DealDash Tips: Too Busy To Work Out

DealDashDo you have too many things to do and not enough time? Here are some tips from DealDash to try to fit in some exercise.

Being an adult means that there are just too few hours in the day to fit everything in that we need to do. How in the world are you supposed to have time to drive to the gym, work out, and drive back home if you have a job and a family? The best solution is to work out at home. DealDash offers all sorts of exercise equipment and accessories. Here are some quick tips from DealDash to help you find the time to add some exercise into your day.

Exercise Equipment Shipped Free

Exercise equipment is big and bulky. If you’ve got a small car there’s no way a full-sized exercise bike, elliptical machine, or rowing machine is going to fit into your back seat. Luckily, when you get your exercise equipment from DealDash it is shipped free!

That’s right, when you either WIN or BIN your exercise equipment from DealDash it will be shipped 100% free of charge. That’s a super deal right there! But the best thing is that when you enter an auction prepared to BIN it, you know that you can’t lose – because with BIN you receive all of your bids back when you buy the item at retail price. You also get to keep your “clock time” that you earned as highest bidder as well.

Mix Chores with Exercise

I’ve mentioned this before, but if you’re short on time and have a house to clean then mix it up!! That’s right! The next time that you need to vacuum get a work out in while you clean. You can wear a baby like I suggested in a previous blog, or you could also wear ankle weights or something similar. You can actually burn between 150-200 calories if you vacuum for an hour. The number of calories you burn depends on how much you weigh. No matter how many or few calories you burn though, is better than none.


Use the DealDash App When Working Out

Be sure that you use the DealDash app safely, don’t use it while running on the street. However, if you prefer to walk or run on a treadmill, then you can use the DealDash app to bid while you work out. Simply download the app onto your smartphone and bid while you sweat!

Here is the Android version on Google Play –

Here is the iOS version in the App store –

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on exercise helpful. If you would like to read our other blogs, be sure to check out our other blogs, and

DealDash has many fitness products that you might like such as weights, yoga balls, and more. DealDash has everything you need. Visit DealDash now. Good luck and happy DealDash bidding everyone!



This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Tips to Greater Wins on DealDash


Small wins are easy on DealDash. How do you get greater wins? Read on to find out.

So you think you’re a pretty great DealDash player, am I right? I’m sure you are, look at you, winning all sorts of small auctions! There are bigger wins to be had out there, though, are you ready to get bigger and greater wins? The bigger the win, the more bidders that are interested in the item. The more bidders that are interested, the harder the item is to win. Here are some tips from DealDash to get that next big win.

Know Thy Competition

One of the most important things about snagging that big win is to do your research on the competition. Because realistically, the other bidders are the only thing that’s standing in the way of you getting your coveted prize. Now, DealDash likes to keep a friendly environment, but there’s nothing wrong with a little healthy competition.

How can you get to know your competition? There are a few things that you can do. Firstly, you’ll want to keep an eye out for re-occurring bidders that you see when you are bidding in auctions or even just watching auctions. Be sure to take note of any bidders that you see over-bidding. For example, if you see someone bidding on a $25 gift card whose price has risen to $24 already, you know that they are going to end up paying more money than the gift card is really worth. Either they are not very good at math or trying to prove a point to the other bidders. Either way, you’ll want to steer clear of them.

Big Bids, Big Wins

If you have finally decided to go after a bigger win, after only participating in small auctions, you’re going to have to adjust your thinking a little bit. Doing a BIN (Buy It Now) on a $50 gift card or a $100 pair of earrings isn’t too financially painful. However, if you’re looking for a huge score such as $14,000 massage chair, well, it’s pretty unlikely that you’re going to do a BIN on it if you lose. Therefore, you’re going to have to adjust your thinking to get used to the idea of losing some bids without the safety net of Buy It Now. Of course, BIN is available on every single auction, including the high-valued ones. However, the average bidder on DealDash doesn’t typically do BINs on such expensive items.

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on bidding helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, it’s for your own good! You never know when we are going to be posting DealDash secrets and bid and promo pricing. If you would like to read even more from DealDash, be sure to check out our other blogs, and

Are you ready to score your greatest DealDash win yet? Go visit DealDash and get started! DealDash has everything you need. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

dealdash tips


This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Tips to Win with the DealDash App

dealdash appAre you winning as many auctions as possible? Not if you aren’t using the DealDash app! Check out how it works and download it today.

