DealDash Tips to Save Time

DealDash Saves Time

Some people say that “time is money,” and I am inclined to agree. Here are some time-saving ideas from DealDash.

The first things that come to mind when I think about saving time are clocks and watches. How can you keep track of how much time you’re saving if you don’t have a reliable timepiece? DealDash has many clocks and watches up for auction. They have wall clocks, digital alarm clocks, regular wristwatches, and even occasionally have smartwatches for bid.

Meal Prep With a Vacuum Sealer

When it comes to convenience and saving time you should think about where you feel like you are wasting time. Personally, I feel like I waste a lot of time in the kitchen – cooking 3 meals per day for a family of five really takes up a huge chunk of my time. The way to mitigate some of this time loss is to try to be more efficient in the kitchen. One thing that I have recently started doing is prepping the meat for dinner in bulk. I can buy large packages of meat, separate them into meal sized portions, tenderize, season them, and then use my vacuum sealer to seal them. They will stay quite fresh in the fridge for 3 or 4 days at a time in the fridge. If you buy even larger packages you can prep and vacuum seal them then put them in the freezer for months at a time, then all you have to do is defrost them in the fridge 2 days before you want to use them. If you’re in the market for a food vacuum sealer, be sure to check DealDash first.

Snowblower, Leafblower, Timesaver

If you are spending time raking leaves and shoveling, you are wasting a large portion of your time. If you live somewhere that you are responsible for these tasks, you will save many hours of backbreaking work if you get a leafblower and snowblower. Don’t you want to save both time and energy? Then it’s definitely time to go to DealDash and bid on snowblower and leafblower auctions.

Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

If you have any small humans sharing your house, then it’s time to delegate some of the easier tasks to them! My daughter has been doing her own laundry (for the most part) since she was four years old. She needs help putting in the detergent since I keep it on a high shelf, but other than that she is able to load the washer, transfer the clothes to the dryer, sort, and fold them herself. Other tasks that you might be able to delegate: loading and unloading the dishwasher, feeding and watering the pets, watering the plants, vacuuming, dusting, general picking up, wiping down the appliances, and cleaning the counters.

I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article on saving time helpful. Check back here and our sister blog DealDash Reviews daily for new articles. If you are shopping for a clock, watch, kitchen appliance, or other home items check DealDash first. DealDash has it all! Visit DealDash now. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

 DealDash small appliances kitchenaid

DealDash Early January Sales and Promos

DealDash January Sales

Who wants some DealDash Tips on Top secret bid prices and sales promotions? Here it is! There are some great things going on in early January.

I know that this is everyone’s favorite topic here on the DealDash Tips blog. Here is some information about  DealDash sales and promotions going on this week. The DealDash Tips blog wants to help you be the best bidder you can be and get some great wins. You should check in with the DealDash Tips blog every evening to see if we are giving away any secrets…Tonight is your lucky night! I have some information for you that you won’t get anywhere else.

Today DealDash is continuing one of my favorite promotions, the “No New Bidders after $3.” Why is this a great promotion? This is a great promotion because normally there are no new bidders allowed after $5, and the lower the limit the less bidders. And the less bidders there are, the better chance you have of winning! Not only that, if there are fewer bidders it means that the final auction value should end up being lower as well.

Tomorrow, January 6th, DealDash bids are going to be selling for the discounted price of only .14 per bid! When you buy your bids at such a discounted rate, you have much better bidding power than the person who bought their bids at a higher price per bid.

DealDash has another surprise in store for you. DealDash is also going to be running the 2X Time As the Highest Bidder (TAHB) promotion starting tomorrow. What does this mean? This means that you will be getting TWICE the time as the highest bidder on your free bid meter at the bottom of your screen. You will be earning double the time that you normally do. This is a great time to stock up on something that you would buy at full price regardless, such as gift cards to stores or restaurants that you frequent.

DealDash has some other great promotions prepared for you in the upcoming month. It’s one of the many things that makes DealDash the ultimate site for all of your shopping needs.I hope that you found this DealDash Tips article helpful. Remember to check to the DealDash Tips blog often, because you never know when we are going to be posting more top secret information like bid prices and DealDash sale promotions. Now that you have this information, go visit DealDash and browse the auctions. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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DealDash Tips: Don’t Do These Things

UH NO DealDash minion

Normally here on DealDash Tips we try to give you good advice for bidding in DealDash auctions. Today we are going to tell you some things that you shouldn’t be doing.

People normally read this blog to gain some knowledge to help them on DealDash. Sometimes knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing what to do. Here is a small collection of bidding practices that you should avoid doing while using DealDash.

