DealDash has so many items up for auction every day. Some of the most popular items are things for the backyard. Here are some tips on how to win them.
Backyard items are a very nice item to win on DealDash. They might not be exceptionally exciting items, but if you’re able to save money by winning a shovel, rake, or similar item you’ll have more money available for something a little more fun. If your hobby is gardening, though, the fun and excitement might be in winning the shovel or rake itself, it’s all in your perspective, I suppose. DealDash has plenty of chances for you to win backyard items, here are the top tips.
Set Alerts
The easiest way to win mowers, power washers, garden lights, benches, and more on DealDash is to do your research first. Figure out exactly what garden item you would like to win, and then set alerts on DealDash. This way you will know when the backyard items are coming up for auction.
Do you know how to set an alert on DealDash? It’s simple and easy to set an alert. Simply search for your desired item, and then you can either hit the “Alert Me” button on the main page, or you can open up the individual auction. After opening up the individual auction, you can read more information about the item and set the alert directly on the auction’s page using the “Alert Me” button. When the item that you are interested in will be coming up for bid DealDash will send you a quick email to let you know.
Read the Reviews
Have you been reading the reviews from fellow bidders on DealDash? These reviews can help you in a few different ways. Firstly, you can see if the product you are interested in is worth your time and attention on DealDash. If the reviews say that the item is worth it, then great! However, if the reviews on DealDash aren’t so good, then you might want to go back to the search bar and try for a different product.
Secondly, if you are reading the reviews of the products, you can get an idea of which DealDash bidders have already won this particular product. If a bidder has already won the product they can bid on it again (unless it’s a 1-per-bidder product) but I find that people who have already won a certain product are less likely to fight as hard for it the second time around. Your results may vary, that’s just my personal experience.
I hope that you found this new DealDash Tips article on how to win backyard items helpful. If you are shopping for a snow blower, garden shovel, bench, or other, check DealDash first. DealDash has it all! Visit DealDash now. DealDash wants to help you win. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!
This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at,, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.