DealDash Helps You – Tips for Success

DealDash Money

We all want to be successful on DealDash. Here are some tips for your success. Read on for more information.

Being successful in life is important, and being successful on DealDash is not only important but also very fun as well. Being successful on DealDash means that you are getting great items for low prices, you’re saving your family money, and you’re enjoying a hobby that you can do in your home, or even when you’re away from your computer. You don’t have to be in peak physical condition or be a brilliant scientist to enjoy winning and having success on DealDash. Here are some tips for being successful and enjoying your time on DealDash.

Don’t Start Too Big

I know when you first start a new hobby you want to jump into it with both feet. It’s important to be a little cautious on your first few time playing on DealDash because it isn’t a standard auction site like you might have used in the past. DealDash is a pay-to-bid entertainment shopping website. You have to buy bids before you can bid on auctions on DealDash. Once you spend those bids, they’re gone, unless you use the BIN (Buy It Now) feature. So, with that said, it’s important that you understand how everything works before you start bidding on auctions.

Take the Tutorial

DealDash has begun offering a tutorial to new DealDash players when they sign up and buy a bid pack. You can find the tutorial with the other helpful materials on DealDash. Taking the tutorial just takes a few minutes. It takes you through a mock auction with pretend players. It shows you how and when to bid. After you have completed the tutorial you “win” the prize that you were playing for in the tutorial, which is a bid pack of 10 bids. It’s a quick and easy way to understand how to play DealDash as well as get a few bids to play with. I have won many, many auctions with less than 10 bids, so you might even win an auction with your free bids! You never know until you give it a try.

Learn How to BIN

I mentioned Buying It Now (BIN) up above. This simply means that if you lose the auction that you’re playing in that you pay the full retail price for the auction, and DealDash will return all of your bids back into your bid bank to use again. You can do a BIN on any auction that you have placed bids in, it doesn’t matter how many of how few, as long as it was at least one bid. Be sure that you’re bidding on items that you really want, so it’s not a big hardship to BIN the auction if you don’t win in the end.

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope this article has encouraged you to strive to be successful on DealDash. Go ahead check out the auctions on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has everything you need.  Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


This sponsored DealDash blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

On the Right Track With Tips from DealDash


Are you fairly new to DealDash but feel like you haven’t gotten started on the right track? Let DealDash help.

Getting started on the right track is a very important when you begin bidding on DealDash. If you get started on the wrong track then you can develop some bad habits that will follow you throughout your time on DealDash. It’s just like anything else in life, if you get started doing things the improper way then it’s very difficult to break out of your bad habits and do things the correct way. Read on for some tips from DealDash to get things started on the right foot.

Be Sure You Don’t Develop Rude Habits

If you’re new to DealDash, you might not understand what constitutes rude behavior. Luckily, I’m here to tell you do you don’t accidentally do something rude. However, you can bid any way that you like, so if you choose to be rude, then that’s fine, too, it’s not against the rules.

The main thing that you shouldn’t do is “stomp” on other people’s bids. On DealDash, for every second that a person is the highest bidder in a particular auction they earn “clock time” that is shown at a bar on the bottom of the screen. When the bar is filled up then DealDash will give you however many free bids that you are eligible to “claim.”

Stomping (or being a Stomper) on someone else’s bid means to bid directly after someone without letting the first persons “clock” run down to 2-3 seconds. This is definitely classified as rude behavior on DealDash, and if you make a habit of doing this then be prepared for other people to do it to you.

Practice Good Manners on DealDash

We talked about a rude habit, so let’s talk about good manners. If you read the above, then you know that it’s good manners to wait until the time clock is down to 2-3 seconds before you bid. Another way to show good manners on DealDash is to join the auction early and not wait until the last moment before the price reaches $5. DealDash has a “No Jumpers” after $5 policy, which means that you have to have placed at least one bid before the auction price is over $5. This is so that people can’t keep jumping into the auction and not giving the people who have been bidding all along a fair shot.

