DealDash Tips: The Best Reasons to Bid


What are your reasons for bidding on DealDash? We all might have our own reasons, but here are some good ones to think about.

Are you trying to save money? Do you enjoy playing games? Are you a big fan of online shopping? Whatever your reasons might be, they are all valid! However, there are some really common reasons that people bid on DealDash. If you’re interested, read on for more information.

They Love to WIN

Winning an auction on DealDash is an amazing feeling! There might be a lot of tense times when you’re waiting for the auction to end, but once you see those sweet, sweet fireworks and read the message of congratulations it’s a magical feeling. Some people love the feeling of winning so much they bid and bid way past the value of the item. I wouldn’t personally recommend doing that but to each their own. There is no DealDash rule against bidding over the value of the item.

Get Products You Can’t Get Elsewhere

You might not have noticed, but there are quite a few products and companies that you can find on DealDash that you won’t see at your local mall. There are companies and products from places like Finland and France. You can’t just stop by your neighborhood big box store and buy these items. They are unique and different, and that is a great reason to bid on DealDash.

Earn Bids By Bidding

Another great reason to bid on DealDash is that you will get free bids for bidding! You can receive free bids for bidding in two different ways. The first way is just by showing up and placing a bid. If you show up every day and place a bid you will earn progressively more free bids until you reach 30 free bids daily. Don’t miss a day, though, or you will go back to the beginning.

The other way to ear free bid by bidding is by racking up time on your time clock meter. This practice is called “Time As The Highest Bidder” or “TATHB” in DealDash lingo. For every second that you are the highest bidder in an auction you meter will increase. Once your meter is full DealDash will give you free bids. If you enjoy free bids, this is an excellent reason to bid on DealDash.

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope this article was helpful for thinking of some of the best reasons to bid. Go ahead check out the auctions on DealDash and see what else you want to bid on. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid.  Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!



This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

10 Tips for DealDash Success


Are you ready for 10 tips for DealDash success? Follow these tips and win on DealDash!

There are probably hundreds of tips that I could give you for participating on DealDash auctions. However, here are 10 tips that you can use on DealDash, and some can apply to other areas of your life as well. If you’re serious about winning more DealDash auctions you won’t miss reading this article.

1 – Focus on Participating Daily

If you can focus on participating on DealDash daily it will do a few different things for you. Firstly, just like the old adage says, “Practice makes perfect.” The fact is no one will ever win every auction that they participate in (unless you WAY overbid in some of them), but the more you play the better you’ll get. Also, you’ll get free bids from DealDash for bidding daily.

2- Commit Yourself to Putting in the Time

Don’t just come to DealDash, toss in a bid on a random auction, and leave. Commit yourself to spending a little time daily watching the auctions. Watch, and learn. It will save you bids and money in the long run. Even just committing 30 minutes per day will make a big difference in your wins.

3- Seek knowledge

Every time you sign-in to DealDash should be a learning experience. Check out the Winner’s Tab to see what’s going for the most and the least money that day. Do a little product research. Watch the bidders and see who you should stick on your “Don’t bid against this person” list.

4- Make the Bidding fun

If the bidding becomes less fun and more like a chore, then you need to bid differently. DealDash is supposed to be a fun and rewarding experience, not drudgery. Maybe you need to find a new strategy.

5- Get rid of stagnating Strategies

Speaking of strategies, get rid of your old and tired ones that don’t work for you anymore. For example, I used to bid very, very late at night. I was winning like crazy. But eventually, I stopped getting those great wins. I decided to stop bidding late at night and moved my bidding to other times of day. If you’re doing something that’s not working anymore, try something else.

6- Get Imaginative

Sometimes winning takes a little imagination and innovation. Try to think of different items to bid on, different bidding patterns, or different categories. DealDash has very few rules, if you want to win, try to use your imagination.

7 – Get rid of distractions

If you’re bidding in a loud area where people keep interrupting you, then you might be missing out on some wins. It only takes a moment to get distracted and lose an auction. If you are bidding somewhere that you don’t have privacy or quiet, then you might just want to use the BidBuddy instead. He never gets distracted.

8 – Buy at a Good Price

DealDash has different sales and promotions going on practically every day. If you need bids and they are a higher price (like .18 or .19 instead of .14 or .15) then you might want to wait for another day or two. The cheaper the bids that you purchase the more bidding power you’ll have.

9 – Follow the Rules

I mentioned before that DealDash doesn’t have many rules, and it’s true. However, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with all of the rules so you don’t get in trouble and endanger your account. Just click right here for a list of the DealDash House Rules.

