DealDash Coffee Tips


America loves coffee, and so does DealDash. There are so many ways to enjoy coffee. Here are a few…

Living in New England, everyone loves Dunkin’ Donuts. When I first moved here from North Carolina, I was shocked at how many Dunkin’s there are in and around New England. I once counted seven on a short drive to visit a friend who lived one town over from me. Seven. Now that’s crazy! If you love Dunkin’ as much as my fellow New Englanders, it’s a good thing that DealDash offers Dunkin’ Donuts gift cards. I have never been able to snag one for an awesome price because they are so popular, but I am always happy enough to BIN (Buy It Now) and get to keep the clock time that I earned towards free bids.

When you go out and buy coffee, do you like it hot or iced? I am almost ashamed to admit before I moved here I had never had an iced coffee! However, now that I have been living here for so long an iced coffee is part of my daily routine, even in the winter with two feet of snow on the ground.

If you like iced coffee, too, did you know that you can make it at home with your Keurig machine? They have special K-cup pods that are meant to make iced coffee. I believe that they are stronger than regular K-cups, and when you brew them over a glass of ice it makes a delicious and much cheaper version of iced coffee at home. If you’d like to try brewing your iced coffee at home with your Keurig, then you should check out DealDash. They have Keurig coffee machines as well as the K-cup pods to brew, and K-cup stands as well. Doesn’t it feel good to save money?

If you’re a coffee lover like myself, you might be shocked to find out that some people don’t enjoy coffee, hot or iced! For those people, DealDash has a solution – TEA! DealDash has tea kettles as well as some beautiful iron tea sets up for auction. As for myself, I like both, why choose?

No matter if you’re a coffee or tea drinker, DealDash has solutions to fit your likes and lifestyle. Go check out DealDash now to browse the auctions. Visit DealDash at this link here, and see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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DealDash Tips to Be a Better Bidder


You’re a great bidder, but nobody’s perfect. Here are some DealDash tips to keep in mind when you’re bidding.

If you have a naturally excited personality then try to remember to remain calm when bidding against tough competition. Trust me, no matter how many times you jump up and down and yell at your computer it isn’t going to make you win any more auctions. Staying calm while bidding can save you bids, and possibly even money on health care, since your blood pressure won’t be so high if you remain calm!

I have seen many bidders spend more bids than they should have to win an item on DealDash because they are too excited and just can’t stop bidding. If you are an easily excited or emotional bidder and have a hard time knowing when to throw in the towel on an auction then it is quite likely that you are going to lose money. Easily excited and emotional bidders are much more likely to overspend their bid budget than bidders who remain calm and don’t let the auctions stress them out.

Another thing to keep in mind while you’re bidding in DealDash auctions is that if you have already put in a few bids and you can tell that there are numerous BidBuddies doing battle amongst themselves then it’s okay to drop out of the auction for a bit and watch the action. If you see the number of BidBuddies decrease quickly, then you might want to get back into the auction so you don’t lose out on the item. If you do happen to lose out on an auction, never fear – DealDash frequently repeats items if they proved to be popular. Simply do a search for the item that you are interested in, open up the product page, and click the “Alert Me” button. Then when the item is available for auction again DealDash will send you a quick email to let you know.

If you need to drop out of an auction for a bit because you need to leave your computer and you don’t want to load up your BidBuddy, then you should definitely download the free DealDash app. When you have the DealDash app downloaded on your phone you can keep an eye on your auction while you are out so you don’t have to stay glued to your computer. If you haven’t downloaded the DealDash app yet, then follow these links to download the Android or iOS app:

Here is the Android version on Google Play –

Here is the iOS version in the App store –

Thanks for reading the blog today, we appreciate your interest in DealDash and your quest for DealDash knowledge. Just click on this link to go to DealDash to browse auctions, set BidBuddies, bookmark auctions, and more. Now go visit DealDash and see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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DealDash Tips for Understanding the Auctions


After signing up for DealDash there’s a lot to learn. Here are some tips from DealDash to understand how to bid and win auctions.

