DealDash currently has 10 different categories. Which one will you choose today?
DealDash often restructures their categories. There are currently 10 categories, as a vacation category has been added for all of the amazing vacations that you now have an opportunity to bid on and win. Here is a quick primer on the different DealDash categories.
New Items
First up is the “New Items” category. This is exactly like it sounds – all of the new items across all of the different categories. In this area, you will find everything from jewelry to tools and more. This is the first category that you will want to visit if you are trying to find something new and interesting to bid on. If you would like to see this category, just click here.
Bid Packs
The “Bid Pack” category has many different sizes of packs. Currently, they are being offered in packs of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, all the way up to 9,000! In the past, there have been packs as small as 25. You never know which bid packs will be offered, so be sure to check them out at this link here.
If you’re looking for a group of similar items, then you will want to check out the “Bundles” category at this link right here. In this category, you will find personal care bundles, executive bundles, women’s bundles, and more. This is a great place to go if you’re looking for a gift to give someone.
Electronics and Computers
You will find many different electronics in this category, as you might expect. There are computers, iPads, and tablets of course. However, it doesn’t stop there. You will also find cameras and camera accessories including tripods. You’ll also find phones, phone chargers, and phone cases as well as video game systems and games. If you would like to see the electronics, just click here.
Fashion, Health, and Beauty
No matter if you’re into spa treatments, massage chairs, or hair accessories, this section can accommodate you. You’ll find hair dryers, high-quality flat iron hair straighteners as you might expect. Also in the Fashion, Health and Beauty category, you will find massage chairs, foot massagers, clothing, jewelry, and designer bags. Just click here to check it out!
Gift Cards
If you’re looking for gift cards, DealDash is the place to go! Just click here. The gift cards change pretty often, but you will find cards such as Target, Wal*Mart, CVS, restaurant cards, fast food cards, and more. Bidding on gift cards on DealDash is a great idea because if you don’t win you can always do a Buy It Now (BIN) and get all of your bids back when you purchase the gift card.
Hobbies, Toys, Outdoors, and Games
This category is a favorite with kids and adults alike. Not only are there kid’s toys like stuffed animals and night lights, but there are products for the whole family such as bikes and trampolines. If you’re looking for a fun product, this is the category to visit! Just click here.
Home, Garden, and Tools
I love this category! Here you will find everything for the home such as rugs, furniture, organizational items and more! If you’re looking for a small appliance such as a vacuum, automatic cat litter box, auto-opening garbage can, or painting, you’re in luck! You will find all of them here.
Kitchen and Dining
This category has many wonderful items in it, and you will be a big fan if you love cooking and spending time in the kitchen. Here you will find pots and pans, cutlery, KitchenAid mixers, bead makers, and just about anything you might want to spruce up your kitchen. Just click here and check it out.
The “Vacations” category is a new edition, and wow! There are so many amazing vacations that you can win (or BIN) in this category. You will find trips to Hawaii, Las Vegas, Hollywood, and my town, Boston! Bidding on one of these vacations is a total no-brainer if you are planning on a trip to one of these destinations anyway because you can BIN one of these trips and get all of your bids back. Just click here to check them out.
Thanks for Reading the Blog
When you check out these categories on DealDash you are sure to find something that you love!
Thanks so much for reading this DealDash Tips article on categories on DealDash. Don’t forget to check back each day for brand new articles here are well as on our sister blog, DealDash Reviews. Want to read about a particular item or certain category? Just comment down below on what you would like to read.
Check out these amazing categories on DealDash! Browse and bid in 10 different categories on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Have a good time on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!

This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company. Read even more on DealDashReviewed.com, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.