Tips for Being in Control of Your Bids


Part of DealDash is making sure that you’re in control of your bids and staying within your budget. Here are some tips from DealDash to help.

You wouldn’t pay $100 for a hamburger, so why would you spend 1,000 bids on a small trinket? It’s very important when you have fun on DealDash that you pay attention to what you’re doing and stay within whatever budget that you’ve set for yourself. Sometimes you can lose track of things in the heat of the moment, so here are some ideas to keep you on track and within budget.

Set Your Budget, Set Your BidBuddy

If you know exactly how many bids that you want to spend on a particular auction, then there’s really no need to stick around. That’s what the BidBuddy is for! The BidBuddy is there to bid for you and do exactly as you want him to do. For instance, if it’s a “Free Auction Weekend,’ then you know that it’s safe to bid it up to exactly the retail price so you can BIN (Buy It Now) if you don’t win. So, personally, I would just put in enough bids to reach the BIN price, and then walk away. Because for me, if I stay and watch the auction action, occasionally I get too involved and end up adding more and more and more bids to the BidBuddy! So now, I put in the bids to reach the BIN, and walk away. It works for me.

Keep an Eye on Your Bids While Bidding

If setting the BidBuddy and walking away isn’t really your style or preference, then, by all means, stay and watch! Or even just place single click bids, with DealDash it’s all up to you! However, when you’re bidding, be sure that you keep a very close watch on your bids. Your bids are very easy to watch and keep track of, they are located at the top right of your screen. When you’re placing single bids it’s extremely important to watch your bids. When you use the BidBuddy it’s a lot easier to keep track of them.

Buy Your Bids When They are Cheap!

Saving money is important, and most people like to stick to a budget for the month. So if your budget for bids is $50, great, save it until the bids are .12-.14. If you are ready to buy bids and the price is .17,18,19, then wait! The price of bids fluctuate from day to day, so save your $50 and wait!

Thanks for Reading the DealDash Tips Blog

I hope this article has encouraged you to think more about your bids. Go ahead give it a try by checking out the auctions on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has everything you need.  Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

This sponsored DealDash blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Tips to Make Major DealDash Scores


Do you love the Hobbies, Toys, Outdoors, and Games category on DealDash? Me too! Here are some tips to keep in mind about getting “big scores” in the category with the sports!

The Hobbies, Toys, Outdoors, and Games category has lots of sports and exercise equipment for both children and adults. Some of the sports equipment includes bikes, trampolines, and swimming pools which are amazing for the summer season. They are also wonderful to do family activities together. There are lots of other things in this category such as musical equipment, baby items, and even collectibles. However, sports and exercise equipment are one of the most popular things in this category, so let’s get some big scores on sporting goods!


Get Your New Bike On DealDash

The DealDash Hobbies, Toys, Outdoors, and Games category has so many amazing sports products up for auction every single day. One of the most popular items in this category is bikes. DealDash has new bikes available for bid for the whole family, toddler to Grandpa! With the beautiful weather of the coming months, a bike ride around the neighborhood with the family is a very nice way to spend time together, get some fresh air, and have a bonding experience. If you need a bike for and of your family members, be sure to check DealDash first.

Exercise Equipment, S-C-O-R-E!

There are many different varieties of exercise equipment in the Hobbies, Toys, Outdoors, and Games category. No matter if you’re looking for large pieces of exercise equipment or just a yoga mat, DealDash has the equipment that you need! DealDash offers treadmills, stationary bikes, rowing machines, and even yoga supplies such as yoga mats and yoga balls as well as bottles for re-filling with water. If you prefer to beat the heat and stay inside in the AC, then an indoors exercise program is a great idea! Get your exercise equipment now in the Hobbies, Toys, Outdoors, and Games category.

If Basketball is Your Game, Check DealDash

Is basketball your favorite sport? Well, you’re in luck. DealDash has both Indoor basketball hoops and outdoor basketball hoops, too. Basketball is a great family activity, kids as young as 3 enjoy throwing a ball around and learning how to dribble it. They might not get it in the hoop, but they will have a good time trying. Basketball provides a great workout and is really fun, too.  If you would like to start enjoying basketball at home with your family, then it’s time to go win a basketball hoop from DealDash!