Okay, you’re going to need a special tool for reading this blog today. Do you have your smartphone ready? Great! That’s all you need to start winning more auctions today. If you aren’t using the DealDash smartphone app then you’re just throwing away opportunities to win auctions. You don’t want to do that! It’s simple and easy to win more auctions when you use this awesome app.

What is the DealDash app?

The DealDash app is the best thing that’s come along since the website itself. Why use a clunky desktop or even laptop computer when you can use your tiny little microcomputer known as a smartphone? This app was created by the best people in the business, and it was made to bid on DealDash auctions. There’s no other app like it on the market.

What Can You Use it for?

The app can be used for anything that you do on the regular DealDash website. You can sign up for DealDash, buy bids within the app, use the BidBuddy auto-bidder, and place single bids. You can also do product searches and research, set alerts, and even pay for auctions and track your wins, all within the app.

Why Use the App?

You might wonder why you need the app if you can just type DealDash into your search bar. Well, I’ll tell you – speed! If you are trying to beat the clock and need to get to a particular auction quickly, why would you want to bother with all of that? Simply click on the DD icon and you’re ready to bid!

How Much is the app? $5? NO!! It’s FREE !

Yes, the DealDash app is free, and there are no ads to big you in the app. You need to download it today so you can start winning more auctions. DealDash has apps for both the android phone or iPhone. Just click on the links down below to download the app.

Here Are the Links for Easy Access

Here is the Android version on Google Play –

Here is the iOS version in the App store –

Install the DealDash App

Download the app onto your phone give it a moment to install itself. Next, open the app and sign in with your DealDash username. If you don’t have a DealDash username you can sign up within the app and be bidding in a flash!

If you have been using DealDash on your computer at home all of the information will be transferred over. You can check on the auctions that you have won (or BINned), and click on your tracking numbers to track them. Try out the BidBuddy, create an avatar, and so many other things. This is definitely one of my favorite apps on my phone.

Thanks for Reading

Thanks so much for reading this DealDash article on the DealDash app. I hope that you found this new DealDash Blog article on the DealDash app helpful. If you’re interested in reading even more DealDash tips check out the “Tactics & Tips” section on DealDash. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


dealdash app

This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Tips to Save Your DealDash Bids

DEALDASH BIDSDon’t waste your DealDash bids! Here are some tips to save bids as well as money.

If you’re an avid DealDasher you know that bids = money. Each bid costs between .12-.60, so those totals add up fast. You don’t want to throw away money or bids, so don’t waste them! Be smart with your bids, save them for what you really love, and be thrifty. Here are some tips and ideas from DealDash to help you save your bids and use them wisely.

BidBuddy, Your Best Bid Saver

The smartest way to save your bids is by using the BidBuddy. The BidBuddy is the BEST way to save bids because he will never waste them and bid out of turn. When you are manually clicking the bid button it’s very easy to lose track of the order that people are bidding in, and therefore wasting a bid by bidding too early. The BidBuddy will never do that. Your BidBuddy keeps bidding in a strict order with the other BidBuddies, and will never bid early or late – but precisely right on time.

Who Gets to Use the BidBuddy?

Everyone! Every single bidder on DealDash has access to the BidBuddy. 90% of auctions on DealDash are won by using the BidBuddy. You can put in as few or as many bids as you like into the BidBuddy, and it bid for you until your bids have run out. You can always add more bids or cancel the BidBuddy at any time.

Collect Free Bids From DealDash

What better way to save money than by bidding with FREE bids. DealDash has many opportunities for you to win and earn free bids. There is a contest every week for the best photo posted to Facebook, you can pick yourself up a free 1,000 pack of bids right there! You can also get free bids by just showing up to DealDash and bidding. It’s true. Every single day that you come to DealDash and place at least one bid you will be rewarded a nimber of free bids from 5 to 30. The more days in a row that you come bid the more free bids you will earn.

BIN an Auction, Save Your Bids

Using the BIN (Buy It Now) feature of DealDash is a great way to save bids. Simply bid on things that you plan on buying anyway, and if you lose you can use the BIN option on DealDash and receive all of your bids back when you pay the retail price of the item. DealDash will when refund all of the bids you used on that item, and you can try again another day. You will also even get free shipping on the item, no matter if you WIN or BIN.

Thanks for Reading

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on saving your bids helpful. Remember to check the Tips blog daily, because you never know when we are going to be posting pricing and promo secrets! If you would like to read our other blogs, be sure to check out our other blogs, and

Be sure to read this article if you want to save your bids on DealDash. Be sure visit DealDash and collect your free bids today. DealDash has everything you need. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash free bids


This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.