Before you place any bids on DealDash it’s wise to understand exactly how DealDash is played. DealDash is not like a traditional auction, where people start throwing out high bids from the beginning – Quite to the contrary. DealDash auctions all start at 1 cent, and each time a person bids the auction increases by 1 cent. It’s important to note, however, that each bid that is placed is not free, bids are purchased before you can bid in the auction.

Now that you know the basic idea of how DealDash shopping entertainment auctions work, it’s important that you know the rules. There are very few “firm” rules that are put into place by DealDash, you can choose whatever bidding style that you like and bid or not bid on things as you please. The few rules that DealDash has set must be followed, though, so please read through them. The House Rules are put in place to make things as fair and honest for everyone. Here’s a quick overview of the rules– but please check out the full version so you don’t accidentally get yourself into trouble.

  • Each person can only have 1 account, no exceptions.
  • You can win the same item only once per week.
  • You absolutely may not bid in the same auction with your family members, friends, or acquaintances.
  • You may not use any type of bidding software to automatically bid for you except the BidBuddy which is provided to everyone free of charge.
  • Your user name cannot be vulgar or obscene, and it also can’t mislead people into thinking that you are a DealDash employee, either.
  • DealDash employees and immediate family are not allowed to bid on auctions.

After you have purchased your bids and understand exactly how the auctions are played, and read through the rules, then it’s time to bid! Please make sure that you do some research before you start placing bids randomly. If you place your bids randomly here and there it’s very unlikely that you will win.

I hope that you have found this DealDash Tips article on how the auctions are played helpful. DealDash has anything that you might want across many different categories, from small gift cards to expensive electronics. Visit DealDash and check out the auctions at this link here. Good luck and happy bidding everyone.

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DealDash Tips for Polite Bidding


No one likes a rude bidder. There are rude bidders out there, but you don’t want to be one! Read these DealDash tips for polite bidding.

Have you ever been bidding in a DealDash auction, and everything is going great – people are using their BidBuddies, everyone is taking turns, and no one is doing anything out of the ordinary…Then all of a sudden in comes a wild bidder! They are throwing bids around like confetti, stomping here and there, and generally making a nuisance of themselves? If you don’t recognize this scenario, it’s possible that you are the wild bidder that everyone gives a heavy sigh when they see you enter the auction. Let’s read some tips from DealDash on how to be a more polite and well-liked bidder.

Why should you be concerned about being a polite and more well-liked bidder? Well, other than the fact that it’s just the nice thing to do, polite and well-liked bidders on DealDash tend to win more auctions. If I have been in a long auction battle with another bidder who has been politely using their BidBuddy the entire time, and it’s an auction that I plan on BINning (Buy It Now) anyway, I might stop bidding once it’s down to the two of us. I wouldn’t do this if we are only halfway to winning, but if we are $5 or less away from my personal BIN limit, I might do the nice thing and stop so they get a little discount if they have been a polite bidder the whole time. I don’t always do this, of course, but if you have been a rude bidder I will do the exact opposite, and bid way past my personal BIN limit, just to spite you. See, it makes sense to be polite.

What constitutes a rude bidder? Opinions on this vary slightly, but it’s pretty much agreed that “Stompers” and “Jumpers” are considered very rude in DealDash Land. What are Stompers and Jumpers? The Stomper picks an auction, and rather than bidding politely and waiting for the timer to go down to 2 or 3 seconds they bid immediately after a person, therefore cheating the person out of their “clock time.”  The Jumper is someone who waits until the auction has alllllmost reached the $5 No Jumper limit and places their first bid, usually between $4.75-$5.

I hope that you have found this DealDash Tips article on how to be a polite bidder helpful. Of course, these are just my suggestions, please feel free to bid however you like on DealDash – they are your bids to use as you like. All bidders, rude and polite, love to bid on DealDash. Everyone loves DealDash because of the variety and value of the auctions. Go visit DealDash now. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


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