Thanks for Reading the DealDash Tips Blog

I hope this article has encouraged you to bid on sporting and exercise equipment. Go ahead give it a try by checking out the auctions on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has everything you need.  Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

This sponsored DealDash blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Tips for Dealing With Other DealDash Bidders


Have you had a little bit of trouble with other bidders since you started on DealDash? Not to worry, DealDash can help you with a few tips and tricks to get along with the other bidders.

Bidding on DealDash is fun and exciting, but sometimes you might get into little tiffs here and there with the other bidders. Not that you’ll really know, anyway, since there is not a bidder chat feature. I personally think that is a GOOD thing. I can only imagine some of the things that people might say to each other! Here are some ideas to keep on the other bidder’s good sides. Why not? Keep it friendly!

Don’t Stomp, People. Just Don’t.

If you were to ask other bidders what their pet peeves are, “Stompers” and “Jumpers” would be at the very top of the list on DealDash. What are Stompers and Jumpers, you might wonder? A Stomper picks an auction, and rather than bidding politely and waiting for the timer to go down to 2 or 3 seconds they bid immediately after a person, therefore cheating the person out of their “clock time.”  The Jumper is someone who waits until the auction has practically reached the $5 No Jumper limit and places their first bid, usually between $4.50-$5. This is also true when DealDash runs their “$3 No Jumper Limit, as well. The Jumper will wait until the auction has reached $2.75 or so and then jump right in.

Don’t Over-Bid for Fun

Are you the sort of bidder who stops bidding when you have reached the BIN limit? Great, keep doing what you’re doing! However, if you’re the sort of bidder that keeps bidding on and on and on, even after the auction has reached the BIN price, that’s not a good way to get along with other bidders.

Have you ever been in an auction that ended for twice the amount of the BIN price? This happens fairly often in gift card auctions when it’s a Half-Price or Free Auction Weekend promotion. It’s very aggravating to the other bidders, and no one will thank you for it. It can sometimes backfire on you as well if the auction ends unexpectedly and it’s NOT a Free Auction Weekend. Of course, these are just my personal suggestions, please feel free to bid however you like on DealDash – they are your bids to use as you like. All bidders, rude and polite, love to bid on DealDash.

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article for getting along with other bidders helpful. DealDash always has great promotions going. Now go win some great auctions on DealDash! Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has everything you need. Don’t forget to tell your friends and family about DealDash! Good luck and happy bidding everyone!DealDash

This sponsored DealDash blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Saving Bids the DealDash Way


Loving DealDash means that you want to bid every day. It’s important to think about your budget and conserve bids. Here are some tips from Dealdash

Let’s be real here – sometimes I spend way too much on DealDash, and my husband tells me that it’s time to cut back a little bit. Well, easier said than done, I just have so much fun on DealDash that cutting back isn’t really my plan. My plan is better than not bidding, my plan is to conserve my bids whenever and wherever possible. Here are some of my best tips, tricks, and ideas to save money and bids while still having fun bidding on DealDash.

Bid on Things that You Would Buy Anyway

By bidding on things that you would purchase anyway you can take the guesswork out of bidding. You don’t have to worry if someone is outbidding you, stomping on your bids, or if they are just being ridiculous. You know that you’re safe with your Buy It Now (BIN) safety net. When you are mentally prepared to purchase anything that you are bidding on, then all of your worries can slip away. After all, when you pay for your item you’ll receive all of your bids back that you spent.

Purchase Bids on Sale

You definitely need to keep an eye on the bid prices.  When you see that DealDash is offering a special sale on bids such as .14, .13, or even .12 it’s time to stock up. Typically you only see .12 bids on a holiday, but when you see them, stock up! When you buy bid packs with lower priced bids you get many more bids for your money. This is a great way to get more for your money on DealDash.

Bid Small, Win Big

Search around on DealDash, and see if there are any auctions coming up for items that you think that no one else will be interested in. Maybe it’s an item that has already been up a few times that day. Or perhaps it’s an item that typically goes for a low amount. Throw some bids on there. Give it a try. You might get a big win!

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on saving bids helpful. Check back here and our sister blog DealDash Reviews daily for new articles. Reading our blogs daily will improve your DealDash skills.

Do you have bids to spend? Go check DealDash for items you would buy anyway and don’t be scared to BIN them! DealDash has all of the items that you need. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

400 Bid Pack!

This sponsored DealDash blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.