DealDash Tips – Choosing the Best Auction


Choosing the best auction to bid on can mean the difference between winning or not. Here are some tips from DealDash to help you choose which auctions you should bid on.

How should you choose which auctions to bid on, and which auctions to pass right by without even a single bid? There are many factors to determine this, and even with all of the knowledge in the world you aren’t going to win every single auction – but follow these tips from DealDash, and you will be choosing the best auction and winning more than before.

When you are browsing through the active auctions, be sure that you are observing the other bidders, as well. When you are on DealDash, you can learn things about other bidders such as their bidding styles, if they use a BidBuddy, and most importantly if they are a “Power Bidder.” A Power Bidder bids and bids and bids until they win, relentlessly, no matter how many bids they have used. You’ll want to make a list of the Power Bidders, and be sure to avoid the auctions that they are participating in on DealDash. Choosing not to bid against a known Power Bidder is always a good choice!

Another way to choose which auction to participate in is your needs, of course. If you are in the market for a new TV or laptop, and you are planning on buying one anyway, you might as well try to win it on DealDash. Choosing to bid on an auction that you are 100% committed to BINning (Buying It Now) is a good choice, because if you win the item for a great discount, then that’s awesome! However, if you don’t win the auction, you can always BIN the item and receive all of your bids back to use on another auction.


Finally, another smart way to choose the best auction to bid on when using DealDash is to be observant when browsing the categories on DealDash. When you are scrolling through the auctions, be sure to also sort them by category. That way you can see which category is having a lot of auctions come up on the same day. If you decide that you want to win a piece of jewelry, for instance, instead of bidding on the one in the morning, if the same auction is going on later that day or the next day, give that one a try. Logically speaking, the people who are most interested in the auction would probably be bidding on the first one. If you try the next one instead, there might be a little less competition.

I hope that you have found this DealDash Tips article helpful. Make sure that you check out all of the categories. Dealdash has electronics, home items, kitchen, and more. DealDash has hundreds of auctions daily. Visit DealDash now for a great selection. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


DealDash Coffee Tips


America loves coffee, and so does DealDash. There are so many ways to enjoy coffee. Here are a few…

Living in New England, everyone loves Dunkin’ Donuts. When I first moved here from North Carolina, I was shocked at how many Dunkin’s there are in and around New England. I once counted seven on a short drive to visit a friend who lived one town over from me. Seven. Now that’s crazy! If you love Dunkin’ as much as my fellow New Englanders, it’s a good thing that DealDash offers Dunkin’ Donuts gift cards. I have never been able to snag one for an awesome price because they are so popular, but I am always happy enough to BIN (Buy It Now) and get to keep the clock time that I earned towards free bids.

When you go out and buy coffee, do you like it hot or iced? I am almost ashamed to admit before I moved here I had never had an iced coffee! However, now that I have been living here for so long an iced coffee is part of my daily routine, even in the winter with two feet of snow on the ground.

If you like iced coffee, too, did you know that you can make it at home with your Keurig machine? They have special K-cup pods that are meant to make iced coffee. I believe that they are stronger than regular K-cups, and when you brew them over a glass of ice it makes a delicious and much cheaper version of iced coffee at home. If you’d like to try brewing your iced coffee at home with your Keurig, then you should check out DealDash. They have Keurig coffee machines as well as the K-cup pods to brew, and K-cup stands as well. Doesn’t it feel good to save money?

If you’re a coffee lover like myself, you might be shocked to find out that some people don’t enjoy coffee, hot or iced! For those people, DealDash has a solution – TEA! DealDash has tea kettles as well as some beautiful iron tea sets up for auction. As for myself, I like both, why choose?

No matter if you’re a coffee or tea drinker, DealDash has solutions to fit your likes and lifestyle. Go check out DealDash now to browse the auctions. Visit DealDash at this link here, and see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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DealDash Tips for Polite Bidding


No one likes a rude bidder. There are rude bidders out there, but you don’t want to be one! Read these DealDash tips for polite bidding.