Don’t Bid Against “Known” Overbidders

If you’ve been bidding on DealDash for a while I’m sure that you’ve come across some people that just keep bidding…and bidding…and bidding. I wouldn’t necessarily group “overbidders” and “Power Bidders” together, because Power Bidders tend to go after the most expensive and coveted items. Overbidders seem to stick to gift cards and smaller auctions. I can think of 2 or 3 people who exclusively bid on gift cards, and bid them up over the face value of the gift card. I still haven’t figured out why people would do this – I suspect that it might be to get extra “Clock Time” as the highest bidder, but it seems like a really huge risk. The extra few minutes of clock time doesn’t seem to be worth the risk of someone dropping the auction on you, but hey, to each their own!

Try to Avoid Power Bidders as Well

You probably won’t run into many Power Bidders if you stick to smaller auctions such as $10 & $25 gift cards, DVDs, Blu-Rays, and other lower-priced items. However, if you decide that you want to bid in a laptop, iPad, HDTV, or $500 gift card auctions, you should watch out for the Power Bidders. You probably want to do a little research on Power Bidders and write down some of the names that you see consistently winning the high-priced auctions. If you want to enter an auction, you should definitely look and see who is bidding before you make the commitment to bid. You might want to just throw in a few bids and watch the auction to see what happens.

Don’t Be Rude

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – give respect to other bidders and they should give respect back to you. One of the best ways to show respect to your fellow bidders is to not “stomp” on other people’s bids. stomping on someone’s bid means to bid immediately after someone without letting the other bidder’s “time clock” run down to a couple of seconds. You want to get as much clock time as possible, because for every second that someone is the highest bidder in an auction they earn “clock time” that is shown at a bar on the bottom of the screen. When the bar is filled up then DealDash will give as many free bids that you are eligible to “claim.”

I hope that you found these “don’ts” helpful. Here’s another don’t – don’t forget to check back here every day for new articles here on DealDash Tips as well as on our sister blog, DealDash Reviews. If you have any requests for specific articles, please feel free to leave a comment below.

If you’d like to use your new bidding knowledge go check DealDash for gift cards, toys, clothing, and art. DealDash has all of the items that you need. VisitDealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash Don'ts

DealDash BidBuddy Tips

DealDash BidBuddy

Everyone knows the BidBuddy, but are you really using him to the fullest potential?

We all know the awesome and powerful free tool that DealDash provides everyone that bids. The BidBuddy is obviously the best way to bid, but are you using him every single time? Here’s a tip – you should be! Here’s why.

You Aren’t Chained to the Computer

The biggest benefit to using the BidBuddy is that you are totally free to leave your computer while still bidding on the auctions that you are interested in winning. Since the BidBuddy runs automatically, you’re free to leave your computer and go to work, go outside, make dinner, clean, and spend time with your loved ones while still getting in on the DealDash action.

BidBuddy Lets You Sleep

Another great thing about using the BidBuddy is if you book bids ahead of time you don’t even have to turn your computer on to bid! You can book your Bids into your BidBuddy over a day in advance, so you can feel free to live your life and not have to stay up late or get up early to bid on the auctions that you want to win.

Never Miss a Click

Have you ever been bidding in a DealDash auction and waited 1 second too long to hit the “bid” button and missed out on the auction? I know that I have! The BidBuddy is relentless, he will bid and bid and bid without stopping, as long as you have enough bids booked in your BidBuddy. This is also a factor if your internet isn’t as reliable as it should be and flickers in and out. This doesn’t happen too much where I live, but I know that this can be a factor with people who don’t live in densely populated urban and suburban areas.

BidBuddy Makes Things Fair

The BidBuddy makes things fair for everyone. If all of the bidders are using the BidBuddy they will take turns bidding until all of the bids have run out. Whoever booked the most bids in their BidBuddy is the winner. The BidBuddy also makes things fair for everyone because they bid at the last second, assuring that all of the bidders are receiving all of the “clock time” that they are entitled to as the highest bidder.

The Reviews Speak for Themselves

So you see, there are many great reasons to be using your BidBuddy every day. If you read any consumer reviews about DealDash, you will notice that the BidBuddy is always listed as a big positive for using DealDash. Thanks for reading, and be sure to check back here for a new DealDash Tips article every day. Our sister blog, DealDash Reviews is a lifestyle blog that also posts a new article every day. Check them out!

Now that you know why you should be using the BidBuddy go test it out on DealDash! DealDash has everything that you need such as tools, toys, art, and more. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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