealDash to help you.

Be Observant, Even When Losing

Be sure that you are observing the other bidders when you are on DealDash, even when it’s clear that you aren’t going to win. By observing the other bidders who are winning you can learn things their bidding styles, their endurance, and whether or not they use their BidBuddies.

When it’s clear that I’m not going to win an auction I stop bidding and stay to watch. By watching the other bidders I can pick up some handy tips and tricks that I might miss out on if I closed the laptop and walked away. Don’t be pouty when you don’t win, you can always BIN!

BINning is Almost as Good as Winning

If you have spent more than a few bids in a DealDash auction you need to be using the BIN (Buy It Now) feature. When you BIN an auction that you didn’t win you get exactly the amount of bids that you placed back into your account. You can use these bids again the same day or save them for later, it’s your choice. You will also receive free shipping on all BINS as well as wins, of course. Since you have everything back that you originally started with, I wouldn’t consider that much of a loss!

Thanks for Reading

Thanks so much for reading this DealDash Tips article. I hope this article has helped you with your strategy on DealDash! We all want to win, but sometimes we BIN. If you have any requests for specific articles, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Now that you have winning and BINning on your mind be sure to go check DealDash for amazing deals and shopping entertainment! DealDash has all of the items that you need. VisitDealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!2000 Bid Pack

This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.



DealDash Tips to Win Backyard Items

dealdash tips backyard

DealDash has so many items up for auction every day. Some of the most popular items are things for the backyard. Here are some tips on how to win them.

Backyard items are a very nice item to win on DealDash. They might not be exceptionally exciting items, but if you’re able to save money by winning a shovel, rake, or similar item you’ll have more money available for something a little more fun. If your hobby is gardening, though, the fun and excitement might be in winning the shovel or rake itself, it’s all in your perspective, I suppose. DealDash has plenty of chances for you to win backyard items, here are the top tips.

Set Alerts

The easiest way to win mowers, power washers, garden lights, benches, and more on DealDash is to do your research first. Figure out exactly what garden item you would like to win, and then set alerts on DealDash. This way you will know when the backyard items are coming up for auction.

Do you know how to set an alert on DealDash? It’s simple and easy to set an alert. Simply search for your desired item, and then you can either hit the “Alert Me” button on the main page, or you can open up the individual auction. After opening up the individual auction, you can read more information about the item and set the alert directly on the auction’s page using the “Alert Me” button. When the item that you are interested in will be coming up for bid DealDash will send you a quick email to let you know.

Read the Reviews

Have you been reading the reviews from fellow bidders on DealDash? These reviews can help you in a few different ways. Firstly, you can see if the product you are interested in is worth your time and attention on DealDash. If the reviews say that the item is worth it, then great! However, if the reviews on DealDash aren’t so good, then you might want to go back to the search bar and try for a different product.

Secondly, if you are reading the reviews of the products, you can get an idea of which DealDash bidders have already won this particular product. If a bidder has already won the product they can bid on it again (unless it’s a 1-per-bidder product) but I find that people who have already won a certain product are less likely to fight as hard for it the second time around. Your results may vary, that’s just my personal experience.

I hope that you found this new DealDash Tips article on how to win backyard items helpful. If you are shopping for a snow blower, garden shovel, bench, or other, check DealDash first. DealDash has it all! Visit DealDash now. DealDash wants to help you win. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

Suncast Patio Bench

This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

DealDash Tips to Save Time

DealDash Saves Time

Some people say that “time is money,” and I am inclined to agree. Here are some time-saving ideas from DealDash.

The first things that come to mind when I think about saving time are clocks and watches. How can you keep track of how much time you’re saving if you don’t have a reliable timepiece? DealDash has many clocks and watches up for auction. They have wall clocks, digital alarm clocks, regular wristwatches, and even occasionally have smartwatches for bid.