10 – Know When to Admit Defeat

You also need to know when to stop bidding. You won’t win every time, but the good news is that you can stop bidding at any time, buy the item for the retail price, and get all of your bids back. That’s called doing a “Buy It Now” or “BIN.” It’s available on every auction, give it a try!

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope this article was helpful for those of you learning about DealDash. Follow my Top 10 Tips and enjoy your wins.

Go ahead and check out the auctions on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has everything you need.  Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash Tips


This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Tips to Fulfill Your Bidding List on DealDash


Get all of the items on your DealDash bidding list. Here are some tips and tricks to help. Read on for more information.

Everyone has a bidding list on DealDash – even if you haven’t written it down or thought about it very much. Think about it now, don’t you have a few products that you will throw a few bids on every time that they come up for bid? I know that I certainly do. Even though I don’t have an actual list, I know that every time I see the set of cream colored queen sheets, the dinosaur night light, or anything cat-related I will always put a few bids in my BidBuddy. There are a few ways that you can increase your likelihood of winning your most coveted items on DealDash. Read the rest of this article to get some tips and tricks to get you started.

Actually Make a List

I know that I just said that I didn’t have an actual list, but it can help you immensely if you make one! When you write down exactly what you want to win from DealDash it helps you become much more focused on winning these particular items instead of getting side-tracked when you come on DealDash to bid. Simply writing your coveted items on a sticky note and keeping it near your computer can help. I don’t know about you, but when I sign in to DealDash I like to check out what’s currently up for bid, and sometimes I forget to do a search for my bidding list items. By keeping an actual list you increase your chances of remembering to search for your most wanted items.

Your BidBuddy Will Help

After you’ve made a hard copy of your bidding list, then it should be easy for you to remember to search for your items every day or two. The problem with this is you might not remember to come back and bid at the appropriate time. You can fix this problem by either setting a bookmark or by booking a BidBuddy.

Setting a bookmark is easy and takes just one click of the mouse. When you’re on DealDash you can set a bookmark for any auction you like by simply clicking the little star in the upper right-hand corner of the auction.

Booking a BidBuddy is a quick task as well. After opening up any individual auction page you will see two ways to bid. There is a “Bid Now” button and the BidBuddy. It has a blank white space, and that’s where you will input the number of bids you want to spend. After that, click “Book a BidBuddy” and your BidBuddy will now be set and ready to bid for you.

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope this article was helpful for those of you trying to get everything on your DealDash bidding list. Go ahead check out the auctions on DealDash and see what else you want to put on your list. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid.  Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash tresure

This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

DealDash Power Bidding 101 Tips


Many new bidders aspire to be Power Bidders. Here are some tips to get you on your way to becoming DealDash’s newest Power Bidder.

“What is a Power Bidder?” you might ask. A Power Bidder is someone who strives to win each and every auction that they enter, no matter what the cost. Yes, Power Bidders are the people who will bid $40 on a $25 gift card just to prove a point. “Why would I want to do that?” you might ask next. Simple! If can establish yourself as a Power Bidder whose name is fairly well known around DealDash then you can win auctions by just entering them. If you’re a known Power Bidder then many people will drop out of the auction when they see you enter. If you’d like to learn more, then read on.

Buy Lots of Bids (at a Good Price)

If you want to be a Power Bidder then you will need lots and lots of bids. When you first start out attempting to learn how to be a Power Bidder you’ll have to establish a name for yourself by winning many, many auctions. You’ll lose money at first, but once you have shown the other bidders that you mean business and that you’ll bid until you win then other bidders should start to back off when they see you coming.

If you want to establish yourself, however, you’ll want to get your bids as cheaply as possible. You will need to wait until you see the bids on a great sale, then you should buy as many as you can within your budget. The more bids you buy when you see them on a great sale, the fewer bids you will have to buy when they aren’t on a fantastic sale. When you buy bids for the lowest price possible then you increase your bidding power.

Show Up Every Day

Another way to establish yourself as a DealDash Power Bidder is to show up and bid every single day. When you show up every day then the other bidders will get to know your bidding name. When they see your bidding name over and over again, day after day, then they will remember you.

Another added bonus to coming to DealDash every day to bid is that you will receive free bids every day, as well. That’s right, for every consecutive day that you come to bid on DeaDash they will give you free bids. Power Bidder or not, everyone could use free bids! Boost your bidding power by getting free bids from DealDash every day. It’s really a win-win situation!

Thanks for Reading the Tips Blog

I hope this article was helpful for those of you learning about DealDash. It can be fun to be a Power Bidder, but it will take some time and effort to get yourself there. You can do it! I believe in you.

Go ahead check out the auctions on DealDash. Visit DealDash now to see what’s up for bid. DealDash has everything you need.  Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash Tips


This sponsored blog post was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated by DealDash for this blog post. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.