Have you ever been bidding in a DealDash auction, and everything is going great – people are using their BidBuddies, everyone is taking turns, and no one is doing anything out of the ordinary…Then all of a sudden in comes a wild bidder! They are throwing bids around like confetti, stomping here and there, and generally making a nuisance of themselves? If you don’t recognize this scenario, it’s possible that you are the wild bidder that everyone gives a heavy sigh when they see you enter the auction. Let’s read some tips from DealDash on how to be a more polite and well-liked bidder.

Why should you be concerned about being a polite and more well-liked bidder? Well, other than the fact that it’s just the nice thing to do, polite and well-liked bidders on DealDash tend to win more auctions. If I have been in a long auction battle with another bidder who has been politely using their BidBuddy the entire time, and it’s an auction that I plan on BINning (Buy It Now) anyway, I might stop bidding once it’s down to the two of us. I wouldn’t do this if we are only halfway to winning, but if we are $5 or less away from my personal BIN limit, I might do the nice thing and stop so they get a little discount if they have been a polite bidder the whole time. I don’t always do this, of course, but if you have been a rude bidder I will do the exact opposite, and bid way past my personal BIN limit, just to spite you. See, it makes sense to be polite.

What constitutes a rude bidder? Opinions on this vary slightly, but it’s pretty much agreed that “Stompers” and “Jumpers” are considered very rude in DealDash Land. What are Stompers and Jumpers? The Stomper picks an auction, and rather than bidding politely and waiting for the timer to go down to 2 or 3 seconds they bid immediately after a person, therefore cheating the person out of their “clock time.”  The Jumper is someone who waits until the auction has alllllmost reached the $5 No Jumper limit and places their first bid, usually between $4.75-$5.

I hope that you have found this DealDash Tips article on how to be a polite bidder helpful. Of course, these are just my suggestions, please feel free to bid however you like on DealDash – they are your bids to use as you like. All bidders, rude and polite, love to bid on DealDash. Everyone loves DealDash because of the variety and value of the auctions. Go visit DealDash now. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


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DealDash Tips: Bargain Kitchen


If there’s something that every home has – it’s a kitchen. Here are some DealDash Tips to have a bargain kitchen.

No matter if your kitchen is old and rustic, quaint and homey, or sleek and modern, we all need kitchen supplies. We need cooking implements, we need small and large appliances, we need cutlery, and it would be nice to have a little personality to go along with it. Sadly, unique kitchen items with personality usually tend to be rather expensive. This is where DealDash can help. DealDash has cute, new, and unique items for the kitchen that you can win in their auctions.

Choosing to participate in a DealDash  auction for kitchen items is actually a very smart move – kitchen items such as pots, pans, and cutlery are things that people usually tend to replace every few years, so it’s kind of a no-brainer to bid on them on DealDash. As some of you might know, DealDash offers a special feature called BIN (Buy It Now), so that if you don’t happen to win the auction that you are participating in, you can pay the regular retail price, receive free shipping, and get all of your bids back as well. Not only that, but you get to keep all of the “clock time” that you received for being the highest bidder during the auction. Now that’s smart!

Other than bidding on the kitchen items on DealDash to save some money in your kitchen, here are some other handy tips from DealDash for a bargain kitchen:

  • Stop buying paper towels – Get a 10 pack (or more) of hand towels or tea towels and use them in place of paper towels. It will save you money as well as saving the environment.
  • Only buy fruit and veggies that are in season.
  • Jump aboard the mason jar craze! Use mason jars for everything from canning extra garden produce to storing dinner leftovers.
  • Buy meat in bulk packs, separate into meal sized portions, and freeze.

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on a bargain kitchen to be helpful. DealDash has just about anything that you could ever need for the kitchen (or anywhere else in the house. Visit DealDash today. Just click this link here. good luck and happy bidding everyone!