Meal Prep With a Vacuum Sealer

When it comes to convenience and saving time you should think about where you feel like you are wasting time. Personally, I feel like I waste a lot of time in the kitchen – cooking 3 meals per day for a family of five really takes up a huge chunk of my time. The way to mitigate some of this time loss is to try to be more efficient in the kitchen. One thing that I have recently started doing is prepping the meat for dinner in bulk. I can buy large packages of meat, separate them into meal sized portions, tenderize, season them, and then use my vacuum sealer to seal them. They will stay quite fresh in the fridge for 3 or 4 days at a time in the fridge. If you buy even larger packages you can prep and vacuum seal them then put them in the freezer for months at a time, then all you have to do is defrost them in the fridge 2 days before you want to use them. If you’re in the market for a food vacuum sealer, be sure to check DealDash first.

Snowblower, Leafblower, Timesaver

If you are spending time raking leaves and shoveling, you are wasting a large portion of your time. If you live somewhere that you are responsible for these tasks, you will save many hours of backbreaking work if you get a leafblower and snowblower. Don’t you want to save both time and energy? Then it’s definitely time to go to DealDash and bid on snowblower and leafblower auctions.

Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

If you have any small humans sharing your house, then it’s time to delegate some of the easier tasks to them! My daughter has been doing her own laundry (for the most part) since she was four years old. She needs help putting in the detergent since I keep it on a high shelf, but other than that she is able to load the washer, transfer the clothes to the dryer, sort, and fold them herself. Other tasks that you might be able to delegate: loading and unloading the dishwasher, feeding and watering the pets, watering the plants, vacuuming, dusting, general picking up, wiping down the appliances, and cleaning the counters.

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on saving time helpful. Check back here and our sister blog DealDash Reviews daily for new articles. If you are shopping for a clock, watch, kitchen appliance, or other home items check DealDash first. DealDash has it all! Visit DealDash now. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

 DealDash small appliances kitchenaid

DealDash Tips: Comparing Auctions


DealDash Tips Comparing Auctions

DealDash has so many auctions that it can be a little confusing if you are not familiar with the site. Here are some DealDash tips for comparing the auctions.

Are you new to DealDash? If you’re new the site and how it works you might be a little overwhelmed at first, and that’s okay. DealDash Tips blog is here to help you navigate the waters of DealDash. With all of the auctions on the front page, with all of the blinking lights and bright yellow “BID NOW” buttons it can be a little tricky to figure out what you’re supposed to bid on, and how to go about bidding. Here are some DealDash tips for you to try out.

When you first sign in to DealDash you will see the auction home page with 60 (yes, SIXTY!) auctions that are either currently running, or are starting in the next few minutes. New auctions start every minute or 2, around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Isn’t that amazing? That’s actually one important thing to note about DealDash – many other auction sites only run for 12 hours per day, DealDash has auctions for you every minute of the day for your shopping entertainment.

When you look at the main auction page, all of the auctions that you can bid on have the bright yellow “BID NOW” button. The other auctions that you see either haven’t started yet or have already reached the $5 “No jumper” limit. Pick an auction that you like from the auction home page, and click on the picture to open up the product’s individual auction page. Read the description, and decide if this is the product that you are interested in bidding on. But don’t bid quite yet, here is where the comparing comes into play.

Go back up to the top, and search for the item in the search bar. What pops up will be what you need to compare – the current item will show up, along with any similar ones that are starting in the near future, as well as similar items that DealDash carries but aren’t having auctions on within the next day or so.

Click on each of these items, and compare them – look at the starting date and time, the “Buy It Now” (BIN) price, and each items attributes. If you see an item that you prefer that is starting soon that you would like to bid on but isn’t live yet, you can either book at BidBuddy for the item, or click the yellow star and keep it in your saved auctions to come back to later. If the item that you like best doesn’t have a starting time, but has an “Alert me” button instead you can click that button and DealDash will email you when the item is coming up for auction.

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on comparing DealDash auctions helpful. DealDash has everything that you and your family need. Check all of the DealDash categories to see how much you can save. Visit DealDash now. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!