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope this article has encouraged you to get off to a great start on DealDash. Go ahead check out the auctions on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has everything you need.  Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


This sponsored DealDash blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Fun Tips for DealDash Super Wins


Have you ever had a DealDash “Super Win”? I consider a super win any auction that you can win for less than 10 bids. Here are some tips for getting a DealDash super win!

Getting a super win is seriously an exciting thing. Personally, I jump up and down and go “WoooHooo!!!”, however some of you might be a little more classy than myself. Over my years playing on DealDash I have gotten many, many super wins. Come to think of it, my first three wins were actually super wins! I was able to get three different gift cards for just a couple of bids each. Of course, when you are first starting out DealDash goes easy on you with “beginner auctions” than only other newbies are able to see on the main auction screen. I’ve gotten many super wins since those, of course, and there are some ways that you can increase your odds of getting a DealDash super win, read on to find out how.

Bid at the Right Time, on the Right Day

You’re most likely not going to get a super win on a very busy and popular time to play on DealDash. So Saturday prime-time is out, as well as Sunday afternoons. I find these to be two of the busiest times to bid. When you’re trying to sneak in  few super wins, you’re going to have to figure out some unpopular times and days to bid. When are these days and times? You might think that very late at night might be a good time, but honestly, I’ve found that late nights are quite busy on DealDash, at least here in the Eastern Time Zone. Personally, I have had much more luck bidding in the early morning – when people on the East Coast are typically getting ready for work and the people on the West Coast are still sleeping. Of course, your results may vary.

Bid on the Right Items

Let’s face it, folks, you’re not going to get a $1,000 TV or a $1,500 massage chair for just a few bids. Of course, miracles can happen, but in my experience the smaller, less popular items are ones that you can get for just a few bids. Some examples of things that I have personally won with less than 10 bids are: necklaces, rings, sheets, a comforter, kid’s items, Blu-Ray discs, and even $10 gift cards here and there. I have seen people get some amazing things for less than 10 bids, though, such as artwork, clothing, and even video games.

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope this article has encouraged you to think about how you can win a low-priced auction this weekend on DealDash. Go ahead check out the auctions on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has everything you need.  Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


This sponsored DealDash blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Win This Weekend With DealDash Tips


Want to win an auction this upcoming weekend? Read this article and win auctions on DealDash.

DealDash Tips is here to give you some tips today on winning some auctions this upcoming weekend! How can the DealDash Tips Blog help you win auctions? For starters, by reading the DealDash Tips blog it really gets you in the “auction frame of mind” to win. Trust me, when you eat, sleep, and breathe auctions, you’re going to win more of them! Always know that if there is ever a particular subject that you would like DealDash Tips to cover in a future blog, please leave it below in the comments. Thanks for reading our DealDash Tips blog, we appreciate you, our readers.

Buy Some Bids

Winning auctions takes bids – DealDash is a pay-to-bid site, after all. Be sure to stock up on some bids for the weekend. You don’t want to be caught out with your dream auction coming up for bid and no bids in your bid bank! Buy some bids now while they are on sale, and have plenty to use for the weekend.


DealDash Tips always encourages people to do their research – and now is a great time to do some research on the items that are coming up this weekend. Always do your research before bidding in auctions on DealDash. You should first figure out what you want to bid on, and then do some independent research on the item. Does it have good reviews? Do you need to buy anything else with it to make it work? Is it an item that you have a place for in your house, or are you going to be giving it as a gift to someone else? These are some questions to think about while you are doing your research before bidding.

Clear Your Schedule, Use Your BidBuddy

If you’ve found an item you’d like to bid on, have bids to use, and have done your research, good for you! The next step is making sure that you actually have time to bid on the item. If you have a lot of activities with your family planned for the weekend, then you’re going to need to make sure that you set up your BidBiddy.

The BidBuddy is a tool that will never let you down when it comes to bidding on items you want but can’t stay and watch the auction. Just put in as many bids as you would like to spend into the BidBuddy, and he will start bidding for you when the auction begins. You can check your progress when you have a spare moment, and add or cancel the BidBuddy at any time.

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope this article has encouraged you to think about how you can win an auction this weekend on DealDash. Go ahead check out the auctions on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has everything you need.  Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash jewelry

This sponsored DealDash blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.